满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

词汇运用 1.Eleven cousins of an American fam...


1.Eleven cousins of an American family had their__________(胃)removed to save their lives.

2.The hospital needs some _____________doctors and nurses.(经验)

3.The Blacks got ______10 years.  (结婚)

4.Put the piano there _________ the wall. (紧靠)

5.Simon lives in a big family. But doesn’t know all his__________(亲戚)names.

6.When we saw him the old man was busy ___________(tie) the horse to the tree.

7.His dog has been ________for three days.die

8.My bike is broken and it needs ___________. (repair)

9.This meeting is important so we'll have a              (far)discussion later.

10.Can you give me some ______ on how to improve my English?  (advise)


1.stomachs 2.experienced 3.married 4.against 5.relatives’ 6.tying 7.dead 8.repairing 9.further 10.advice 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:一个美国家庭的十一个兄弟切除了他们的胃来挽救他们的生命。胃,stomachs。 2.句意:医院需要一些有经验的医生和护士。经验,experienced。 3.句意:布莱克夫妇结婚十年了。结婚,married。 4.句意:把钢琴放在那儿,紧靠墙。紧靠,against。 5.句意:西蒙生活在一个大家庭。但不知道所有他的亲戚的名字。亲戚,relatives’。 6.句意:当我们见到他时,老人正忙着把马拴到树上。be busy doing sth忙于做某事,所以填写tying。 7.句意:他的狗死了三天了。根据for three days.可知句中谓语动词必须是延续性动词,所以填写形容词形式dead。 8.句意:我的自行车坏了,它需要修理。need doing需要做,所以填写repairing。 9.句意:这个会议是很重要,所以稍后我们会进一步讨论。根据语境可知该填写比较级形式further。 10.advice。 考点:单词填空。

Animals do many different amazing things to get through the winter. Some of them migrate. They travel to other places where the weather is warmer or where they can find food.

Many birds migrate in autumn. Because the trip can be dangerous some travel in large groups. For example geese(鹅) fly in noisy “V”-shaped groups. Other kinds of birds fly alone.

Some animals stay active in winter. They must change themselves as the weather changes. Many change their doing or their bodies. For example snowshoe rabbits grow white fur to help them hide in the snow.

Food is hard to find in winter. Some animals like mice collect lots of food in autumn and store it to eat later. Some animals eat different kinds of food as the seasons change.

Some animals hibernate for part or all of the winter. This is a special very deep sleep. The animal’s body temperature drops and its heartbeat and breathing slow down. It uses very little energy. In autumn these animals get ready for winter by eating much more food than in summer and storing it as body fat. They use this fat to keep them alive while hibernating.

Water makes good protection for many animals. When the weather gets cold they move to the bottom of lakes and rivers. There frogs and many fish hide under rocks or fallen leaves. Cold water holds more oxygen than warm water and frogs can breathe through their skin.

Every type of insect has its own life cycle and that is the way it grows and changes. Different insects spend the winter in different forms of their lives. Some insects also spend the winter without moving. Some insects spend the winter as pupae(蛹). Other insects die after laying eggs in autumn. The eggs change into new insects in spring and everything begins all over again.

1.What does the underlined word “migrate” in the first paragraph most probably mean ?

A. move from one place to another    B. sleep in the winter

C. disappear                         D. look for food

2.Why do many birds fly in large groups

A. They can easily find food this way.

B. They will use little energy.

C. They can get warm at night.

D. There may be danger during the trip.

3.The main purpose of the examples in the last paragraph is to tell us ________.

A. most insects die when winter comes

B. most insects spend the winter without moving

C. different insects grow and change in their own ways

D. different insects grow and change in the same ways

4. What is the passage mainly about?

A. How living things grow and change in the winter.

B. How living things spend the winter.

C. How living things get food in the winter.

D. How living things travel in the winter.



I live in a new town with my family. There are lots of tall buildings in the town. The streets are busy and the traffic is heavy but the pollution is not very serious .

In our town more than half of the buildings have fifteen to thirty floors. Most of the people live in such tall buildings but they don’t have to climb the stairs. They use lifts to go up and down.

Many restaurants supermarkets cinemas and theatres are in very tall buildings. They are big bright and modern. So people enjoy eating shopping seeing films and watching plays in them.

The streets in our town are wide but because there are too many cars they are still very busy. Sometimes when you come to the street crossing you have to wait for the green lights for a long time. The people in our town never put rubbish everywhere or put dirty water into the river so you cannot see much pollution in our town. I hope you’ll come to visit our town if you like.

1.The streets in the writer’s town are very busy because ________.

A. there are too many cars

B. they are too wide

C. many people walk on them

D. the cars don’t go fast

2.The underlined word ‘rubbish’ means ________ in Chinese.

A. 塑料      B. 玻璃      C. 垃圾      D. 毒物

3.Which of the following is not about restaurants supermarkets cinemas and theatres?

A. Modern.     B. Noisy.      C. Bright.      D. large

4.The writer feels ________ when he talks about his hometown.

A. sorry      B. bored      C. tired      D. happy



The cartoon movie Bolt is an interesting movie. All the characters are very lovely. The movie is about a dog and his name is Bolt. Bolt is a dog star. He always thinks he is very strong. He often plays in TV programs. Many people love him. So he is a little proud.

One day people take him to New York but the poor dog is lost there. The place is far from his home town. It’s about 2000 miles away. Bolt wants to return to his world. He has to face all the danger all by himself. He begins to go across the USA.

On his way he meets Mittens a lonely cat. Then they meet a mouse. His name is Rhino. He likes watching TV very much. They become friends. They meet many strange animals and people on their way.

At last Bolt feels that he can be a hero both in TV programs and in real life. The movie is very instructive.

1.What is Bolt?

A. He likes watching TV.

B. He lives in New York.

C. He is a lonely cat.

D. He is a dog star.

2.Bolt has to go _________ miles to go back to his world.

A. 2000 B. 1000 C. 20000  D. 10000

3. Bolt meets _____________ on his way.

A. a friend B. a tiger

C. a rabbit D. many strange animals

4.What’s the meaning of the word “instructive” in Chinese?

A. 滑稽的       B. 有趣的

C. 有教育意义的 D. 好看的





FIRST HOTEL    Address222 Edward Road    Telephone414-6433

The number of rooms120  Single room $25   Double room $35

Special attractions Air-conditioned rooms. French restaurant. Swimming pool. Shops. Coffee shop and bar. Telephone radio and television in each room. Close to the city center.

FAIRVIEW HOTEL  Address 129 North Road   Telephone591-5620

The number of rooms 50   Single room $12   Double $18

Special attractions Close to the airport. Telephone in each room. Bar. Restaurant. Garage. Swimming pool.

ORCHARD HOTEL  Address 233 Edward Road   Telephone641-6446

The number of rooms120  Single room $15  Double  $20

Special attractions Facing First Hotel. European restaurant. Coffee shop. Television. Nightclub.

OSAKE HOTEL  Address 1264 Venning Road   Telephone643-8200

The number of rooms180  Single room $30  Double $50

Special attractions Air-conditioned rooms. Japanese and Chinese restaurants. Swimming pool. Large garden. Shops.


1.If you want to eat Chinese food you will go to the restaurant in _________.

A. Fairview Hotel B. First Hotel

C. Orchard Hotel  D. Osaka Hotel

2.If a Japanese traveler likes to eat in a French restaurant _______ is the right place for him to go to.

A. 233 Edward Road     B. 1264 Venning Road

C.222 Edward Road      D. 129 North Road

3.Which hotel faces Orchard Hotel?

A. First Hotel        B. Osaka Hotel

C. Fariview Hotel     D. No hotel



We are lucky to live in a rich country where we have many things. However most of us usually  _________ some things.

Electricity is one thing that we waste ___________. Lights TVs _________and other things are often kept on even when no one is using them. We should turn them off when we do not need them. It _________ less than a second to do it. Anyhow not wasting electricity save money because we do not have to _________ the electricity we do not use.

The second thing that we often waste is water. Fresh water is precious,_________it shouldn’t be wasted.It is only a simple matter of turning off a tap. I am sure _________ can do this easily if he wants to.

_________ big waste is food. My mother_________ cook so much food that much of it was thrown away. I told her we had wasted so much _________  . She thought I was right and now cooks __________ what we can eat.

It is not  _________   to be wasteful. I find there is a simple _________ of not wasting things. That is to use only what we  _________ . Do not touch what we do not need. _________ this way we can stop being wasteful.

1.A. use          B. wash        C. waste       D. forget .

2.A. little       B. most        C. few         D. least

3.A. radios       B. apples     C. bikes       D. doors

4.A. brings      B. costs      C. keeps        D. takes

5.A. afford      B. save       C. pay for      D. care for

6.A. though       B. because    C. so          D. but

7.A. nobody       B. something   C. everybody  D. nothing

8.A. Others       B. Other       C. Another     D. The other

9.A. planned to   B. used to     C. was able to  D. was afraid to

10.A. electricity B. water      C. food         D. money

11.A. mainly      B. only       C. mostly      D. specially

12.A. right      B. fine       C. bad         D. necessary

13.A. way        B. thing       C. plan        D. project

14.A. buy        B. need       C. bring        D. get

15.A. On         B. In          C. For         D. At



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