满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



Ms James: This morning’s class is about first aid (急救), or offering someone medical help. Let’s imagine an accident. A boy is lying on the ground. He isn’t moving or making a sound. He is in a lot of pain (痛苦万分). What can we do to help him?

Betty: First of all, find out what’s the matter with him.

Ms James: How do we do that?

Betty: Ask him.

Ms James: Ok. But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you.

Lingling: Shout for help? Call 120?

Ms James: Good idea, but what should we do before help arrives?

Tony: Make him comfortable.

Ms James: And how can we do that?

Tony: Lift him up and sit him on a chair?

Ms James: No, that could be dangerous! You could drop him and hurt him even more. Betty, you must know! You did some medical training.

Betty: Make sure he’s warm. Cover him with a coat.

Ms James: That’s such good advice that you could be a doctor, Betty!

1. Not all the students in Ms James’ class know the enough knowledge (知识) about first aid.

2.We should move the boy to a more comfortable place before help arrives.

3.It is a good idea to keep the boy warm.


1.A 2.B 3.A 【解析】 试题分析:对话的内容是有关急救演习方面一堂实践课。假定一个男孩躺地楼梯底部,他不动,也不出声。应该如何来帮助他,不同的同学给出了不同的建议,从回答的情况来看,并非詹姆斯女士班上的每个同学都知道有关急救方面的丰富的常识。 1.A细节判断题。根据短文中出现的句子“Tony: Lift him up and sit him on a chair? Ms James: No, that could be dangerous!”可知,与原文相符,答案为A。 2.B 细节判断题。根据短文中出现的句子“Make sure he’s warm. Cover him with a coat. ”确保他不受凉。给你盖上件外套。以及第一个判断题中的有关内容,可知,不要乱动小男孩的位置。与原文不符,答案为B。 3. 细节判断题。根据短文中出现的句子“Betty: Make sure he’s warm. Cover him with a coat. Ms James: That’s such good advice that you could be a doctor, Betty!”可知,注意给小孩保暖是一个好主意,与原文相符,答案为A。 考点:科普类短文阅读。

My grandma came over ______________ I sat down in front of the TV.

A. unless          B. until

C. as soon as       D. while



You should save some money __________ you can buy a gift for your mother.

A. in order to         B. because

C. so                  D. so that



Tom eats an apple every day __________ healthy.

A. keeps              B. is kept

C. to keep            D. kept



Could I __________ a dictionary from you, David?

Sorry, I __________ it to my cousin yesterday.

A. lend; borrowed         B. borrow; lend

C. borrow; lent           D. lend; borrow



__________ he exercises every day, __________ he is not very strong.

A. Although; /            B. Because; /

C. Although; but            D. Because; so



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