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根据短文内容,从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整正确。 Many...


Many young people in China today are only worried about getting good jobs to make lots of money. In their free time, they think about what to do for fun. 1.Every year thousands of young people in England finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to universities. Some young people go to other countries and work as volunteers. 2. For example, they work in schools or hospitals, or they do something helpful for the environment.

Pauline Jones, 18, lives in Cardiff, Wales. 3.However, now, she’s living in Belize (伯利兹,中美洲国家). Pauline says, “I’m working with other people here to save the coral reefs (珊瑚礁) in the sea near Belize. The reefs here are beautiful, but if the sea water is very polluted, the coral dies. I’m helping to do research (研究) on the coral and the fish that live around the reefs. All over the world, coral reefs are dying. 4.

“I’m staying with a family here and I help do some housework. I don’t get any money, but

that’s OK. I love my work here, and I’m learning a lot about the people of Belize and myself!    5. I want to travel around Belize and Central America.”

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1.D 2.F 3.A 4.C 5.E 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲述的是在英国,每年都有成千上万的高中生毕业,他们在上大学或者工作之前,会花费一年的时间去其他国家做志愿者。Pauline Jones就是这样的一个年轻人。 1.D句意:然而,在英国情况就不同了。上文提到中国的青年担心找不到一份好的工作,空闲时间,只考虑如何娱乐。而在英国,大多数的青年会去做志愿者。与中国的青年明显不同。故答案为D。 2.F句意:志愿者把时间用来帮助别人。通过后面的举例“For example, they work in schools or hospitals, or they do something helpful for the environment.”可知,志愿者把时间用在帮助别人身上。故答案为F。 3.A句意:明年,她想要去大学学习中文。上文提到,每年成千上万的英国年轻人在完成学业后,开始工作或去大学之前要休假一年,通常做些志愿者工作。结合上下句理解,答案为A。 4.C句意:我们对于这个问题,一定要采取措施,不要等到为时已晚。根据上句“All over the world, coral reefs are dying.”可知,珊瑚礁遇到了濒临灭绝的危险。我们必须采取措施来保护它们。故答案为C。 5.E句意:当我完成我的工作,我想在这里再呆三个月。根据短文最后的句子“I want to travel around Belize and Central America.”可知,Pauline Jones在完成志愿者工作后,想环游伯利兹和中美洲。故答案为E。 考点:短文还原(六选五)


Guide dogs (导盲犬) are a big help to blind people. A guide dog helps its owner cross the street and do many other things. But it is not easy to become a guide dog. Here’s what a dog must do to get the job:

1. When the dog is very young, trainers watch the dog to make sure it is friendly and quiet.

2. For one year, the dog goes to live with a testing (试验) family. The family teaches the dog some simple words, like “Sit!” and “Stay!”

3. Then the dog goes to school, where trainers teach the dog to lead a person. The dog must learn to stay clear of cars and other dangers in the street or in the neighborhood.

4. The trainers take the dog into town to practice going into stores and banks.

5. If the dog has done well at school, it is ready to meet his blind owner. Now they will work as a team.

1.Guide dogs learn the words “sit” and “stay” with the help of __________.

A. school trainers       B. their owners

C. their parents        D. testing families

2.The Chinese meaning of the phrase “stay clear of” is ___________.

A. 待在                B. 避开

C. 清除                 D. 接近

3.The story is probably written to __________.

A. explain how guide dogs are trained

B. tell people to get pet dogs

C. compare dogs with other pets

D. help blind people find the right pet

4.You would probably find this passage in __________.

A. a book about families

B. a book of stories

C. a book about working animals

D. a book of cartoons




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1.Which month is Martin Luther King Jr. Day in?

A. January.         B. March.

C. August.        D. December.

2.How old was King when he died?

A. 29.               B. 39.

C. 65.               D. 68.

3.What’s the purpose (目的) of the time line (时间轴)in this article?

A. To teach the students how to draw a time line.

B. To give more information of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

C. To tell more about Martin Luther King Jr.

D. To explain why King made his speech “I have a dream”.




Ms James: This morning’s class is about first aid (急救), or offering someone medical help. Let’s imagine an accident. A boy is lying on the ground. He isn’t moving or making a sound. He is in a lot of pain (痛苦万分). What can we do to help him?

Betty: First of all, find out what’s the matter with him.

Ms James: How do we do that?

Betty: Ask him.

Ms James: Ok. But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you.

Lingling: Shout for help? Call 120?

Ms James: Good idea, but what should we do before help arrives?

Tony: Make him comfortable.

Ms James: And how can we do that?

Tony: Lift him up and sit him on a chair?

Ms James: No, that could be dangerous! You could drop him and hurt him even more. Betty, you must know! You did some medical training.

Betty: Make sure he’s warm. Cover him with a coat.

Ms James: That’s such good advice that you could be a doctor, Betty!

1. Not all the students in Ms James’ class know the enough knowledge (知识) about first aid.

2.We should move the boy to a more comfortable place before help arrives.

3.It is a good idea to keep the boy warm.



My grandma came over ______________ I sat down in front of the TV.

A. unless          B. until

C. as soon as       D. while



You should save some money __________ you can buy a gift for your mother.

A. in order to         B. because

C. so                  D. so that



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