满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



Are you interested in mountain climbing? Perhaps you think it’s so __________ that only a few people like it. In fact, in many countries, it’s very popular with young people. They think it’s __________exciting to climb the mountains and they can get more from it—One step after another finally brings them to top. __________the way, they can stop and look around. And the higher they climb, the__________ wonderful view(风景) they will see. Most of them have met different kinds of hard problems, but instead of giving up, they try to help __________ out of danger. Aron Ralston is a famous example. He is an American. He had a terrible __________ on April 26,2003. His right arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock. He hoped someone could find him and save him. Five days later, he realized he would die if he didn’t try to save himself. He had to __________ the right arm with his knife by himself. Then, with his left hand, he bandaged himself ___________ he climbed down the mountains to find help.

Now, he still goes to climb the mountains. He says, I like taking __________ . But now I know when I meet problems, It’s important to keep a clear mind and try to face them. I must __________my life.”

1.A. safe            B. dangerous         C. sunburned

2.A. really         B. properly          C. recently

3.A. Against         B. Since          C. Along

4.A. fewer           B. more             C. less

5.A. themselves      B. ourselves         C. yourselves

6.A. development     B. journey           C. accident

7.A. cut out        B. cut off          C. cut up

8.A. so that        B. in order to      C. right away

9.A. medicine       B. breaks           C. risks

10.A. realize        B. control          C. imagine


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B 【解析】 试题分析:登山运动尽管危险,事实上,在许多国家,这项活动深受年轻人的欢迎,他们认为登山真的很令人激动。在困难面前,他们敢于挑战自己,永不言弃。 1.B考查形容词及语境理解。句意:也许你认为它太危险了,只有少数人喜欢爬山。A. safe 安全的;B. dangerous危险的;C. sunburned晒伤的;依据句意可知,答案为B。 2.A考查副词及语境理解。句意:他们认为登山真的很令人激动。A. really事实上,真正地;B. properly 正确地;C. recently最近。副词修饰动词,依据句意,答案为A。 3.C考查介词及语境理解。句意:沿途,他们可以停下来看看周围(的美景)。 A. Against 反对;B. Since 自从;C. Along沿着。along the way沿途的意思。故答案为C。 4.B考查比较级及语境理解。句意:他们攀爬的越高,他们看到的美丽的风景越多。A. fewer 更少;B. more 更多;C. less更少。登高望远,尽收眼底的风景会更多。故答案为B。 5.A考查反身代词及语境理解。句意:不言放弃,他们试图帮助自己脱离危险。A. themselves他们自己;B. ourselves 我们自己; C. yourselves你们自己。反身代词应与前面的主语保持一致,故答案为A。 6.C考查名词及语境理解。句意:2003年4月26日,他发生了一个可怕的事故。A. development发展;B. journey旅行;C. accident事故。have an accident发生意外的意思。 7.B考查动词词组辨析及语境理解。句意:他不得不自己用刀切断了自己的右臂。A. cut out删除;B. cut off 切断;C. cut up 切碎。依据句意可知,答案为B。 8.A考查连词及语境理解。句意:他缠上绷带,以便于爬下了山去寻找帮助。A. so that以便;B. in order to 为了;C. right away立刻,马上。so that后跟表示结果的状语从句。故答案为A。 9.C考查名词及语境理解。句意:我喜欢冒险。A. medicine 药;B. breaks 中断;C. risks风险。take risks动词词组,冒险的意思。故答案为C。 10. realize意识到;B. control 控制;C. imagine设想。结合句意,命运应该掌握在自己的手中。故答案为B。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。

Her son______ Coke, but now he______ milk.

A. used to drinking; is used to drink.

B. is used to drinking; used to drink  

C. used to drink; is used to drinking.



—Can we walk across the river now?

—No, we can’t. The water ______ after the heavy rain yesterday.

A.  rose         B. beat      C. dropped



Everyone was ______when they heard the______ news.

A. exciting; exciting       B. excited; exciting       C. exciting; excited



—If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor.


A.  I’m not sure.     B. It doesn’t matter.      C. OK. Thanks.



       all his friends advised him to give up it, he still decided to take a risk.

A. Although         B. But         C. Or



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