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Do you like listening to music? Do you often turn up the music when you’re using earphones? If so, your hearing may have been damaged(损坏).

The World Health Organization (WHO) is worried that 1.1 billion children and young people are damaging their hearing by listening to loud music. Nearly half the young people in developed countries may lose their hearing because of the "unsafe use" of music players, including smartphones. Loud music in nightclubs, parties and at sports also make it worse. The WHO advises young people to listen to music for just one hour a day. Dr. Etienne Krug told BBC: "What we're trying to do is to draw people's attention to a problem that is not talked about enough." He said it's easy to solve this problem.

Dr. Krug said keeping the music down and limiting (限制) the listening time to less than one hour a day would save a lot of people's hearing. However, he also said, "Even an hour can be too much if the music is too loud.” Ralph Holme, a researcher, explained how loud noise can damage ears. He said: "Loud sounds damage your hearing by killing off thousands of little hair cells(细胞) in the inner ear. The cells can tell different sounds through vibration(振动). But they are very fragilethey get damaged easily and even die if they vibrate too much because of loud sounds for too long.” He warned: "The bigger problem is they don't grow back and the ear can no longer get sound."

No one wants to lose their hearing! Therefore, next time when you listen to music, make sure it's not too loud and only listen for less than an hour. You can enjoy your music much better in this way.

1.How are the children and young people damaging their hearing?.

A.By using smartphones.              B.By going to the party.

C.By listening to loud music.         D.By talking with friends.

2.How long does WHO advise young people to listen to music a day?

A.For a long time.                    BFor just one hour.

C.For half of the day.                DFor more than one hour.

3.What does the word “fragile” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Weak.           B.Clever.

C.Small.          DStrong.

4.From the passage we can learn that __________.

A.keeping the music down would save young people's hearing

B.the damaged cells can grow back and the ear can get sound

C.young people lose their hearing because of going to the nightclubs

D.the problem of young people's hearing damage is talked about enough


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:提高英语的听力和阅读水平,需要有科学的技巧。 1. 2. 3. 4. 考点:教育类阅读


Suspended (待用的) Coffee

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This story will warm you better than a coffee on a cold winter day.

One day, my friend and I entered a little coffee house and ordered two cups of coffee. While we were waiting, two young men came in and began to order, "Five cups of coffee, please. Two of them for us and three suspended." They paid for their order, took the two and left. I asked my friend: "What are those 'suspended' coffees?" Instead of giving me the answer, he told me to wait and see.

Some more people came. Two girls asked for one coffee each, paid and went away. Then came three lawyers who paid for seven coffees—three for themselves and four suspended. While I still wondered what the suspended coffees were, I enjoyed the sunny weather and the beautiful view in front of the coffee house. Suddenly a poor man like a beggar(乞丐) came into the coffee house. He kindly ordered a suspended coffee and sat there to drink it.

At that moment, I knew the meaning of the suspended coffees. It's simple — people pay the coffee in advance(预先) for someone who can't afford it. The tradition with the suspended coffees started in Italy, but it has spread all over the world. Meanwhile, I understood suspended coffee is not only a cup of coffee, but also the warmth and love to someone in need.

1.How many cups of coffee did the two young men order?

A.One.                  B.Four.

C.Five.                  D.Seven.

2.Who ordered a suspended coffee ?

A.My friend.            B.Two girls.

C.Three lawyers.      D.A poor man.

3.The tradition with the suspended coffee started in ______.

A.America             B.Italy

C. England              D.Canada

4.The writer wants to tell us to ______.

A.pay for others        B.enjoy the sunshine

C.help someone in need   D.order more than before




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1.You are good with children, so you can call at ________.

A.605-968-5957         B.602-752-3425

C.601-200-4365        D.604-368-2745

2.If you are interested in repairing things, you can go to ________.

A.Blue Water Beach

B.Home Love

C.Sunny Children's Hospital

D.S.O.S Children's Village

3.If you want to volunteer on the beach this weekend, it will take you ________.

A.one hour                B.two hours

C.eight hours             D.ten hours

4.What can you do in S.O.S Children's Village?

A.Clean up the beach.    B.Fix up old things.

CPlay fun games.        D.Teach English.




Subway Hero

It was 7:15 am on 15th April, 2010. Forty-year-old Earl Brown was waiting for the train at the subway station in New York City. His two sons, aged five and eight, were with him at the time.

Suddenly, a sick young man fell down on the platform(站台). The man, 24-year-old James Wilson, got up, but then ______ againthis time, onto the track(轨道) between the two rails. A train was coming into the station. It was a______moment, and an accident seemed to be about to happen. The young man’s life was going to be in danger if the train did not stop. Everybody on the platform was very worried about the young man as his life could be gone in a few______ .

But Mr. Brown stayed calm. He looked at the man, and looked at the space that the man was in. It was about half a meter ______ . He thought to himself, "The train is going to travel over the man. If he tries to get up, the train will definitely kill him. However, the young man will be OK if he lies on the ground and doesn’t move." At this time, Mr. Brown knew he had to make a tough ______, and it would be very important for this young man.

Without further hesitation (犹豫), Mr. Brown jumped onto the track. He ______ on top of Mr. Wilson, and kept him down on the ground inside the subway track. The train driver saw both of them. He was terrified, but there was no way for him to______ in time. The train travelled over the two men before it was finally stopped.

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The people on the platform were shocked to see what had happened. When Mr. Brown heard them shouting, he shouted, "We’re fine, but tell my sons I’m OK." People on the platform clapped(鼓掌) and cheered their ______they were amazed at Mr. Brown’s courage and bravery. Subway staffs helped the two men walk out of the track safely. An ambulance(救护车) arrived and took Mr. Wilson to the nearest hospital. Luckily, there was nothing serious with him.

In a radio interview, Mr. Brown was asked why he was so brave when the accident happened. He______ said, "My coat got dirty but that’s it." He added, "I’m not a brave man and I was terribly afraid of it too. I just saw someone who needed help at that time. It was the ______ thing to do, so I did it."

1.A.fell         B.stood         C.stayed         D.waited

2.A.wrong       B.natural       C.magical         D.terrible

3.A.days        B.hours         C.minutes         D.seconds

4.A.wide         B.high          C.deep           D.long

5.A.decision     B.suggestion     C.description     D.discussion

6.A.sat         B.lay            C.ran            D.hid

7.A.leave        B.reach          C.stop            D.move

8.A.star         B.hero          C.leader          D.driver

9.A.simply       B.excitedly     C.hurriedly      D.proudly

10.A.true        B.right          C.brave           D.Great



— Can you tell me ________?

— Sure. It’s next to the supermarket.

A. where is the bookstore       B. where was the bookstore

C. where the bookstore is       D. where the bookstore was



E-book ________by more and more people in our daily life now.

A. uses             B. used

C. is used          D. was used



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