满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 When...


When you are learning English, you find it not clever to put an English sentence, word for word, into your own language.Take the sentence “How do you do?” as an example.If you look up each word in the dictionary, once at a time, what is your translation? It must be a wrong sentence in your own language.

Language do not just have different sounds, they are different in many ways.It’s important to master(掌握) the rules(规则) for word order in the study of English, too.If the sentences put words in a wrong order, the listene rs can’t understand the speakers’ sentences easily.Sometimes when the order is changed, the meaning of the sentence doesn’t change.Let’s se e the difference between the two pairs of sentences.

“She only likes apples.” “Only she likes apples.”

“I’ve seen the film already.” “I have already seen the film.”

When you are learning English, you must do  your best to get the spirit(精神实质) of the language and use it as the English speakers do.

1.From the passage we know that___________when we are learning English.

A.we shouln’t put every word into our own language

B.we shouldn’t look up every word in the dictionary

C.we need to put every word into our own language

D.we must read word  by word

2.The writer thinks it is___________in learning English.

A.difficult to understand different sounds

B.possible to remember the word order

C.important to master the rules in different ways

D.easy to master the rules for word order

3.We can learn from the passage that___________.

A.the meaning of an English sentence always changes with the order of the words

B.the order of words can never change the meaning of an English sentence

C.sometimes different order of words has a different meaning

D.if the order of words is different, the meaning of the sentence must be different

4.“She only likes apples,” ____________

A.is the same as “Only she likes apple”.

B.is different from “Only she likes apple”.

C.means “She likes fruit except apples”.

D.means “She doesn’t like apples”.

5.Which is the best title for this passage?

A.Different Orders, Different Meanings

B.How to speak English?

C.How to Put English into Our Own Language?

D.How to Learn English?


1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.D 【解析】 试题分析: 本文主要讲的是我们如何去学好英语,我们不应该仅仅从词义上去理解英语单词,还要注意语境及词语搭配,语序等问题. 1.细节理解题根据这句When you are learning English, you find it not clever to put an English sentence, word for word, into your own language.话意思,学习英语时,逐词翻译是不聪明的。故选A. 2.细节理解题 根据这句话It’s important to master(掌握) the rules(规则) for word order in the study of English, too.知在学习英语中掌握各种不同方法很重要。故选C。 3.细节理解题根据这句话Sometimes when the order is changed, the meaning of the sentence doesn’t change知不同的词序会有不同的含义。答案C和这句意思相近。故选C 。 4.细节理解题 ‘She only likes apples’意思是她只喜欢苹果,“Only she likes apple’意思是只有她喜欢苹果。A.B.D都不对。故选C。 5.细节理解题 文章主要讲的就是如何学好英语。故选D。 考点:教育类阅读


How old is “old”? The answer has changed over the years.Two hundred years ago, you were old at 35.At the beginning of the 20th century, the average (平均) life span(跨度) was 45.In 1950,70-year-olds were really old.Today, a healthy 70-year-old person is still thought young.

So, how old is old? The answer is one you've heard many times, from all kinds of people.“You are as old(or young) as you feel.” Your age simply tells you how many years you have lived.Your body tells you how well you've lived.

“Nobody grows old by living a number of years,” wrote a writer.“People grow old when they don't have their ideals (理想).” People should not have the wrong ideals about aging.Sometimes, old minds can be as bright as young minds.Alice Brophy once said, “It makes me happy who people say.You look young for your age.” What does that mean? You know you can die old at 30 (可能30岁老死) and live young at 80.

1.About 100 years ago, the ave rage life span was _______.

A.35                   B.80

C.70                    D.45

2.Th e meaning of the word “aging” is _______.

A. growing old          B. staying young

C. keeping healthy     D. feeling unhappy

3.According to the passage, which of the following is true?

A. Older people are not as bright as young people.

B. All older people are healthy and strong.

C. Aging does not mean you become unhealthy.

D. Most older people are unhealthy and poor.

4.Which question is NOT answered in the passage?

A. Can old people be as bright as young people?

B. How old is “old” ?

C. What tells you how well you've lived?

D. What is the average life span today?

5.The passage is mainly about _______.

A. the average life span

B. aging

C. the 20th century

D. older people and young people




A______boy never went to the market(集市)______.One day, his father let him______to the market to sell shoes made by themselves.When the boy got there with a big bag of shoes, the market was already crowded(拥挤).He found a place, put down the bag and carefully watched people______.He didn’t get home ______the sun set.“How many pairs of shoes did you_______today?” “Not a single(单一) pair!” said the boy_______great sorrow.“What? What did you stay there the whole day______?” shouted his father,“______needed shoes, father,” said the boy.“I saw everyone had a pair of shoes ______.”

1.A.twenty year old   B.twenty-year old C.twenty years old  D.twenty-year-old

2.A.as usual          B.before          C.ago             D.in front

3.A.to go           B.to going        C.go               D.went

4.A.coming and going  B.co ming and go  C.come and going   D.to come and go

5.A.when              B.after           C.as               D.until

6.A.buy               B.bought          C.sell            D.sold

7.A.has               B.had             C.with            D.on

8.A.do                B.did             C.to              D.for

9.A.No one            B.Nobody one      C.Every one       D.Everyone

10.A.in               B.for             C.with            D.on



It’s silly    you    your car at such a low price.

A. for; to sell             B. of; to sell

C. for; sell               D. of; sell



Do you think _________ should be allowed to drive?

A. sixteen-year-old        B. seventeen-year-olds

C. fifteen-year-old         D. eighteen-years-olds



Swimming is good _____ our health, but at the same time we mustn’t forget the danger.

A. for         B. at

C. on          D. with



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