满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- Could you tell me how to get to Xuzh...

--- Could you tell me how to get to Xuzhou Station,please?


A. No,I couldn’t.

B. Don’t ask me.

C. Thank you all the same.

D. Certainly.You can take the No. 1  Bus.


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:—你能告诉我怎样才能到达徐州车站吗?—当然。你可以乘第一路公共汽车。本题主要考查情景交际,根据语境,这是问路的表达方式,A、B、C不合题意,故选D 考点:考查情景交际的用法  

—Is this _________ ruler?

—No. ________ is over there.

A. her; Her       B. hers; Hers

C. her; Hers      D. hers; Her



书面表达假设你是Simon, 用英文给你朋友Kitty写封信,邀请她来参加你的生日聚会,并告诉她到你家的路怎么走。词数在70 左右。

要点:1. 在Kitty家附近乘12路车到Red Star站下车;

2 沿着北大街往前走,在第二个交通灯处向右转;

3 一直往前走,会看见一座桥,过桥然后左转进入公园路;

4 走过超市,在这条路的尽头Kitty会看见你家;

5 活动:球类运动,唱歌。

6 ……(用一到二句话展开合理发挥)

Dear Kitty,

I’m going to have a birthday party this Saturday. I hope you can come to my party._________________________________________________________________________













完成句子  按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。答案必须填写在答题卷相应的横线上,每格限填一词。


Thank you for _______ _______ _______ your hometown.


I’m _______ ________ _______ have a friend _______ you.

3. 在你回家的路上发生了什么事?

What _______ on _______ _______ _______?

4. 我的手表坏了.我不得不找人来修理它。

My watch is _______.I_______ _______ask someone to _______it.

5. Millie 正在为晚会穿什么而发愁呢。

Millie is _______ _______ what to _______to the party.




Do you get or make your pocket money? Making and using your money in the right way or saving some for the future is important. It can make you hard-working and make your life colourful. It’s also good for your future. It’s easier to start these good habits when you’re young. You can start it now. But remember, you should start with something you like.

Meghan Coyle is a 12-year-old girl. She made more than $320 in two years by walking dogs after school.

“I’m a dog-lover. And I became a dog-walker two years ago. I really enjoy it and it always brings me fun. My mum never gives me pocket money, so I have to make money by myself. Lots of kids don’t know how hard it can be to have a job. It can be hard to keep customers happy. There were some days when it was raining and I wanted to stay at home, but I still went out with a dog,”Coyle said.“Start a business that you like.”First, you have to advertise(登广告).The easiest and safest way is to talk with neighbours and family friends. After you have the customers, keep them happy! Send cards to them during holidays. That always surprises them. Be always willing to do more than they ask. Try your best to keep them coming back.”

Is it a good idea to do some work in your free time to make pocket money? Now think about it and start your own business!

Making your own pocket money

Importance  of  making

your own money

It makes your life1.

and  it’s good for your _2.


A  story  of







Her  deed

( 事迹 )


She started working as a 3. two years ago.

She first advertised and

when she had customers,

she tried to make them

happy. She does 4.than they ask.



Her  feeling

She enjoys it because she

can get fun as well as money. It can be 5., but meaningful.





1.They will visit the museum if it________( not be ) rainy tomorrow.

2.—Where is Tom ?—He___________ (plan) a trip to Hainan with his friends .

3.She with his friends _________often__________( not fly )a kite in the park near her home.

4.Fish__________( not have )eyelids (眼睑).

5. My mother often tells me __________( not be )late for school.

6.We find it difficult__________( work ) out the maths problem.

7.Listen! How beautiful the English song_________(sound)!

8.We hope all of you __________( enjoy ) yourselves at the English corner.



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