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Several years ago, people knew Yao Ming ...

Several years ago,      people knew Yao Ming .But now he is well-known all over the world, not only in China .

A. few              B.little

C.many              D. most


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:几年前,几乎没有人知道姚明,但是现在不仅中国,整个世界都知道他。little和a little修饰不可数名词 few和a few修饰可数名词 little和few强调少,表示否定的含义,a little和a few强调有一些表示肯定的含义。结合句意,故选A  

I wanted       basketball but I       run fast .

A. to play;can’t        B. play;couldn’t

C.play the;can’t         D. to play;couldn’t



Maria and Tony ____English girls.

A. are all          B. are both

C. all are          D. both are




Juan Antonio Samaranch(萨马兰奇) was born on July 17th, 1920 and died on April 21th, 2010. He was a Spanish sprots official who served as the 7th President of the International Olympic Committee(奥委会) from 1980 to 2001. He loved sports, like shooting, boxing, football, horse-riding and other sports. He was especially fond of collecting stamps. On July 13th, 2001, he announced(宣布) in Moscow Beijing was going to host(举办) the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. He came to China 17 times and he was very friendly to Chinese people. He praied(赞扬) the Beijing Olympic Games is the most successful Olympics ever.

The Chinese people cannot thank Samaranch enough because he helped realize their Olympic dream. Samaranch was loved by sports lovers across the world, and his death is a loss to the world’s sports. He was away from us quietly forever. But we will never forget his words and try to realize his expectations.(期盼)


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A: Good afternoon. Can I 1. you?

B: Yes, 2. looking for a T-shirt for my father.

A: I’d be glad to show you some. Which 3. do you like?

B: I prefer blue.

A: Here is a blue one. Do you like it?

B: It is a very nice shirt. But I think the light blue one 4. the right looks much nicer, doesn’t it?

A: Yes. Here is a light blue one.

B: How 5. is it?

A: Sixty-five.

B: All 6.. I’ll take it.

A: Is there 7. else?

B: No, nothing else. Thank you.

A: Very well. Here you are.




Librarian: Good morning! 1.

Maria: Good morning! I’m looking for some books for my daughter.

Librarian: All right, what kind of books does she like?

Maria: 2.

Librarian: OK. Did she read “The Secret Garden before?”

Maria: 3.Because she is very young.

Librarian: Really? 4.

Marian: She’s six years old.

Librarian: I suggest you take this book. It’s very funny and easy. 5.

Marian: That’s a good idea. You are so kind. She likes funny books. 6.__

Librarian: For two weeks. 7. It’s a rule. So don’t forget to return it on time.

Maria: _8. It must be returned on time. Thank you very much.

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