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阅读理解,阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项. ...


It was Christmas Eve.When everyone went to bed,Bunny couldn’t fall asleep.He still couldn’t think of whathe wanted as a special Christmas present.He wondered how Santa﹣Father Christmaswould know what to bring him if he didn’t know himself.

As he was sitting up in bed,Bunny heard a big noise on the roof(屋顶) and a sound downstairs.It was Santa Claus,he realized.Bunny jumped out of bed and ran down the hall to the stairs.He hoped to take a look at the old man before Santa left for his next stop.

By the time Bunny wasat the bottom of the stairs,everything was silentagain.Lots of presents were put under the Christmas tree,but Santa was gone.A little disappointed(失望的),Bunny turned to climb back upstairs when he heard a cry.

“Hello,”said Bunny.“Is somebody there?”

He was answered by another cry.Bunny looked around the big pile of presents to see what was making the noise.Right under the tree was a funny looking brown animal with big feet and sad eyes.It also had antlers(鹿角) on its head.Bunny almost mistook it for a dog.

“Are you a reindeer?”asked Bunny.

“Yes,”replied the brown animal with antlers.“My name is Ralph.”

“And you were pulling Santa’s sled(雪橇)?”

“I was until I got air﹣sick,”replied Ralph.“Santa had to leave me here and go on with the other seven reindeer.”

“Isn’t it a bit unusual for a reindeer to get air﹣sick?I mean,isn’t flying what reindeer are famous for?”

“Not me,I’m afraid.It makes me scared.I always feel sick when it comes to flying,”replied Ralph.“But everyone wanted me to pull Santa’s sled,so when it was my turn I gave it a try.I’m afraid I just wasn’t cut out for the job.Now I’m stuck here and I don’t know how to get back to the North Pole.”

“Well,if you like,you can stay with us as a friend,”said Bunny.As he made the offer,Bunny suddenly realized the special present he wanted from Santa was a new friend!

【题文1】Why couldn’t Bunny fall asleep on Christmas Eve? _____

A.He wanted to take a close look at Santa Claus.

B.He was waiting for his special present from his father.

C.He was thinking about what present to get from Santa.

D.He was woken up by a noise on the roof of his house.

【题文2】The underlined phrase“cut out”probably means _____

A.suitable         B.famous

C.ready           D.bad

【题文3】What can we learn from the article?_____

A.Ralph is a brown dog with antlers.

B.Ralph is afraid of flying in the air.

C.Bunny got a sled as a Christmas present.

D.Bunny sent Ralph back to the North Pole.

【题文4】This article seems to tell us that _____

A.Santa lives in the South Pole with his reindeer

B.Santa usually puts Christmas presents on the roofs

C.Santa uses dogs to bring children presents on Christmas Eve

D.Santa knows what presents children want without being told.


【题文1】C 【题文2】A 【题文3】B 【题文4】D 【解析】 试题分析:【题文1】由句子He wondered how Santa﹣Father Christmas would know what to bring him 可知,他想知道圣诞老人带给他什么礼物. 【题文2】根据文意可知,驯鹿飞行时会晕,它可能自己不适合拉雪橇这项工作,故选:A. 【题文3】由It makes me scared.I always feel sick when it comes to flying可知,这支驯鹿害怕飞翔. 【题文4】由Bunny suddenly realized the special present he wanted from Santa was a new friend!可知,圣诞老人送驯鹿来给邦尼做朋友,所以他知道他想要的礼物. 【点评】做阅读理解时,要注意培养自己快速阅读的习惯.切不可在个别难懂的词句上磨蹭,只要全篇理解了,个别难懂的词句可以根据上下文和构词法去猜测,去推断. 考点:逸闻趣事类阅读;人物故事类阅读.  


From:Wendy and Jack Brown

Date:September 22,2014

To:8th and 9th graders at R.L.S.Junior School


Bonjour!(That means hello in French.)

We hope you all had a great summer.Ours was a lot of fun.We have seen so many new things and met so many wonderful people.The Frenchgave us a warm welcome and helped us get used to living here soon.We have so many things to share with all of you.We are going to send you more emails,but here are the best parts of our holiday in France so far.

We had a fantastic time seeing the Tour de France this summer.It is the most famous bicycle race in the world.The riders travel more than two thousand miles in about a month!We got a quick look at the riders as they sped past!After the race,our family rented bikes,and rode along part of the route that the cyclists used.

A few of you asked whether the French really eat snails(蜗牛).The answer is yes.We went out to dinner the other day,and our parents ordered some.We each tried one and it didn’t taste too bad.The snails,called escargots,are served with lots of butter.They feel a little rubbery when you bite into them,but they don’t really have much taste.Mum’s favourite food here is the French pastries.Dad loves the red wine.Our favourite is the fresh bread from the shop down the street.

We went to visit the EiffelTower a few weeks ago.We went all the way to the top.It was a sunny day,so we could see for miles and miles into the distance.Dad doesn’t like heights,so he stayed at the bottom of the tower and took pictures from the ground.

We miss all of you a lot.Write back to us and let us know what is new at home.

Au revoir!(Can you guess what that means in French?)

Wendy and Jack Brown

【题文1】What do the Browns think of French people?_____

A.Friendly.        B.Funny.

C.Welcome.           D.Popular.

【题文2】Jack’s favourite food in France is _____

A.tasty snails       B.French pastries

C.fresh bread         D.red wine

【题文3】Which of the following is NOT true according to the email?_____

A.Wendy and Jack got used to the life in France soon.

B.Tour de France is the best﹣known bicycle race in the world.

C.The Browns have seen many wonderful things in France.

D.The Browns went to the top of the EiffelTower together.

【题文4】Wendy and Jack wrote this email to_____

A.tell a story about riding bicycles in France

B.tell a story about their experiences in France

C.advise the readers to try escargots in France

D.advise the readers to visitFrance in summer.




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1.Julia is at Roosevelt.She wants to go to Baseball Field.She should change lines at _______

A.Grand          B.Cliton

C.Reno          D.Randolph

2.Louis is going to Medical Centrefrom Damen.He should get off at the_______ stop.

A.third          B.fourth

C.fifth         D.sixth

3.To go to Airport from Youth Centre,you should take underground lines in this order_______

A.Blue Line→Green Line→Red Line

B.Red Line→Green Line→Blue Line

C.Blue Line→Red Line→Green Line

D.Red Line→Blue Line→Green Line.




Few people like changing their habits,good or bad.Whether it is smoking,drinking or over﹣eating,they ______“enjoying”them to the end.

On every packet of cigarettes(香烟),people are warned against the ______of smoking:“Warning:Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health”. ______,millions of them start smoking or go on smoking.Why?

Facts show that families and surroundings(环境) play a very important part in______ smokers.All those smokers come from smoking families or have smoking ______or relatives.Films and TV plays also play a part.People ______ their“heroes”on TV drinking alcohol(酒) or smoking cigarettes.“Heroes”seem to fear ______,neither killing themselves nor killing others with alcohol and cigarettes.If they are not afraid of the harm of smoking and drinking,______ should common people be afraid?

The simple warning on the cigarette packet does not influence smokers’habits.Even ______ warnings,like showing pictures of smokers who have died of cancer,don’t seem to work.

Knowing and believing seem to be two ______ things.If smoking is really as harmful as doctors say,it is time for smokers to think about it and try to give it up!

1.A.stop         B.continue    C.finish      D.avoid

2.A.chances      B.excuses     C.causes      D.dangers

3.A.Moreover     B.Also        C.However     D.Otherwise

4.A.influencing  B.explaining  C.improving   D.describing

5.A.parents      B.uncles      C.brothers    D.friends

6.A.hear         B.catch       C.watch       D.face

7.A.something    B.nothing     C.anything    D.everything

8.A.what         B.how         C.when        D.why

9.A.stronger     B.worse       C.longer      D.harder

10.A.similar     B.pleasant    C.different   D.boring.



﹣We can invite Nick and Nora to Shanghai Disneyland with us.

﹣?I’ll give them a call right now.( 

A.Why not          B.What for

C.Why              D.What



He hasn’t got any hobbies﹣you call watching TV a hobby.( 

A.while            B.unless

C.as                D.if



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