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Forgetful Nick

After school on Friday, when Nick got home, he saw Grandpas car! Nick smiled and walked quickly up the front sidewalk.

He reached the door and said hello to Grandpa. Then Mom called from the kitchen. Put away your schoolbag first.

Nicks smile vanished(消失). Oh, no, he said, I forgot to bring my schoolbag home.

Mom was angry. Nick, you forgot your schoolbag again! You need to be more careful!”

Grandpa turned to Nick and winked(眨眼), “I’m afraid you inherited(遗传) your forgetfulness from me, Nick. Your grandma used to call me Forgetful Jones’.

Grandpa’s words made Nick feel a little better. But he still felt mad at himself.

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After dinner, Grandpa suggested going for a walk. As they walked around the corner, Grandpa said, “I’ll tell you a little secret, Nick. Were the same. We like to do things, make things and have fun! That’s why we sometimes forget things.

But Grandpa, how did you stop forgetting? How can I stop forgetting? Nick asked.

“Well,” said Grandpa, “I know a few tricks(窍门). I use them to help me remember important things. For example, it’s important to turn off my car lights when I park the car. So every time I get in the car, I put my notebook in my lap(大腿).”

“I saw it! said Nick. “I always wondered why you did that!”

Now you know my secret,” said Grandpa, Its a simple little trick, but it works. Why don’t we put our heads together and come up with a schoolbag-remembering trick?

1.Nicks smile vanished when he knew       .

Ahis grandpa came             Bhis mom was in the kitchen

Che forgot his schoolbag       Dhis mom was angry

2.Who used to call Nicks grandpa Forgetful Jones?

ANick.                         BNicks mom.

CNicks dad.                 DNicks grandma.

3.What did Nick and his grandpa do after dinner?

AThey went for a walk.

BThey turned off the car lights.

CThey bought a notebook.

DThey looked for Nicks schoolbag.

4.From the story, we can know Nicks grandpa is       .

A strange                Bhelpful

Cstrict                  DProud


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:聪明的爷爷给自己的小孙子传授如何克服健忘症的技巧。 1. forgot to bring my schoolbag home可知Nick是忘了把书包放在家里。故选C。 2. 根据第四段里Your grandma used to call me ‘Forgetful Jones’,可知应选D。 3. suggested going for a walk. 可知他们去散步。故选A。 4. 考点:人物传记/故事类阅读


What’s your favorite invention?


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My favorite invention is the Internet. You can always know what’s going on in the world. It is amazing! I live in America, but I can talk and write to my friends in England through the Internet!

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My favorite invention is the TV. It has become part of my life. When I watch TV, I feel relaxed. My favorite program is Modern Family. I like the boy Manny best. I think he is so funny.

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The mobile phone is my favorite invention. I use it when I wake and usually until I fall asleep. I often use my mobile phone to play games. My mobile phone is also my alarm clock. It really makes my day a lot easier.

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I like the camera best. It allows us to do many things. My parents took a lot of pictures for me when I was a little girl. I really enjoy looking at these pictures. Now I often take pictures for my friends. We can keep all the special moments.


1.Where does Tim live?

AIn America.         BIn England.

CIn China.           DIn India.

2.When Ann watches TV, she feels       .

Aexcited             Bsad

Crelaxed             Dangry

3.What’s Bens favorite invention?

AThe Internet.       BThe TV.

CThe mobile phone.   DThe camera.

4.Betty often takes pictures for her       .

Afriends             Bteachers

Cparents             Dclassmates




A Little Coaching (指导)

I always felt nervous at the running race. I was too thin to be an athlete. So when our class needed a ______ in the two mile race around the lake, I hoped nobody would notice me.

I hid under a ______ when our teacher Bronto called the names of the runners. I got more nervous when I heard he called, Noah! Wheres Noah? Hes in this race!

He saw me under the tree and shouted, Noah, we ______ a boy to run the two mile race. He pushed me to the starting line(线). I pleaded(恳求) with him. I dont know the way around the lake!

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Its not a problem. Just ______ Craig and youll know the way. Bronto smiled. Craig was the fastest runner in our class. Then Bronto said, For the last hundred meters, just throw your head back and run.

I stood next to Craig and trembled(颤抖). Then I heard the gun and sixteen of us started to run. I ran closely behind Craig.

But gradually(逐步地), the distance(距离) between Craig and me became wider.

It was ______. I felt very tired. My energy was spent. I was about to give up. But then I looked ahead(向前) and ______ only three boys were in front of me. The crowd was shouting, but I could hear Bronto shouting, Run!

I threw my head back and told my legs to go. I never looked ahead and I never looked back for those last hundred meters. I felt ______. Nobody was telling me what I was, or what I wasnt. My legs were running a race against my brain and I was winning!

I didn’t know when I crossed the finish line. Bronto caught me and shouted, You flew! You flew, man! ______! You passed two boys!

However, the best prize that I got was ______. That year I discovered I could do a lot of things if I believe myself and put my energy into them.

I never got to say ______ to Bronto right after the race. But later, I saw him over the lake. He was coaching another kid. I had no doubt that the kid was also going to win.

1.A.runner          B.jumper         C.swimmer         D.diver

2.A.desk           B.tree           C.bed              D.chair

3.A.get             B.teach          C.help             D.need

4.A.forget         B.beat           C.follow           D.trust

5.A.surprising      B.difficult     C.boring           D.wonderful

6.A.saw             B.heard          C.guessed          D.remembered

7.A.nervous        B.tired          C.free             D.lucky

8.A.First          B.Second         C.Third           D.Fourth

9.A.love            B.respect        C.teamwork        D.confidence

10.A.goodbye       B.sorry          C.thanks          D.Welcome



Do you know       this computer?

Yes. Last Monday.

Awhen he buys         Bwhen will he buy

Cwhen he bought        Dwhen did he buy



English       by many people around the world today.

Ais spoken            Bwas spoken

Cspeak               Dspoke



Tu Youyou is a Chinese scientist. She       medicine since 1951.

Awill study          Bhas studied

Cstudies             Dis studying



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