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阅读理解。 As kids, we learn how to write, ma...


As kids, we learn how to write, maybe play a musical instrument and draw. So why don't we learn to code (编码) computer programs too? What coding has in common with writing, playing music and creating art is that it lets you bring your ideas to life. Coding is all about creativity and music and creating art Crearbing with code CoderDojo helps young perople around the world to learn computer  programming for free. When I went to my first CoderDojo class in Dublin City University in Ireland, at age nine, I didn't know anything about coding or even what it was. But I remember making my very first web page that first day, and being surprised that I could create such a thing. It was a great feeling that I think every young person should experience!

By going to CoderDojo every week, I learned how to make websites, apps and games. One of my apps is called Auto-Journalist. It can help journalists (记者) and interwewees do interviews even if they are both really busy or live in different time zones. It is still in development, and I have showed it at an event called Coolest Projects Awards, where young people get to show the public what they have created with code. It's so mucbt fun to share one's creations, and to see what everyone else has made too.

Learnuing environment

For the past three years I have also been helping to teach other young people at CoderDojo DCU. In recent years I have also noticed many more girls attending CoderDojo DCU to try out coding. This has a lot to do with the CoderDojo girls' classes — girls and young women take part in it with their friends, and it doesn't feel like coding is a "boy thing". It is really wonderful to see this, because we need more girls and women in STEM ( Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). It's a good way to leam more about technology.

Start early

One of the main things I have leamed in the last few years is that coding is not only for adults, coding is for young people, too. And when you are a child it is a great time to start coding, because your imagination is the limit for what you can create !

Want to leam more? Find out if there is a CoderDojo near you at www. coderdojo. com or set one up yourself! Also check out Code. org which has lots of fun drag-and-drop coding games.

1.In the writer's first coding class, she____________.

A.made apps and games

B.created a web page

C.wrote for newspapers

D.did some interviews

2.Why do more girls begin to leam coding?

A.There are coding classes for girls.

B.Girls want to learn a "boy thing".

C.There are more girls in STEM.

D.Girls can meet cool boys there.

3.What does the writer think of codin~y?

A.It is better than playing music.

B.It limits children's imagination.

C.It stops people from leaming fast.

D.It helps children with their creativity.

4.What is probably the best title for this passage?

A.Start Coding as Early as Possible

B.Corue for Fun in CoderDojo Class

C.Kids Should Have Chances to Learn to Code

D.STEM Is Calling for More Girls arfd Women


1.B; 2.A; 3.D; 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要讲解了孩子们除了学习书法,乐器等,也可以尝试学习编码,通过编码可以开发孩子的创造力。建议尽量早点开始学习编码。 1.根据文章第二段When I went to my first CoderDojo class in Dublin City University in Ireland, at age nine, I didn't know anything about coding or even what it was. But I remember making my very first web page that first day故知答案为B。 2.根据文章第四段This has a lot to do with the CoderDojo girls' classes — girls and young women take part in it with their friends, and it doesn't feel like coding is a "boy thing". 可知答案为A。 3.根据文章倒数第二段可以答案为D。 4.主旨大意题,根据全文上下可知文章主要讲的是孩子也应该有机会学习编码。 考点:教育类阅读


Alti Achenture in Africa

It was late at night, but Kevin could not sleep. His bed was inside a camping tent, and just outside the tent were the fields of Africa, filled with wild animals. His parents slept soundly in another bed across from him. He wondered how they could be so calm. What if a lion came into their tent? He was very frightened. It took a long time before Kevin finally fell asleep.

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When the sun came up, he felt his mother's hand on his head. "Morning, Kcvin!" she said, "Time to wake up and go on that a safari." Before they left America, his parents had explained to him that a safari was a long drive through nature, usually in Africa. During a safari you can see lions and zebras living free, instead of cooped up (限制) in a zoo.

"What if we get close to a lion?" Kevin asked.

"Oh darling," she said. "Nothing will happen to us if we listen to our guide. "

Kevin got dressed slowly, listened to the birds singing outside and began to feel less afraid. After a brief breakfast, he got into a jeep with his parents. The driver, Jim, a kind-looking man, was also their guide.

The jeep took off along a dirt road. After a little while Kevin saw something move out of the corner of his eye. "Wait!" he said. "I see something!"

Jim stopped the car and told them all to get out. Kevin and his parents waited in the tall grass while Jim walked ahead of them and looked around. After a minute Jim raised his hands in the air. "Shhh," he said in a low voice. "It's nothing dangerous but don't speak loudly." Kevin and his parents walked up to where Jim stood, and soon Kevin saw a beautiful golden creature with dark brown spots (点) and a very, very long neck a giraffe.

"Wow," said Kevin. He could not believe how close he was to the giraffe. All his fears disappeared and he began to get excited about the day to come.

1.Kevin couldn't sleep that night because___________.

A.a lion came into his tent

B.he was frightened

C.his parents slept soundly

D.the tent was uncomfortable

2.According to Kevin's parents, during a safari, they can___________.

A.drive through African cities

B.fly over African fields

C.give food to lions and zebras

D.see wild animals living free

3.What made Kevin surprised?

A.Waiting in the tall grass.

B.Listening to birds singing.

C.Getting so close to a giaffe.

D.Driving a jeep with his parents.




Drinking tea is an important part of Chinese culture. It is seen as the national drink in China. The most common types of Chinese tea are as follows.

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Green Tea is the oldest and most popular. It has a pale color and a sharp flavor (口味). It is produced mainly in Anhui and Zhejiang. The most popular is Longjing Tea, which is produced near West Lake, Hangzhou.

Red Tea (Black Tea) is the second most popular type of Chinese tea. It can help treat stomachaches. Dianhong and Yixing are popular sorts of red tea.

Wulong Tea, also known as blue tea, has the advantages of green and red teas. It has a gentle flavor and can help people lose weight. Tie Kuanyin Tea in Anhui and Dongding Wulong Tea in Taiwan are two well-known types of it.

Scented Tea (花茶) is created by mixing tea leaves with fiowers. It is known by its strong fragrance(芳香) , and it can help people feel comfortable after drinking. Iasmine (荣莉) tea is the most popular of this kind.

Tips of Tea Drinking

Do you know how to drink tea in a right way? Here are some tips:

Drink it hot.

Don’t drink too much strong tea.

The best time to drink tea is between meals.

Drink tea a couple of hours after taking medicine.

Green tea is the best choice for office workers.

1.___________is the oldest and most popular tea in China.

A.Wulong Tea        B.Scented Tea

C.Red Tea           D.Green Tea

2.Red Tea can__________.

A.help people lose weight

B.help people feel lucky

C.help treat stomachaches

D.help people sleep well

3.Dongding Wulong Tea is produced in

A.Taiwan           B.Yixing

C.Anhui            D.Hangzhou

4.The right way to drink tea is___________.

A.to drink it cold

B.to drink between meals

C.to drink much strong tea

D.to drink with medicine




There's always hope

I was sitting around the other mo:ming thinking albout some of my former (以前的) students. When I do that, my thoughts always turn to Vincent.

Eighteen years ago, on the first day of third grade, when I had my class write something ahout themselves, he just sat there. So I took him outside to see what was wrong. “You can ______ about something else; anything you want,” I offered. He turned to me and shouted, “I can’t write!” and threw his pencil.

Vincent was difficult and ______ He acted out. He threw things. He refused to work, to be quiet, to sit down.

So these many years later, I wondered what he was up to. With time on my hands, I googled him and looked him up on Facebook and before long I found him. And after a few texts we agreed to meet. And he told me his ______

Vincent knew he was smart, but he also knew he couldn’t do what other kids did. He had to move around and talk. For him, sitting still, listening and reading, didn't ______ The more he tried to do the mings on his terms, the more we forced him to do the things on our terms and the angrier he got. The angrier he got, the more trouble he got into.

In other words, we _______ him.

But he woulcln’t let me tell him that. He took full responsibility for his behavior. He remembered feeling ______ for acting out.

That ______me. Kids like Vincent are always angry about something; they hold the world responsible for the concequence(后果).

This story also had one of us tuming Vincent around. But none of us did that for him. There were no excellent teachers like Annie Sullivan or Jaime Escalante. That didn’t mean we didn’t________. I remember countless conversations, trying to understand him, goirtg to his Little League games.

It was Vincent who tumed Vincent around,along with a junkie (吸毒者) house painter he worked with after failing through high school. This guy clearly scared (惊吓) him straight; talked him into going to _______.

But it was Vincent who attended classes and got straight A’s for two years. And it was Vincent who got accepted into ten different universities, including Stanford and UW. And it was Vincent who landed a great job at a big tech company.

Vincent is completely different form 18 years ago. I coukln’t be happier for him.

And for me, the _______ is simple but powerful there’s always hope.

1.A.talk        B.read       C.write      D.hear

2.A.angry       B.lazy       C.careless   D.disappointed

3.A.job         B.story      C.school     D.family

4.A.arnve       B.change     C.work       D.end

5.A.forgot      B.helped     C.freed      D.failed

6.A.proud       B.special    C.natural    D.terrilble

7.A.attracted   B.encouraged C.surprised  D.influenced

8.A.try         B.wait       C.leam       D.succeed

9.A.movies      B.business   C.college    D.sports

10.A.rule       B.memory     C.answer     D.message



Excuse me, can you tell me ________?— Take the No.22 bus. It will take you right there.

A.how can I get to Laoshe Teahouse

B.how I can get to Laoshe Teahouse

C.which bus did I take to Laoshe Teahouse

D.which bus l took to Laoshe Teahouse



— Mom, can I watch T'V now?— No. You ________ tidy your room first.

A.can              B.may

C.must             D.coulcl



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