满分5 > 初中英语试题 >






4.路线:沿着幸福路走(Happy Road),在第二个十字路口向右拐,直走,过桥,你会看见一个学校。我家在学校隔壁。5.很期待见到你。



Dear Amy, I would like to invite you to my new home. My new home is in the centre of the city. There are banks, supermarkets and a hospital near my home. We live on the eighth floor. My neighbours are friendly and kind. They often help people with all kinds of problems. People here are like a big family. I’m happy to live here. We have many things to do in my home. We can have a big dinner. My parents will prepare plenty of food for us. We can also enjoy the films and play games. Let me tell you the way to my home. Walk along Happy Road, take the second crossing on the right, then walk straight on .Cross the bridge ,you will see a school. My home is beside the school. I am looking forward to seeing you. Yours, Sandy 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇邀请函,要符合书信的格式,信中叙述的家的住址及邻居的情况要用一般现在时,学生要会正确运用路线的表达方法,在叙述的路线时,在必要的地方用一般将来时。 写作亮点:本文用了一些短语和句式,为文章增添了色彩,如:I would like to invite you to my new home. They often help people with all kinds of problems. I’m happy to live here. My parents will prepare plenty of food for us.短文还用了一些连词如:and等,提醒学生平时注意积累一些短语和固定句式。 考点:提纲作文。  










You must have hobbies of your own. Are you i___1.____ in our hobbies? OK, now let me tell you something a___2._____ my family’s  hobbies.

My hobby is c_____3.___ stamps. I collect only US and Chinese ones. I have a lot of friends in the US, so I often get l__4.____ from them. We can learn a lot from stamps.

My e__5.____ brother, Peter, likes watching trains. He often goes to the station nearby and watches them carefully. When a train goes t___6.___ the station, he writes down i_7._____ name and number.

My sister's hobby is sewing. She has no sewing machine, but she doesn't have to w___8.__ about it she can use my mother's. She makes her clothes herself, and when I tear (撕坏) my shirt or my trousers, I always ask her for h_9.____.

My father has a hobby, t__10.__. It is walking the dog. Every day he goes walking with his handsome dog.




It’s hard to make friends if you stay at home alone all the time. Get out of the house and do things that will put you in touch with other people. It’s easier to make friends when you have the same interests.

Don’t be afraid to show people what you are really good at. Talk about the things you like and do best. People will be interested in you if there is something interesting about you.

Look at people in the eyes when you talk to them. That way, they will find it easier to talk to you. If don’t, people may think you are not interested in them and may stop being interested in you.

Be a good listener. Let people talk about themselves before talking about ‘me, me, me’. Ask lots of questions. Show interest in their answers.

Try to make friends with the kind of people you really like not just with those who are easy to meet. Be friendly with a lot of people. If so, you will have a bigger group of people to choose(选择) from and have more chances(机会) to make friends.

1.  to make friends




Go 2.  and keep in touch with other people.

·Don’t be afraid of   3. yourself.

People will be 4. in what you like and do best.

·Look at people in the   5. .

It will be easier to 6.  with others.

·Be a good   7.  .

Let people talk about themselves before talking about 8.  .

·Be 9.  to many people.

You will have 10. people to choose from as your friends.




根据句子意思, 用括号中所给汉语提示或单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)

1.They are now_________ (准备) food and drink for the party.

2.Mike’s ________(邻居) often help her do a lot of housework .

3.Ivan lives on the top floor and Mary lives two floors_____ him.(在…上面)

4.My parents will have a party for my          (十二) birthday.

5.I have to look after my _____(生病的) mother.

6.The students are all looking forward to        (lie)  on the beach.

7.Some _______ (visit) will come to my school tomorrow.

8.Some_______ (west) countries don't like the colour of red.

9.An old friend of         (she) is coming to see her parents this weekend.

10.Mr Williams is an ____________(art). He lives in the capital city of England.



It was the last day of the final exam in a college. Outside the classroom, a group of students were waiting for the last exam. On their faces was confidence.

They knew the exam would be easy. The teacher said they could bring any books or notes during the test.

Right after they came into the classroom. The teacher handed out the papers. There were only five questions on it.

Three hours passed. Then the teacher began to collect the papers. The students no longer looked confident but they looked very nervous. The teacher watched these worried faces, and then asked. “How many of you finished all five questions?” No one answered. “How many of you answered four?” Still no one put up the hand. “Three? Two?” The students moved restlessly(不安地)in their seats. “One, then? Certainly somebody finished one.” But the class kept silent(沉默). The teacher said, “That is what I thought. I just want to make you know clearly that you finished four years of study, but there are still many things about the subject you don’t know. These questions you could not answer are common(常见的) in everyday life.” Then, he smiled and said “You will all pass this exam, but it doesn’t mean that you learned the subject well. There are still more things for you to learn in your later life.”

Now we can’t remember the name of this teacher clearly, but we can’t forget the lesson he taught us.

1..Why did the students think the exam was easy at first?

A. Because it was their last exam in the college.

B. Because they knew there were only five questions.

C. Because they thought they were clever and talented.

D. Because they could bring any books and notes into the classroom during the test.

2.How many students have finished all the five questions?

A. All of them.     B. Some of them

C. None of them.   D. Only one of them.

3.What does the underlined word “confident” mean in the text?

A.糊涂的      B.放松的         C.自信的       D.紧张的

4.What can the students learn from the last exam?

A. He laughs best who laughs last.

B. A good beginning is half done.

C. One is never too old to learn.

D. The early bird catches the worm.

5.What’s the best title for the article?

A. Some confident students.      B. An easy exam.

C. An interesting teacher.       D. An unforgettable lesson.



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