满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完型填空 On the first day of school our teac...


On the first day of school our teacher let us know someone. Looking out we found an old woman appeared at the door. She said "Hi my name is Susan I'm seventy years old." While we were _______ what made her take this challenge (挑战) at her age she said with a smile "I/m here to meet a rich husband get_______  have two children and travel together. "Hearing this all of us laughed. "In fact" she went on " I always   _______of having a college education and now I'm getting one!"

After class we had chocolate and milk together. We became good_______  . I often listened to this "time machine" as she shared her study with me.

At the end of the term we invited Susan to give us a _______ . When she was stepped up to the front suddenly she found she took the wrong paper. She felt a little frustrated (沮丧的) and said "I'm sorry. I'm so nervous that I can't get my ready talk back so I have to tell you    _______ I know. "In her speech she told us "We don't stop playing as we are old we grow old because we stop playing. The secret of staying _______  being happy and getting success is that we should laugh and find something _______  every day. I think there is a great _______  between growing old and growing up. I am seventy now. If I lie in bed for one full year and never do anything I'll become seventy - one. Since anybody can grow older my idea is to grow up by always finding the chance in change. Growing older can't be avoided  growing up can be_______  It's never too late to be all you can be possible. "

During the four years' study it was so easy for Susan to make friends wherever she went. In the end the wonderful woman got a college degree.

1.A.finding     B.getting     C.wanting   D.wondering

2.A.married   B.worried     C.excited   D.relaxed

3.A.liked       B.made       C.knew       D.dreamed

4.A.teachers   B.friends     C.students    D.neighbours

5.A.lesson     B.present     C.talk        D.story

6.A.which      B.how         C.what      D.why

7.A.old      B.young      C.clear     D.awake

8.A.natural     B.difficult C.interesting D.possible

9.A.difference  B.chance    C.pleasure    D.confidence

10.A.noticed    B.chosen     C.thought     D.mentioned


1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了一个70岁的老太太上大学的故事。因为她一直梦想着上大学。在学期结束时,我们邀请苏珊给我们做演讲。她说,我们保持年轻,快乐和获得成功的秘密是我们应该每天大笑而且寻找有趣的事情。变老和成长是有区别的,变老是不可避免的,成长是可以选择的。 1.D考查动词及语境的理解。A. finding 找到;B. getting 获得; C. wanting 想要;D. wondering想知道。根据what made her take this challenge (挑战) at her age,可知这是一个文具,故用想知道,故选D。句意:虽然我们想知道什么使她在这个年龄接受这个挑战。 2. married 结婚;B. worried 担心;C. excited 激动; D. relaxed放松。根据to meet a rich husband可知此处遇到一个丈夫,故要结婚,故选A。句意:我到这儿来遇到一个丈夫,结婚,要两个孩子,然后一起旅行。 3. liked 喜欢; B. made 制作;C. knew 知道;D. dreamed梦想。dream of doing sth.“梦想做某事”,故选D。句意:我总是梦想接受一个大学教育。 4. teachers 教师;B. friends朋友; C. students 学生;D. neighbours邻居。根据After class we had chocolate and milk together.可知我们一起吃巧克力,一起喝牛奶,因此成为了好朋友,故选B。句意:我们成为了好朋友。 5. lesson 课;B. present 礼物;C. talk 谈话;D. story故事。根据I'm so nervous that I can't get my ready talk back可知苏珊要做演讲。故选C。句意:在学期结束时,我们邀请苏珊给我们做演讲。 6. which 哪一个; B. how 如何;C. what 什么;D. Why为什么。此处作为动词tell的宾语从句I know中缺少宾语,故用代词what,故选C。句意:所以我不得不告诉你们我知道的事。 7. old 古老的;B. young 年轻的;C. clear 清晰的;D. awake醒着的。根据We don't stop playing as we are old, we grow old because we stop playing.“我们年老时不要停止玩,因为停止玩,我们就会变老”,此处是在说不变老即保持年轻的方法,故选B。句意:保持年轻的秘密。 8. natural 自然的; B. difficult 困难的;C. interesting 有趣的;D. possible可能的。根据we should laugh可知让我们大笑,应是找到有趣的事情,故选C。句意:我们保持年轻,快乐和获得成功的秘密是我们应该每天大笑而且寻找有趣的事情。 9. difference 差别; B. chance 机会; C. pleasure 快乐; D. confidence信心。根据between growing old and growing up可知变老和成长是不一样的,是有区别的,故选A。句意:我认为在变老和成长之间有很大的区别。 10. A. noticed 注意;B. chosen 选择; C. thought 想;D. mentioned 提到。根据It's never too late to be all you can be possible. "“成为你想成为的人永远不会太晚”可知想成长是可以努力获得的,可以选择的,故选B。句意:变老是不可避免的,成长是可以选择的。 考点:人生百味类短文。

Emma finds _______ hard to plan things for herself.

A. this            B. that           C. it           D. one



All the students were sleeping _______they heard a man _______“help”.

A. when; shouting  B. while; to shout

C. when; to shout D. while; shouted



My _______ sister is 2 years _______than me .

A. elder; older     B. elder; elder

C. older; older     D. older; elder



Jim with his brother ________ in the garden when the rainstorm came.

A. is playing      B. are playing

C. were playing    D. was playing



--_________ call your best friend up? That’s a good idea.

A. How about       B. Why       C. Why not       D. How



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