满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- Which of the two T-shirts will you t...

--- Which of the two T-shirts will you take?

--- I’ll take ____________. One is for my brother and the other is for myself.

A. both               B. either             C. neither             D. all


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你想要这两件衬衫中的哪一件?——我都要。一件给我的哥哥,另一件给我自己。A. both两者都;B. either两者中任何一个;C. neither两者都不;D. all所有都。结合语境可知选A。 考点:考查不定代词辨析。  


假如你是心理医生Dr Smith 你收到学生Mary的来信,她在信中说,自己很喜欢看电视,但父母担心影响她的学习,不让她看,她有时和父母吵,很烦恼,却不知道怎么办。请你给Mary回个信给出解决问题的办法。

提示词:stop doing  make…sad  understand  be bad for  help… with  too long.

要求:1. 文稿须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。

2. 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确;

3. 70个词左右(开头结尾已给不计入总词数)。

Dear Mary

Thanks a lot for telling me your problem. ___________________________






Best wishes!


Dr Smith




1.you  buy  clothes  some  should  new


2.become  wants  famous  to   everyone


3.what  nine  you  were  doing  yesterday  at


4.you   me  advice  could  give  some


5.bring  your   don’t  to  school  MP5





1.The traffic accident h            on a rainy morning.

2.The poor girl makes a living              (sell) flowers.

3.I              (run) on the playground at this time yesterday.

4.There are many             (英雄) in history in our country.

5.I can               (做得好) in reading than speaking .




A Hello Jim! What are you doing now?

B Oh I’m reading my report card.

A I suppose you have passed all the exams. You are always hard-working.

B It’s true that I always do my homework by myself. But I often get nervous when I see the envelope from school.

A How about your math this time? I know you don’t do well in it.

B It was lucky that I passed the math exam this time. We had a new math teacher this semester. She is a university graduate and works as a volunteer in our school. Her teaching has a good influence on my study and starts to open my eyes to the outside world.

A That’s really great. Does she like living in our hometown where the air is thin?

B She said she felt happy with her decision.

A By the way I got a message for you. Your mother asks you to look after yourself well.

B OK. Thank you.

1题判断正误(正确写“T”错误写“F”) 2题完成句子,3-4题简略回答问题,5题将文中划线句子译成汉语。

1.Jim didn’t pass the math exam this time.   

2.Jim’s new math teacher’s teaching starts_____________to the outside world.

3.Is Jim a lazy boy?


4.Who works as a volunteer in Jim’s school?


5.____________________________________________________ .



What will you do if you get 5 million (百万)?Some people give some different answers.


I want to do business. If I am rich I will do a lot of things for my family. For me nothing is more important than my family. I will buy a new house for them and travel around the world.


If I have 5 million I will use this money to do everything I like. At first I will use 2 million to open my own shop. And I will use another 2 million of this money to buy some new houses. In the future the houses will become more expensive and I will sell them to other people. Finally I will use 1 million to buy some presents for my family and my best friend.


If I have 5 million I will put 3 million in the bank and spend 2 million. I will visit Paris London and New York. I will eat delicious food play games and build a building with a swimming pool.


I will buy an island if I have 5 million. Then I will be the king of the island and I will invite my friends to my island.

1.Who will do business if he / she gets 5 million?

A. Sally.          B. Jack.

C. Anna.          D. We don’t know.

2.What will Anna do if she gets 5 million?

A. Do business.

B. Open a shop.

C. Put 3 million in the bank and spend 2 million.

D. Buy an island

3.What will Joe do with the last 1 million if he gets 5 million?

A. He will buy some new houses.

B. He will open his own shop.

C. He will buy some presents for his family and his best friend.

D. He will build a building.

4.Where will Anna visit if she gets 5 million?

A. China and Japan.

B. London Paris and New York.

C. London Paris and Belgium.

D. Angola Cuba and India.

5.What does the passage talk about?

A. If one loses money what will he / she do?

B. If one borrows 5 million what will he / she do?

C. If one gets 5 million what will he / she do?

D. If one builds a big building he / she will sell it



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