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John sent his mother expensive presents ...

John sent his mother expensive presents on his mother’s birthday every year. He liked to show her how rich he was.

I must find something wonderful for her this year and it must be the only one in the whole world.” John thought.

He advertised(登广告)in the newspapers. “Wanted the best present that is the only one in the whole world.”

For many days people phoned him from all over the world. They wanted to sell him the best present”. But they did not have anything that was the only one in the whole world.

Then a man came to his office. He was carrying a cage(笼子) and in the cage there was a large bird.

This bird the man said “can speak ten languages and sing any pop song. There is no other bird like it in the world.”

I’ll buy it John said. How much do you want?”

“One hundred thousand dollars the man said. This was a lot of money but John paid him. Then he sent the bird to his mother with a birthday card.

The day after his mother’s birthday he phoned her. “Well mother he said “Is the bird wonderful?”

“ Ohit was delicious dear” she said.

1.Why did John send her mother expensive presents for her birthday every year?

A、Because he loved his mother very much.

B、Because his mother needed them.

C、Because he wanted to show he had a lot of money.

2.How did people know John wanted the best present in the world?

A、They rang John up.

B、They knew it from the newspapers.

C、John phoned them one by one.

3.People all over the world phoned John to         .

A、send him the best present

B、hope to see the best present

C、sell their things to him

4.What does John think of the bird?

A、It was too expensive.

B、It was the best present.

C、It was a very clever bird.

5.What does the sentence “ It was delicious” really mean in the story?

A、His mother ate the bird.

B、His mother let the bird fly away.

C、His mother thought it was the most expensive present in the world.


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章主要讲了John打算在母亲节送给她母亲一个特殊的礼物,所以他发了一个广告来花重金找特殊礼物。最后选中一只特殊的鸟,能说100种语言和唱流行歌曲,但是最后她的母亲不知道,把这只鸟吃了。 1.C细节理解,本文的第一段为John sent his mother expensive presents on his mother’s birthday every year. He liked to show her how rich he was. 所表示的含义为约翰每年在她母亲生日那天给她送昂贵的礼物,用以表示他很有钱,故选C。 2.B细节理解,本文的第三段为He advertised (登广告) in the newspapers. " Wanted—the best present for the woman who has everything.所表示的含义为约翰通过登广告的形式寻求世界上最好的礼物,故选B。 3.A细节理解,根据文中For many days people phoned him from all over the world可知,全世界的人们给他打电话送给他最好的礼物. 。故选A。 4.B细节理解,用很多的钱买下那只鸟,由于鸟能说许多种语言,所以约翰认为送给他的母亲会使他的母亲开心,故选B。 5.A细节理解,本文最后一句话所表示的含义为约翰的母亲不知道鸟的才能,把鸟给吃了,鸟肉是美味的,故选A。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。

Now throwing shoes at President Bush is a popular game on the Internet. It turns out that there are times when it’s good to throw shoes.

After leaving his office in the center of the city a young man bought a new car and drove it from the city to his home. He was very happy and the car ran very fast. Suddenly a shoe hit the car door . The man got very angry. He jumped out of the car and caught a boy who still had a shoe in his hand.

“Who are you? Why did you do that?” the young man shouted at the boy.

“I’m sorry. But I don’t know what else to do. My sister has been hurt. I cried for help but nobody stopped the boy said.

The man looked around and saw a girl by the road. Her leg was bleeding(流血).

“She is my sister. She wanted to cross the road but fell out of her wheelchair. She is too heavy for me. I can’t get her back into the wheelchair. ”The man was moved. He helped the bleeding girl back into her wheelchair.

“Thank you. You’re so kind” said the little boy. Life speaks to our hearts. Sometimes we don’t have time to listen and it will throw a shoe at us.

1.The young man drove his new car ______.

A.to the city   B.home

C.to his office D.to his school

2.Who threw a shoe at the car?

A.A small boy B.A bleeding girl

C.A young man D.An old lady

3.The underlined word “wheelchair” means ______ in this passage.

A.自行车  B.电动车 C.手推车 D.轮椅

4.Why did the boy throw the shoe?

A.Because he liked the car.

B.Because her sister was hurt.

C.Because he was hurt.

D.Because he was naughty.

5.What can we learn from the story?

A.We should be kind and helpful.

B.We should drive slowly and safely.

C.Life always throws shoes at our cars.

D.Nobody wants to be hit by a shoe.





I got out of the train station with my father. A woman came to him and said that her money had been stolen(偷). She asked if he could  ____  her some money to go back home. My father gave her what she asked for and told her not to worry about paying it back. I was ____  . How could my father be so silly? Anyone could see that she was telling a lie(谎言) staying at the station all day long____   for money.

"She was lying!" I said. "____    did you give her the money? "

My father looked at me. He was a bit angry. "And what would you like me to do?" he said.

"Should I tell her that I am a college professor and I can  see through her scam(骗局 )?" I did not    ____ his meaning at all and then he told me something that I have ____    forgotten. "First she would not do this   ____   she didn't need the money. Second. I made her day because now she thinks that she's ____  than me. It is more important to  ____ than the money but I don't mind this."

A week later we were at the same station and the same woman came to my father with the same story. "Not this time" my father told her. "In your business. you should learn to recognize(认出) people. Try another   ____  on me next week."

1.A. borrow           B. keep         C. lend          D. pay

2.A. excited         B. angry          C. sad          D. surprised

3.A. asking         B. looking        C. waiting    D. going

4.A. Where            B. When           C. Why          D. How

5.A. find            B. know           C. hear        D. believe

6.A. never           B. sometimes       C. always       D. usually

7.A. because          B. until          C. as            D. if

8.A. smarter         B. younger         C. taller       D. better

9.A. them            B. her            C. you           D. me

10.A. coat          B. story         C. station       D. Man



When my mother ____ I was playing computer games .

A. got    B. gets     C. get



Mariah used to _____interested in music but now she’s used to _____tennis.

A. be play     B. being play     C. be playing



My parents don’t allow me _____TV_____ school nights.

A. to watch on

B. to watch in

C. watching on



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