满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mrs. Black isn’t used to _______ by sea ...

Mrs. Black isn’t used to _______ by sea and she used to ______sick a lot.

A. traveling; feel       B. travel; feeling

C. travel; feel           D. traveling; feeling


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:布莱克夫人不习惯乘船旅行;她以前常常觉得恶心。Be used to doing sth习惯于做某事;used to do sth 过去常常做某事。所以选A。 考点:考查非谓语动词。  

-- How many students are there in each group?

--- Usually each group _______ six students in our class.

A. is made from   B. is made up of

C. is made in     D. is made of



--- We can use WeiChat to chat with each other.

--Really? Will you please show me __________ it.

A. what to use       B. how to use

C. when to use        D. where to use



---There are many theatres______ the island.

--Yes Broadway is _____ the southern end of the island..

A. at;  at         B. on;  on     C. at;  on       D. on;  at



J.K.Rowling finished the first Harry Potter book in 1995 but it wasn’t ____ in the very beginning.

A. great successful        B. a big success

C. a great successful       D. great success



Daniel is_______to help his friends at all times.

A. kind enough         B. enough kind

C. too kind            D. very kind



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