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完型填空 阅读以下一篇节选自英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特所写的《简爱》的片段,略有改...



My name is Jane Eyre and my parents died when I was a baby. For ten years I lived a______life with my aunt and cousins who treated me unfriendly. My cousins played jokes on me and my aunt never showed me any_______.The only person who cared about me was the maid(仆人), Bessie. One day my cousin John shouted at me: "You should go and beg, not live with us!" After fighting with him I was locked in a room, where I ______for hours crying.

Things kept the same until a tall gentleman called Mr. Brockehurst came to visit. My aunt told me that I was going to a school ______by the gentleman. "Train her to be useful and polite," said Aunt. Two days later I left my home.

At first my  ___  at Lowood School was easy. The food was bad and I was often cold but I made

______and enjoyed studying. But after an illness killed several students, new owners took over (接管)the school and life improved. Six years later I ______ a teacher and was very happy. But finally I felt that I should explore more of the world and found a job as a private(私人的) teacher in a _______.

Before I left Lowood, Bessie came to visit me, she told me that seven years ago my father's brother had come _____ _me but he left again to go abroad. "He looked like quite a gentleman," said Bessie. I wondered if he would ever look for me again.

My new life ______at Thornfield Hall, a large country house, ______a little girl called Adele. She was the adopted(被收养的) daughter of the owner of the house, Mr. Rochester. He ______stayed at Thornfield and ______my time was mainly spent with Adele and   ___  people. My life was quite happy now although there was something______about my new home. Often I heard strange sounds come from the top floor of the house.---------Based upon《Jane Eyre》

1.A. happyB. longC. sadD. comfortable

2.A. foodB. loveC. wayD. schooling

3.A. livedB. stayedC. studiedD. beat

4.A. builtB. designedC. ownedD. opened

5.A. foodB. lifeC. bookD. study

6.A. noiseB. friendsC. mistakesD. faces

7.A. turnedB. metC. becameD. found

8.A. schoolB. familyC. libraryD. country

9.A. looking atB. looking afterC. looking intoD. looking for

10.A. stoppedB. continuedC. startedD. broke

11.A. showingB. teachingC. searchingD. wanting

12.A. oftenB. hardlyC. happilyD. quietly

13.A. yetB. soC. stillD. though

14.A. othersB. the otherC. the othersD. other

15.A. interestingB. goodC. importantD. strange


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.B 13.B 14.D 15.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文是英国女作家洛特·勃朗蒂的代表作《简爱》的节选,讲述了 Jane Eyre 的苦难生活片断。Jane Eyre 从小父母双亡,与婶婶及堂兄妹住在一起,不过常被堂兄妹戏弄。后来被Mr. Brockehurst 领到他开办的学校学习。在那里学习了 6 年后她在桑菲尔德庄园当了一名私人教师。 1.C考查形容词及语境理解。句意:十年来,我过着悲伤的生活,我的姑姑和表弟们对我不友好。A. happy高兴的; B. long长的; C. sad 悲伤的; D. comfortable 舒服的。从 …with my aunt and cousins who treated me unfairly. My cousins teased me… 可推测,“我”过着很悲惨的生活。答案为C。 2.B考查名词及语境理解。句意:我的堂兄妹们取笑我,我的婶婶从来对我没有爱心。A. food食物;B. love 爱;C. way 方法;D. schooling 学费。 前部分为 My cousins played jokes on me,那么由 and 连接的内容应与前部分内容在语意上保持一致,故此处应为 my aunt never showed me any love。答案为B。 3.B考查动词及语境理解。句意:因与堂兄打架,“我”被锁进了一间屋子,我独自呆在那里哭泣了几个小时。A. lived居住; B. stayed 呆;C. studied 学习D. beat 打败 。 4. B。因与堂兄打架,“我”被锁进了一间屋子,由此可推测“我”独自呆在那里哭泣。live 指长时期的居住,不合语境。 答案为B。 4.C考查动词及语境理解。句意:我的婶婶告诉我,我要去一个绅士的学校上学。A. built 建造;B. designed 设计;C. owned 拥有;D. opened 打开。 C。从下文 But after an illness killed several students, new owners… 来看,这里不是强调谁建的学校,而是谁是学校的拥有者,因这才有权决定让像“我”这样的孩子去上学。答案为C。 5.B考查名词及语境理解。句意:最初,我在洛伍德学校的生活是凄惨的。A. food 食物;B. life生活;C. book 书;D. study书房。从下文的 The food was bad and I was often cold… 来看,此处说的是一开始在 Lowood School 的生活问题。答案为B。 6.B考查名词及语境理解。句意:但是我交了朋友,喜欢学习。A. noise噪音;B. friends朋友;C. mistakes错误;D. faces 脸根据句中的 but 及 and 可知此部分应与 enjoyed studying 在语意上保持一致,故此处应用 friends,即 make friends (交朋友),这也是让人高兴的事情。而 make noise 和 make faces 都不合乎语境。 7.C考查动词及语境理解。句意:六年后,我成为一名老师,我非常开心。A. turned转;B. met 遇见;C. became变成;D. found 发现。上文说“我”在学校里学习,后面为 a teacher,这说明“我”的身份发生了变化,故用 became。答案为C。 8.B考查名词及语境理解。句意:但最后,我觉得我应该探索更多的世界,并找到一份工作,在一个家庭中当一名私人教师。A. school学校;B. family 家庭;C. library图书馆;D. country国家。私人教师应该在别人的家中。答案为B。 9.D考查动词词组及语境理解。句意:她告诉我,七年前,我父亲的弟弟来找我,但他又离开了去了国外。A. looking at 看一看;B. looking after 照看;C. looking into 调查;D. looking for寻找。14. A。这是 Bessie 告诉“我”的话的内容。从后面的 I wondered if he would ever look for me again 可推测,7 年前叔叔来找过“我”。答案为D。 10.C考查动词及语境理解。句意:在桑菲尔德庄园我开始新的生活。A. stopped 停止; B. continued 继续;C. started开始;D. broke 打破。从上下文来看,这里谈论的是“我”从事家教的开始。 11.B考查动词及语境理解。句意:教一个名叫 Adele 的女孩。A. showing展示;B. teaching教;C. searching搜寻;D. wanting 想要。 从前面可知“我”开始了新的工作——家教。此处是对新工作的具体说明,即教一个名叫 Adele 的女孩。 12.B考查副词及语境理解。句意:他很少呆在桑菲尔德庄园。 A. often经常;B. hardly 几乎不;C. happily高兴地;D. quietly安静地。从下文 my time was mainly spent with Adele and the servants 可推测,Mr. Rochester 很少呆在家里。 13.B考查连词及语境理解。句意:因此我的时间主要和Adele 及其他的人在一起。A. yet 但是,然而;B. so因此;C. still仍然;D. though 尽管,虽然。前面说 Mr. Rochester 很少呆在家里,这与后面的 my time was mainly spent with Adele and the servants 构成因果关系,故此处选用so。 答案为B。 14.D考查不定代词及语境理解。句意:因此我的时间主要和Adele 及其他的人在一起。 A, C答案后面不能再跟名词,the other后跟名词,特指;other后跟名词,泛指。故答案为D。 15.D考查形容词及语境理解。句意:我的生活很幸福,虽然关于我的新家有一些奇怪的东西。A. interesting 有趣的;B. good 好的;C. important 重要的; D. strange 奇怪的。 从后面的Often I heard strange sounds come from the top floor of the house等可推测,当时在这个新的家里有一些“我”感到奇怪的事情。答案为D。 考点:故事类短文阅读。

---Would you please look after my pet cat while I am on holiday in Yangzhou?

---             .

A. With pleasure    B. My pleasure

C. That’s OK       D. You are welcome



-----Where are the students now?

-----Everyone except the twins           to Wanfu Bridge.

A. has gone     B. has been   C. have gone    D. have been



--- When shall we go to watch the basketball match in the sports centre?

---         we       the work tomorrow.

A. Until /finish      B. Not until/ will finish

C. Until/will finish D. Not until / finish



----What do you think of the 3 young boys—TFBOYS?

----Oh, they are fresh meat and my favorite, I have        heard a        voice before.

A. never  good    B. never  better

C. ever  better   D ever   best



A computer is usually             a screen, a main unit ,a mouse and so on.

A. made of    B. made from     C. made up of    D made out of



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