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作文 “故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州”,春天是扬州最美的季节。假设你是Just...



“A guide to Yangzhou”为题,写一篇100字左右的文章,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总字数;文中不得出现真实人名、班级及校名,要点如下:

A guide to Yangzhou


位于苏中地区,大运河(the Grand Canal)穿城而过(run through)








1. 泛舟瘦西湖(the Slender West Lake),体验扬州美景

2. 游览东关街(Dongguan street),品尝当地美食

3. 众多商圈(living mall)物美价廉,购物天堂


1. 扬州春天多雨,记得带伞

2. 扬州近几年已经巨变,为避免迷路,务必带上最新地图



Dear Andy:                

I’m happy that you’ll visitYangzhou next month.let me tell you something about her. Yangzhou is the centre of Jiangsu Province.







Best wishes,



Dear Andy: I’m happy that you’ll visitYangzhou next month. let me tell you something about her. Yangzhou is the centre of Jiangsu Province. The Grand Canal runs through it. There are many ways to get there, and it’s very convenient. You’d better visit it by train. Because taking the train is very comfortable and cheap. Suzhou is an ancient cultural city with a history of 2500 years, gathering of talents. It used to be the cultural center of ancient China. The population of Yangzhou is about 4,400,000, and the people there are hard-working, friendly and helpful. There are many tourist attractions in Yangzhou. You can go boating on the Slender West Lake to experience the beauty of Yangzhou. You can also visit Dongguan Street to taste the local delicacy. Yangzhou has a large number of living malls where the goods are cheap and good, so it’s a shopping paradise. If you want to Yangzhou for your holiday, remember to bring an umbrella because it often rains in spring in Yangzhou. At the same time, Yangzhou has changed a lot in recent years, in order to avoid getting lost, be sure to bring the latest map. Have a pleasant time. Best wishes, Justin 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇表格作文。假设你是Justin,你的北京网友Andy在电子邮件上说想在五一小长假来扬州参观,以“A guide to Yangzhou”为题,回一封电子邮件向他介绍扬州。写前要认真浏览表格中的信息,把握写作的大体方向,运用恰当的语言把所列举的内容准确地表达出来。根据材料内容可知本文主要是一般现在时态。注意上下文的连贯性。 写作亮点:这篇短文根据表格中的信息提示简明、扼要地阐明了扬州的地理位置,历史文化,风土人情,交通及旅游景点。并包含了文中所要求的全部信息。文章语言规范,词汇及时态运用正确,能够把提示的内容叙述清楚,复合句的运用Yangzhou has a large number of living malls where the goods are cheap and good.为文章增色不少。 考点:提纲类作文。  





4.扬泰机场(Yangtai Airport)已经投入使用多久了?





The computer and the Internet have become part of teens’ life. The number of teen Internet users in China is 1.g    bigger, up to 700 million. The number shows a great increase (增长) in Internet users in China over the last2.f    years, especially among teenagers. And China becomes a large market for Internet3.b    .

A new survey (调查) shows that Chinese teens show 4.i_______ in online activities. They seem not to know that spending too much time before a computer screen is bad for their 5.h       .According to the survey, 42.6% of teens have built their 6.o      web blogs. More than half enjoy7.c       online with friends and 10.6% of teens play Internet games. It is a pity that only 6% use the Internet to get information for their learning projects! Also, the survey finds that the teens have different favourite 8.p    to use the Internet. For teens in towns, 35% choose Internet bars as a main place to go online. For those living in large cities, 86% use home computers.

Too much time online certainly9.l     to problems for their young life. I think teens should think more about10.w        role (角色) a computer plays.




Hey! Mother's Day is coming. Have you planned something good for your mom? If not, try one of these tips.

What's Her Favorite?

Most teens don't know what their mom's favorite is. You do? Then, what are you waiting for? Buy her something she likes and wrap it carefully. The best time to give her that is while she is sleeping at night. Put it on the drawer next to her so that when she wakes up, she'll be surprised to see it.

Treat a Queen

Your house is a palace with a king and queen (it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor). Our mother is the real queen in our life and in our family, though her duties make her look like she is not. Give the lady a day off and you can do the housework.

Because of stress and the problems that she is facing right now, she doesn't look good any more. Perhaps you could take some of your savings to treat her in a salon or the department store. Then, choose nice clothes that would make her look beautiful!

Have Some of Your Time

Our mothers have special memories in mind. It is the time that they gave birth to their healthy baby. How about you? What's your best moment with her? Have you ever had a good time with your mother not talking about your problems? Have you ever told her how much you thank her for the life she gave to you, the time she cared for you? Maybe you can tell her how happy you are when she was there looking after you during your painful days in your life.

Tell the magic words

Life is short. We don't know what will happen tomorrow. Those three words can make her heart jump for happiness, you know? Just tell her “I love you!” and it would make her smile so sweetly. Just try! We don't want to miss a thing, right?

Tips on    1. to make your mother happy on Mother’s Day

Buy a 2.  for your mother

Buy her something that she likes   3. ;

Put it on a drawer next to her to give her a    4. .

Treat your mother 5.    a queen

Do the housework 6.  of her to make her relax;

Buy her nice clothes to make her look pretty again.

7. some of your time

Remind her of your best moment with her;

Don’t  with her about some problems;

Tell her you were so happy when she 8. care of you during painful days.

Tell the magic words

Tell her “I love you!” to make her  9. .

Just have a    10.  and take action right now.

















1.We must take more action to protect the              .(环境)

2.It’s said that the best way to improve your spoken English is to study        . (国外)

3.Surprisingly, it says that a small ant has two         .(胃)

4.My grandpa always told me about his          in Shanghai,they touched me a lot.(经历)

5.What the girl said makes her look even _________(丑陋的).

6.The museum has been _______ (open) to the public for nearly two months.

7.To avoid         (fail) the test, you should work hard before it

8.Look, the boy is         (tie)his shoes at the school gate.

9.As a ________ (Canada),he is always proud of his country’s fresh air .

10.Most of us have no      with our parents ,so we can’t understand each other.(communicate)



Are you a gourmand(吃货)? Do you want to eat every delicious food in the world? Then do you watch the popular program? “A Bite of China” is a documentary on Chinese delicious food which has been broadcast by CCTV. Can you find any holiday celebrated without a special festival food? Food is very important in China.  Here are several traditional Chinese foods:

Eggs hold a special meaning in many cultures. Chinese believe that eggs mean producing something new. For example, after a baby is born, parents may hold a " feast party," where they pass out eggs to announce the birth. In some areas of  China the number of eggs represents the sex of the child, the number(1,3,5…) for a girl, and (2,4,6…) for a boy.

Noodles are a symbol of long life in Chinese culture. They are as much a part of a Chinese birthday celebration as a birthday cake with lit candles(蜡烛) in many countries. Since noodles represent long life, it is considered very unlucky to cut them off.

Although westerners sometimes may be very sorry to see fish lying on a plate, in China a whole fish is a symbol of richness. In fact, at a party it is traditional to serve the whole fish last, fish head pointed toward the valued guest. Fish also has a special meaning because the Chinese word for fish, yu, sounds like the word for richness or plenty, and it is believed that eating fish will help your wishes come true in the future.

Another very popular food during the Dragon Boat Festival is Zongzi. This tasty food is made of rice with meat, peanut or other delicious food in bamboo leaves. The tradition of Zongzi is meant to remind us of a great man, Qu Yuan.

The 50-minute program tries to bring something new by presenting more cultural elements(元素),such as eating habits and the quality of eating.

1.A bite of China is _______.

A. a history          B. a TV program

C. a guide book        D. a radio talk

2.The underlined phrase means_____ .

A. give presents    B. get  presents

C. ask  for        D. stand for

3.In this part the documentary tells us about Chinese food ______ in the history.

A. cooking        B. eating            C. making           D. meaning

4.How many kinds of traditional food are mentioned in the passage?

A.two B.three       C.four  D.five



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