满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—When do you usually in the morning? —Th...

—When do you usually   in the morning?

—That depends on what time my alarm clock goes off!

A. stay up             B. put up

C. wake up             D. make up


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查短语辨析。句意: ——早上你一般什么时候醒来? ——那要看我的闹钟几点响了! stay up熬夜; put up搭起; 举起; wake up醒来; 叫醒; make up编制; 组成。根据句意判断选C。  

If we   trees and forests, giant pandas   nowhere to live.

A. cut down; have           B. will cut down; will have

C. will cut down; have      D. cut down; will have



—Would you like to play basketball with us this afternoon?

   , but I have to study for tomorrow’s test.

A. I’d love to         B. I’m afraid not

C. Sounds good          D. No problem



The girl has   friends here, so she feels lonely.

A. little            B. a little

C. few               D. a few



   , we’d got home when it started raining, so we didn’t get wet.

A. Luck              B. Lucky

C. Luckily           D. Unluckily



Would you like   camping with me, David?

A. go                 B. goes

C. going              D. to go



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