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阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 My Earth Day Birthday M...


My Earth Day Birthday

My name is Tara, and this year I had the best birthday ever! My birthday is on April 22-Earth Day. Icall it my “Earth Day Birthday”. Every year, Ido something special on my birthday to help the environment. Last year my mom and Ihelped clean up a beach. Ihad a great time and learned a lot about ocean animals. But this year’s celebration was even better!

Back in January, my teacher, Ms. Gonzales, told usthat the school would hold a special Earth Day celebration this year. Because of my birthday, my classmates put me in charge of the whole thing!

After discussing,we had a great plan. Some family members even helped us with our projects. We were surprised at how fast the time flew. Before we knew it, Earth Day had arrived.

When our class planned the Earth Day fair, we knew that kids from our school and their families would come. We had no idea that our whole town and other towns nearby would hear about it. But during the fair, a news van(新闻车)pulled up with a television reporter and a camera person!

After Ms. Gonzales talked with the reporter,shecalled me over and introducedus. She told him that Ihad helped to organize the fair. The reporter asked how Ihad become involved in environmental activities. I told him that Idecidedto do something to make a difference when I sawa dead turtle in Mexico. He said he thought our Earth Day fair was a big success.

Iwas really excited about being on television. But Iwas even more excited when Igot a phone call that night from our town’s mayor(镇长). She told me she had seenthe news about the fair.And she willhold an Earth Day celebration for the whole town next year. She wants to include special activities for kids, and asked me to work with her!

I’m so happy that Ifound a way to helpthe environment and Ihad a chance to get more people involved. Maybe the life of that sea turtle Isaw in Mexico wasn’t a waste after all.

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1.Did Tara have the best birthday ever this year?

2.Who even helped the students with their projects?

3.Whatdid Ms. Gonzales do aftershe talked withthe reporter?

4.Whenwill the town’s mayor hold an Earth Day celebration?

5.Why is Tara so happy about this fair?


1.Yes./ Yes, she did. 2.Family members. 3.Shecalled the writer over and introduced them. 4.Next year. 5.Because she found a way to help the environment and she had a chance to get more people involved. 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文讲的是Tara的生日正好是世界地球日那天,她每年在生日这天都会做一些保护环境的事情。在今年她使更多人参与到这项活动中。 1.根据文中信息But this year’s celebration was even better!可知今年她过的生日是最好的,所以答案是:Yes./ Yes, she did. 2.根据文中信息 Some family members even helped us with our projects.可知一些家庭成员甚至来帮助他们,所以是:Family members. 3.根据文中信息After Ms. Gonzales talked with the reporter,shecalled me over and introducedus.可知此题答案是:Shecalled the writerover and introduced them. 4.根据文中信息She told me she had seenthe news about the fair.And she willhold an Earth Day celebration for the whole town next year.可知此题的答案是:Next year. 5. 考点:阅读回答


Eating habits

Eating habits are different in different countries. The Chinese have a saying 1.  , eat a big meal for lunch, but eat less at dinner.” Many Britishagree that one should start theday with a good breakfast, but their ideas about lunch and dinner are different.

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People in UK do not usually have rice or noodles for breakfast. 2. . Hot tea, coffee and milk are their usual breakfast drinks.

Most Britishpeople only give themselves a short time for lunch. 3. . Lunch is taken later in UK, at about 1 p.m. While Chinese people like a hot, filling lunch, many Britishpeoplemay just have a sandwich. There are also differences in the way schoolchildren eat lunch. In the past, British children ate hot lunches at school, as most children in China do now, although the food was different. Today, British schoolchildren bring their own lunches to school. They usually eat a sandwich and a piece of fruit.

The evening meal is the most important meal in both countries. 4. , and so do many people in UK. After work theywill have more time to eat a big dinner. In most families in UK,thereis meat with two or three vegetables and then something sweet. But in China people often have more dishes, and usually with some soup.

And of course, in both countries people look forward to their most important festivals: Christmas in UK, and the Spring Festival in China. 5.  ,there is one thing in common –the happiness of being with their families and loved ones.

A. In China people have dinner at about 6 p.m.

B. Although the food they eat is different

C. Eat good things forbreakfast

D. So they eat a small lunch

E. They eat bread instead



Are “Basics”Enough for Students?

An American education expert says many schools are spending too much time teaching the ―basics‖ reading, math and writing. That might be different from what educators have been saying in America. But U.S. Education Secretary John King says children really need a well-rounded(全面的)education that includes music and the arts.

King spoke about his own education when explaining why schools need to teach more than math, reading and writing. His parents died when he was young. He said things in his house were frightening. It was his teacher in Grades Four, Five and Six Mr. Osterweil who helped him escape from his difficult life at home. Each day in Mr. Osterweil’s class, students would read a newspaper. The teacher took him and his classmates to the theater, the zoos and famous museums.

“Those were powerful, life-changing experiences,‖ King says. After he graduated from Harvard University, he took charge of New York State public schools from 2011-2015. ―I’m alive today, I’m doing the work that I do today because I had Mr. Osterweil during that period of my life,‖ King says. ―Students need to connect their studies to things that matter to them, such as music, if they want to become a thinker.‖

A 2013 report by UNESCO(联合国教科文组织), says world needs people to be able to solve new and unusual problems now. It says arts can help students find those answers. In the report, UNESCO says teaching the arts in China, South Korea and Japan is different from that in many western countries. ―The educators in those three countries pay more attention on joyful experiences and children’s interests,‖ the report says. ―In the West, educators are more likely to connect the arts to reading, writing and math.”

Comparing countries is hard because they have different ways to define success. For example some people may think getting high marks in exams is success, while others may hold different views. A 2014 survey by the Program for International Student Assessment tried to compare how well countries teach children how to solve problems. It found Singapore, South Korea, Japan, and China with the highest scores. Singapore was the top one with a score of 562 out of 1,000. The average(平均的) score was 500. The United States had a score of 508, one point behind Germany.

So it may be worth rethinking what we should focus on in our class. The ―basics‖ is not the only part of education.

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1. We can learn from the passage that __________.

A. King’s family life was warm and happy

B. King’s teacher focused on ―basics‖ more

C. educators in the West teach music for joy

D. arts can help students solvenew problems

2. The word “define” in Paragraph 6 probably means―_________”

A. get the pleasure of   B. make full use of

C. give the meaning of   D. take the place of

3. The writer probably agrees that______.

A. students need more than “basics”to learn

B. getting high marks in exams is success

C.education depends a lot on the hobbies

D. we need more time to learn “basics”



A workmate of mine lives in the same street as me. He drives about 5 kilometres to work every day while I cycle the same distance almost every day. I must say that I occasionally(偶尔地)take the car if the weather is very bad, or I am very tired or in a hurry. Imagine my surprise when I cycled to work one day, went for a shower in the sports centre and saw my neighbor in the gym on the cycling machine after driving to work! I share an office with another workmate who lives near to me. She drives to work every day and, the end of the day, she drives to a gym. I don’t see the logic(逻辑). It would be much easier to cycle to work so that you have some exercise every day as part of your daily routine.

I try to advise them to cycle to work, so I did some research about the benefits of cycling to work. Of course, cycling has some advantages over driving. It is cheaper, it is better for the environment, and you don’t have to find a parking space. The point about the parking space is an important one as the car parks are often full. I know that my workmate sometimes spends 15 minutes looking for a parking space! It is true that cycling is a little slower than going by car, but at rush hour it doesn’t make much difference. The time it takes to cycle is generally easier to predict than the time it takes to drive. When there is heavy traffic, people on bicycles can get past, while people in cars have to wait.

There are clear health benefits to cycling. According to one expert, if you cycle regularly you should be as fit as a younger person. I am 47 and I still play football in a team,so I would say that his opinion is true. As well as being good for your health, cycling can reduce stress. I also find that when I can’t solve a problem at work, the answer often comes to me when I am cycling. Sometimes the harder you think about a problem, the harder it is to find the solution. And you really need to pay less attention to the problems. Cycling relaxes the mind.

I am going to say to my workmates “two wheels good, four wheels bad” every day until they get on their bikes!

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1.From the passage, the writer drives to work if __________.

A. he goes to the gym  B. there is a parking space

C. he feels very tired  D. he meets his workmate

2. The writer gives the example of his neighbor to show __________.

A. driving to work is not logical

B. cyclingto the gym is not easy

C. driving to the gym is necessary

D. cycling to work is much cheaper

3. We can learn from the passagethat_________.

A. cyclingmakes people think harder

B. cycling always saves people’s time

C. exercise on cycling machineis helpful

D. cycling regularly makes people feel young

4. What is the besttitle of the passage?

A. Get on Your Bike Now

B. Get Away from the Gym

C. Two Ways of Going Out

D. HealthBenefits of Cycling



A Man of Vision(视觉)

In 1809, Louis Braille was born in a small town in France.When he was three years old, he accidentally hurt one of his eyes.The sickness spread to his other eye. Later, Louiswas unable to see.

Louis’s parents took him out of schooltwo years later. They thought that there was nothing more for him to learn there. He could not read or write.

When he was ten years old, Louis’s parents sent him to a special school inParis. It was one of the first schools for blind people in the world. Louis learned many skills at this school. Oneof them was reading.

Back then, blind people read by feeling raised letters on the paper. But it was difficult. Too many letters felt the same, for they had similar shapes.

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Louis wantedto find a better way for blind people to read. He tried to create a touch system for reading and writing. He believed a system of raised dot(小点)could help. Night Writing-a writing system for soldiers was used. But he didn’t think it was good enough. This system did not allow the fingertip(指尖)to cover a whole letter. The readers had to move their fingers to feel theletter.

After years of hard work, he invented a shorter, easier form of this touch system. He used six dots to form each letter. It allowed a personto feel a whole letter without moving. Blind people could read much faster and easier.

Today, we call this form of written language Braillein honour of Louis Braille.

Louis died in 1852. However, his form of communication lives on. Though he became blind at a young age,he insisted a lot. Instead, he overcame the difficulty, and madea big difference.

1. When Louis was three years old, he __________.

A. was sent to a special school

B. moved to a town in France

C. was takenout of school

D. hurt one of his eyes

2.For blind people, feeling raised letters on the paper was difficult because _________.

A. they neededto learn special skills

B. they couldn’tfeel a whole letter

C.they could not see them clearly

D.too many letters felt the same

3. With Louis’s system, blind people could read _________.

A. slower  B.easier  C. harder  D. louder

4. According to the passage, what can we learn from Louis?

A. Always follow the rules.

B. Be friendly with our friends.

C. Never give up and work hard.

D. Communicate more with others.




Famous Places around the World


The best time to visit Mexico is spring. The weather in Mexico is hot and wet for most of the year, except in Mexico city. It can get very stormy at the end of August. And you should keep in mind that hurricane seas on lasts from June to November.

South A frica

South Africa has a pleasant climate, with lovely warm sunny days for most of the year. The summer is from November to February, and the weather is really hot at this time. In August, it’s winter and the weather is usually warm, except at night.


The best time to visit Greece is April to June. If you just want to sit on a beach and see the sunshine every day, then August is the perfect month. But, be careful! Temperatures are really high. In the southeast of Greece, it might be 30—35 centigrade.


Its winter in Australia in July and August. The hottest months are from November to March. The best time to go is September or October. Its warm enough to swim in the sea. Its cool enough to tour around, and its not too rainy. If you prefer it colder, go in August.

1. The best time to visit Mexico is ______.

A. spring  B. summer   C. autumn  D. winter

2. For most of the year, the weather in South Africa is _______.

A. cool and rainy  B.hotand wet

C. warm and sunny  D. cold and snowy

3. If you want to sit on the beach and see the sunshine in August, you can go to _______.

A. Mexico  B.Greece  C.South AfricaD. Australia

4. The hottest months in Australia are from _______.

A. June to November  B. April to June

C. November to March  D. November to February



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