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任务型阅读 阅读短文,根据文章大意,从下面方框里七个选项中选择五个还原到文章中去...

任务型阅读 阅读短文,根据文章大意,从下面方框里七个选项中选择五个还原到文章中去,使文章意思通顺,结构完整。

Thanksgiving Day is always on a Thursday. 1._______________. It is the start of the holiday shopping season and it has been the busiest shopping day of the year in the US since 2005.

Most stores offer big sales on Black Friday. They open their doors very early in the morning and try to attract shoppers with low prices. Some things like TVs and clothes are much cheaper than usual. 2.________________. They hope that shoppers will buy more gifts while they are in the store.

Black Friday is a great time for shopping. However there are problems. 3.________________. Each store has only a few so the goods are in great need and people stand in long lines to get them. They may wait three or four hours before a store opens but not everyone can get one. Some people leave disappointed.

This situation makes people worried. Some Black Friday events have been crazy. There have been fights over toys among shoppers. Some workers have been hurt by large crowd. 4.____________. Still if you want to go you will expect large crowds and a bit of pushing.

So where does the name “Black Friday” come from? It was first used in Philadelphia in the 1950s. The police called this day Black Friday because of the heavy traffic it caused. In the 1960s stores tried to change the name into “Big Friday”. It didn’t stick. The name Black Friday” continued to spread across the country. It seems that it is here to stay. 5.____________. It is even spreading to other parts of the world. Stores have held Black Friday events in the UK Australia and Brazil since 2012. In Mexico stores offer a weekend of low price every year. They call it El Buen Fin” which means “the good weekend” in Spanish. I guess people everywhere like to buy things on sale.


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1.D 2.A 3.F 4.C 5.E 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了在黑色星期五人们购物的情况及黑色周五的来历。 1.D根据上文Thanksgiving Day is always on a Thursday可知,下文应与 “星期”有关。故选D。 2.A根据上文谈到商店的打折促销,那商店就可能 “赔钱销售物品”,希望顾客买更多的商品。故选A。 3.F根据下文意 Each store has only a few, so the goods are in great need and people stand in long lines to get them.可知,商店的低价商品少。故选F。 4.C根据上文Some workers have been hurt by large crowd可知,虽然黑色星期五存在不和谐的拥挤致伤的事件,但大多数黑色星期五事件是安全的和有趣的。故应填写C。 5.E根据下文 It is even spreading to other parts of the world. 黑色星期五人们购物这件事已经蔓延到世界其它地方,可知上文应是“现在全国人都参与了购物这件事”。故应填写:E。 考点:考查任务型阅读。

完成句子 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。


It’s healthy to ________ ________and sleep early.


After the inter-city railway is opened in 2018 it will take ________ ________an hour from Jinan to any of the cities around.


Some new cartoon characters will ________ ________ in Shanghai Disneyland very soon.

4. 昨天我们拜访了邻居,一起喝了咖啡。

We _________ __________our neighbors’ house for a cup of coffee yesterday.

5. 当今世界发展迅速,但是面对环境的挑战,我们还是感到些许尴尬。

With such rapid______________around the whole world we still feel very _______________in the face of the environmental challenges.



改写句子 按括号内的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。

1.Tom can do well in his English exam. (改为否定句)

Tom ________ _________ do well in his English exam.

2.Bob plays basketball twice a week. (就句子画线部分提问)

_______ _______ does Bob play basketball?

3.“ What will you be like in five years?” he asked.(改写句子,句意不变)

He asked me________I ________be like in five year.

4. It took her plenty of time to look after her disabled daughter. (改写句子,句意不变)

Plenty of her time ________ _________ looking after her disabled daughter.

5. The Chinese government has begun to know how important our students should learn Chinese well. (改写句子,句意不变)

The Chinese government has___________the ____________of learning Chinese well for our students.




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If you want to ask me why we should1. _________English my answer will be simple and clear. Now let me tell you the reasons one by one in the following.

In the first place English2.___________ an international language. If you know English you 3._________a trip round the world without being misunderstood.

In the second place most valuable books newspapers and magazines4.________in English. If you hope to get knowledge you must learn English.

In the third place English is the bridge to the outside world. If you want to go abroad for further study in the fields of medicine or technology you will find it very important for you 5._________your dreams.




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In a fast food restaurant there are no waiters or waitresses. Usually the food is already prepared so the waiting1.________ is short. You can take away the food in paper or plastic2.________. Once you get your food you can enjoy it at the table or 3._______ it home. You can eat the food with your hands or use forks and knives. 4._________ you have finished eating you are expected to throw all the paper and plastics into a large litter bin.

Fast food is normally not considered 5.____________ and the taste is usually the same each time you buy it.



For many kids in Africa the colorful PlayPump(踏水车)is the first playground thing they have ever seen. When the children give it a push and jump in for their first ride smiles of wonder appears on their faces.

The fun of going round and round in a circle is just part of the wonder. The wonderful invention doesn’t only change the kids’ play time but also makes a big difference to the people’s lives.

As the merry-go-round starts it pumps(泵送)clean water up from deep underground and keeps it in a huge tank(桶). People are welcomed to come and help themselves to get the water for free. They are very happy these days.

In the countryside of Africa very few people could drink clean water. They don’t have machines that can get water in their homes. Instead they often walk a long way to carry water back.

Patricia Molope a fifteen-year-old girl explains that before her village in South Africa got a PlayPump people would pay a taxi driver to take them to a well far from their homes. Sometimes the taxi drivers were so busy that we would have to stop taking showers in order to save water. It was so far to walk there but at present we have our own clean water in the village and the life is better too.”

The hard job of carrying water usually is done by women and girls. Carrying water for miles and hours each day is such a heavy job that it sometimes prevents girls from being able to go to school.

Thanks to the PlayPump getting water is quicker and easier-----and even boys join in. The pumps have become a new activity. Kids and adults seem to love playing with them while collecting water.

A boy named Khumalo twelve years old says I have seen many kinds of water pumps but have never seen one that can keep water. When I grow up I want to be an inventor so I can also invent clever things like the PlayPump that will help my country.”

So far more than 800 PlayPumps are being operated in schools and neighborhoods in four African countries providing water for almost two million people.

1.To get water from a PlayPump people need to ______________.

A. walk for a long way     B. push it first

C. make it in a circle    D. use a big tank

2.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refers to____________

A. pump        B. merry-go-round

C. PlayPump    D. underground

3.For Patricia Molope getting water used to be hard because____________

A. She didn’t know how to use a PlayPump.

B. She had no money to pay a taxi driver.

C. The only place to get water was far away from home.

D. There was not enough water in the well.

4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE about PlayPump?

A. People need to pay for the clean water from PlayPump.

B. Both children and parents enjoy the ride on PlayPump.

C. PlayPump makes the life of the Africans much easier.

D. About two million Africans are using the water from PlayPump.

5.What is the main idea of the story?

A. PlayPump can bring people together.

B. PlayPump helps turn work into play.

C. Every country in the world is thirsty.

D. PlayPump is a great invention in the world.



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