满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Do you like animals? Most people like an...

Do you like animals? Most people like animals. We usually go to the zoo to see animals, and sometimes we keep(保持) small animals at home as pets(宠物), for example, dogs, cats or fish. We like animals because they are our friends. Many animals can make people happy, and others can help us work.

In our life, we can see dolphins, elephants, dogs or some other animals doing a lot of things for people. Dolphins(海豚) can give great shows to children. Elephants can carry heavy(重的)things for farmers. Dogs can look after our houses. Now people are trying to get animals to do some other things.

1.Where do people usually go to see animals?


2.What animals do people keep at home?


3.Why do people like animals?


4.What can dolphins do for people?


5.Can elephants look after our houses?



1.They usually go to the zoo. 2.Small animals like dogs,cats or fish . 3.Animals are our friends. 4.They can give great shows to children. 5.No, they can’t 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:人们喜欢动物,因为他们是人们的朋友。许多动物可以使人快乐,其他的可以帮助我们做工作。在我们的生活中,我们可以看到海豚、大象、狗或其他动物为人们做许多事情。现在人们正试图让动物做一些其他的事情。 1.根据文中We usually go to the zoo to see animals可知人们常去动物园看动物,所以作答They usually go to the zoo. 2.根据文中Sometimes we keep(保持) small animals at home as pets(宠物), for example, dogs, cats or fish.可知人们在家里喂养狗,猫和鱼这些小动物。所以作答Small animals like dogs, cats or fish . 3.根据文中We like animals because they are our friends可知人们喜欢动物是因为动物是人的朋友,所以作答Animals are our friends. 4.根据文中Dolphins(海豚) can give great shows to children.可知海豚(海豚)可以给孩子提供很大的表演。所以作答They can give great shows to children. 5.根据文中Elephants can carry heavy(重的)things for farmers可知大象可以为农民携带沉重的东西。所以作答No, they can’t 考点:任务型阅读。

It’s December and it’s busy time for all English families. Everyone is getting ready for Christmas. They’re going shopping for presents for all the family. They’re cooking and making Christmas puddings . There are lots of traditions . Tim’s family always put their presents under a decorated Christmas tree. In the morning, they say “Merry Christmas!”to each other and open their presents . In the afternoon, they eat a special meal with their family and friends . After the meal, they sing special Christmas songs.

阅读短文, 判断正(T)误(F)

1.English families are getting ready for Christmas in December.

2.Everyone in the family gets a present.

3.Tim's family put presents on the Christmas tree.

4.Tim' s family sing special Christmas songs in the morning.

5.Tim ' s family open their presents after Christmas dinner.



Dear Da Peng,

Thanks for you email. And thank you for introducing(介绍) your Chinese friend Li Fang to me. You are the class monitor for this term. That’s good. Work hard! Try to help your teacher.

My classmates choose me as the PE monitor in our class because I run very fast. My PE teacher and my classmates like me. They also want me to organize the PE Club. I think that is a good idea. We can play basketball or football at weekends.

Please send some of your photos to me.



1.Da Peng is the ________ for this term.

A. PE monitor       B. cleaning monitor

C. class monitor     D. studying monitor

2.Mike is the PE monitor because he ________.

A. plays basketball well B. enjoys sport

C. does well at school   D. runs very fast

3.The underlined word “organize” means ________ in Chinese.

A. 观看   B. 组织   C. 进入   D. 计划

4.Mike asks Da Peng to ________.

A. write an email to him soon

B. send some photos to him

C. join the PE Club with him

D. introduce some Chinese friends to him

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Li Fang is Da Peng’s friend.

B. This email is from Mike to Da Peng.

C. Mike feels happy to organize the PE Club.

D. Mike wants to join the PE Club because he wants to play tennis.






Likes it

Doesn’t like it










Ice cream






1.______ like(s)ice cream.

A.Peter   B.Barry   C.Bob   D.A and C

2.Bill likes ______,but doesn't 1ike _______.

A.tomatoes; strawberries B.bananas; strawberries

C. bananas; ice cream    D. tomatoes;ice cream

3._______ like hamburgers.

A.Lucy and Mary    B.Jane and Lucy

C.Lucy and Jack    D.April and Jack

4.______ likes strawberries,but doesn’t like bananas.

A.Barry    B.Bill    C.Mary    D.Jane

5.In the form(表格),we can see ______ names.

A.6    B.7    C.8    D.9




Hi, everyone. Let me introduce Mr. and Mrs. Smith _____ English teachers to you. Mr. and Mrs. Smith ______from England. They________English very well in our school. Mrs. Smith likes _____books and_____music. Now she can sing some Chinese songs.

Mr. Smith likes playing football. He often plays it _____his Chinese students. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have two ______, a son and a daughter. They are students.

Mr. Smith has a brother. His name is Bill. He ______with Mr. and Mrs. Smith. He is a singer. He can’t speak lots of Chinese, _____he can play______piano very well. He can play football very well, too.

After class, you can play with them. Now let’s begin your class.

1.A. we         B. our         C. she             D. your

2.A. be         B. comes        C. is              D. come

3.A. teach      B. teaches      C. teaching       D. to teach

4.A. read       B. to reading  C. reading         D. reads

5.A. listening B. to listen    C. listening to   D. to listening

6.A. and        B. to          C. from          D. with

7.A. child     B. childrens    C. children        D. childs

8.A. live      B. lives        C. living         D. can lives

9.A. and        B. but        C. /             D. so

10.A. the      B. an         C. a             D. /



We often have a walk ______ the evening of Saturday.

A. in    B. at     C. on     D. for



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