满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Helping your child to read and write at ...

Helping your child to read and write at home will improve your child’s skills and confidence---it will also better equip(装备) them for learning in the classroom  environment. Reading and writing skills are needed by every child in every subject in every year of their school life and outside school. As parents, you can play an important role in improving your children’s literacy(读写能力)by practicing reading, writing, spelling and speaking with them outside school. This kit(工具箱)includes a number of tips on how to help. By listening, asking questions, giving information, and reading with your child outside school hours---you can make a difference. Students who improve their reading and writing will increase their vocabulary and their ability to use English correctly. This kit includes tips on how to help your child to read, write and spell, such as:

reading aloud each night

including children in everyday conversations

listening to your child

reading your child’s writing

using a dictionary

encouraging your child to talk about events that don’t involve the parents

trying not to ask questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer

practicing reading and writing by filling in forms, writing letters, sending cards, or e-mails.

The Premier’s Reading Challenge is also a wonderful way to encourage your child to read. You can help your child by encouraging him or her to join the Challenge and discuss the books they are reading.

1.This passage is mainly written for_______.

A. children   B. parents    C. students     D. teachers

2.From this passage we know parents can help their children improve____.

A. listening and writing skills

B. reading and listening skills

C. listening and speaking skills

D. reading and writing skills

3. _____is NOT mentioned in the tips above.

A. Reading aloud each night

B. Joining the English club

C. Reading your child’s writing

D. Writing letters and e-mails

4.Helping your children read and write can’t_____.

A. replace their teacher

B. make them use English correctly

C. increase their vocabulary

D. improve their confidence

5.Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Helping Your Child Read and Write

B. How to Read and Write

C. Practice Reading and Writing

D. How to Teach Your Child


1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了家长对孩子读写的辅导是重要的。那可以提高孩子的技能和信心。作者主要在如何帮助孩子的读写方面给家长提出了一些建议。 1.B细节理解题。从Helping your children to read and write at home will improve their skills and confidence可知其对象是父母,故选B。 2.D细节理解题。此题要联系上下文来考虑。文章讲的都是提高读和写作技能,故选D。 3.B细节判断题。根据短文的建议可知没有提及加入俱乐部,故选B。 4.A细节判断题。根据短文中的句子“Students who improve their reading and writing will increase their vocabulary and their ability to use English correctly.”,“Helping your child to read and write at home will improve your child’s skills and confidence”可知,帮助你的孩子在家读书和写作将增加他们的词汇和他们正确使用英语的能力,还会提高你孩子的自信心。但是不能取代老师的位置。故答案为A。 5.A标题归纳题。根据短文中作者在如何帮助孩子的读写方面给家长提出了一些建议。故答案选A。 考点:教育类短文阅读。



A teacher was giving a talk to his students on stress(压力)management. He raised a glass of water and asked them, “How______do you think this glass of water is?” The students began to think and____. Their answers are different, from 20g to 500g. “It does not matter on the real____. It depends on how long you hold it. If I hold it for a ____,it is OK.If I hold it for an hour, I will have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you will have to call a ______. It is the exact same weight,but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes. What we have to do is to put the glass down, ____for a while before holding it up again.” “If we carry our burdens(负担)______,sooner or later, we will not be able to carry on. The burden will become increasingly heavier. We have to ____the burden every now and then, so that we can be refreshed and are able to carry on.” So _____you return home from work tonight, put the burden of work down. Don’t carry it back home. You can pick it up tomorrow. Whatever burdens you have , let them down for a moment if you can .And learn to____yourselves. Life is short but amazing. Enjoy it!

1.A. heavy         B. full           C. much             D. long

2.A. read          B. watch          C. guess           D. listen

3.A. glass        B. weight         C. water           D. height

4.A. minute        B. night          C. day             D. week

5.A. mother        B. teacher      C. doctor        D. friend

6.A. rest          B. shake          C. look             D. work

7.A. this time     B. some other timeC. next time       D. all the time

8.A. give up      B. put down      C. pick up         D. think about

9.A. after       B. since          C. before          D. until

10.A. save        B. help           C. care            D. relax



----By the time I was five, I_________English.


A. had started learning   B. have started learning

C. started to learn       D. started learning



Mr. Green asked us to stop____. So we stopped______to him at once.

A. talking; listening B. to talk; listening

C. talking; to listen  D. to talk; to listen



If more and more people ride bikes to work, there will be______pollution.

A. little        B. few           C. less               D. fewer



Mrs. Green_________a farmer, but she is a writer now.

A. used to             B. used to be

C. was used to being   D. was used to be



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