满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

How much do you know about Albert Einste...

How much do you know about Albert Einstein?

Albert Einstein, born on March 14, 1579 in Germany, was a great scientist in the world. He was strange because he hated haircuts and new clothes. He believed in peace. All his life, he hated war. However, his most famous idea, E=mc2, helped create the world's most dangerous weapon(武器). Many people think he was the smartest person in the world. But Einstein said that he thought like a child with many questions and unusual ideas.

What did he like?

Einstein liked learning sailing(帆船运动). He sailed in small boats all his life. He once joked, “Sailing is the sport that takes the least energy!”

When Einstein was a child, his mother made him take violin lessons. At first, he didn't like the violin. But then he learned to love music and became a good violinist. Later, he said, “Love is the best teacher.”

Why is the sky blue?

In 1910, Einstein asked a question which many children often ask, “Why is the sky blue?” After his careful research, he answered the question like this: “It's because light is made up of many colors including blue. When light travels to Earth, gas particles(气体微粒)spread the blue light all over the sky.” His answer is true in physics.

1. The underlined part actually shows Albert Einstein was a/an________ person.

A. clever  B. imaginative  C. childlike  D. energetic

2.Einstein________ learning sailing and playing the violin.

A. was interested in       B. looked forward to

C. was known for           D. had no interest in

3.From Paragraph 3 we know that________.

A. mother teaches the best

B. without mother's push, we can't love anything

C. interesting is the best teacher

D. when we love something, we'd like to learn about it

4. Einstein offered a________ explanation for the question why the sky is blue.

A. magic  B. scientific  C. careful  D. Natural


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了爱因斯坦的喜好和理论。爱因斯坦讨厌理发和穿新衣服。他对帆船运动和拉小提琴感兴趣。他有很多问题和不同寻常的想法,最著名的理论是E = mc²。他还对“天空为什么是蓝色的?”进行了科学的解释。 1.B细节理解题。根据文中根据But Einstein said that he thought like a child with many questions and unusual ideas.可知爱因斯坦有很多问题和不同寻常的想法,因此推断他是一个想象力丰富的人。故选B。 2.A根据 Einstein liked learning sailing(帆船运 动). He sailed in small boats all his life.可知爱因斯坦喜欢帆船运动,根据But then he learned to love music and became a good violinist可知他喜欢拉小提琴。故推断他对帆船运动和拉小提琴感兴趣。故选A。 3.D推理判断题。根据Later, he said, “Love is the best teacher.”可知当你喜欢上一件事,你会愿意学习它。故选D。 4.最著名的理论是E = mc²。他还对“天空为什么是蓝色的?”进行了科学的解释。故选B。 考点:人物类短文阅读。

Everyone has got two personalities(性格)--the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real. You don’t show your secret personality when you’re awake because you can control yourself, but when you’re asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you. In a normal night, of course, you often change your sleeping positions. The important position that best shows your secret personality is the one that you go to sleep.

If you go to sleep on your back, you’re a very open person. You normally trust people and you’re easily influenced by new ideas. You don’t like to make people unhappy, so you never express your real feelings. You’re quite shy and you’re not very confident.

If you sleep on your stomach, you’re a person who likes to keep secrets. You worry a lot and you’re always easily becoming sad. You never want to change your ideas, but you are satisfied with your life the way it is. You usually live for today not for tomorrow.

If you sleep curled up(蜷缩),you’re probably a very nervous people. You have a low opinion of yourself and often protect yourself from being hurt, so you’re defensive. You’re shy and you don’t usually like meeting people. You like to be on your own.

If you sleep on your side, you have usually got a very well-balanced personality. You know your strengths and weakness. You’re usually careful. You have a confident personality. You sometimes feel worried, but you don’t often get sad. You always say what you think, even if it makes people angry.

1.. You may find the passage in ________________________.

A. a science magazine             B. a guidebook

C. a sports newspaper              D. a storybook

2.. Tina is seldom afraid of any public speeches. She probably goes to sleep _______.

A. on curled up            B. on her stomach

C. on her back             D. on her side

3. What does the underlined word “defensive” mean in the passage?

A. 易怒的    B. 攻击性的      C. 外向的      D.有戒心的

4.What does the passage tell us?

A. Sleeping on your side is the best way of sleeping.

B. Changing positions will cause sleeping problems.

C. Sleeping positions show people’s secret personality.

D. Enough sleep makes people look better and healthier.




Rules for residents

1、You may make tea and coffee in your rooms, but cooking is not allowed.

2、Visitors are welcome to stay in your rooms until 11 pm, but please do not play loud music after 10 pm.

3、There is a TV in the Students’ Lounge for students to watch in their free time.

4、There are washing machines on every floor for washing your clothes. Please don’t hang clothes out of the window to dry.

5、Each floor has a telephone for making local calls only. No international calls, please.



1.According to the rules, the residents can               .

A.make tea and cook meals

B.play loud music at 11 pm

C.watch TV in their free time

D.hang clothes out of the window

2.The rules above are made for             .

A.students  B.workers

C.patients  D.visitors

3.We may learn from the rules that          .

A.visitors are welcome to spend the whole night in the rooms

B.hanging clothes out of the window to dry isn’t allowed

C.each floor has a telephone for making international calls

D.residents can make international calls




them   turn    want   cups    fail   expensive   problem   offer   as   with

A group of graduates got together to visit their old university professor.

The conversation soon 1.  into complaints about stress in work and life. To 2.  his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned    3.   a large pot of coffee and a variety of cups porcelain(瓷器), plastic, glass, crystal(水晶), some plain-looking, some expensive and some exquisite(精致的) —telling them to help  4.  to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in their hands, the professor said, 5.  you have noticed, all the nice-looking or   6. cups have been used, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your    7.  and stress.”

“What all of you really    8.  is coffee, not the cups, but you went for the best cups. And then you began eyeing (审视) each other’s cups. Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the   9.  . Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cups, we    10.   to enjoy the coffee. Savor(品味) the coffee, not the cups! Don’t let the cups drive you. Enjoy the coffee instead.”




A) 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人相应空白处的最佳选项.并在答题卷上将该项涂黑.

Have you ever had problems in your life and don’t know how to be happy? If so, you will find Being a Happy Teenager by an Australian writer Andrew Matthews _________.

In his book, Matthews tells us _________ to have a happy life and answers the questions of teenagers.

There are many _________ such as parents and friends in this book. The book says we should forgive and _________, and stop being angry. The book tells us useful _________ such as how to put what you have learned into pictures of your mind to make your memory better.

Many teenagers think that happiness comes from a good exam result or_________ from other people. But you _________ still be happy when there are no such“good” things.

Success comes from a _________ attitude. If you learn from problems, you will _________ success in the future.

Some school students have _________ such as being too tall or too short. But Matthews tells us that happiness comes from_________ things in a positive way. If you are tall, people _________ you and you can get a _________ view at the movie; if you are short, your clothes and shoes _________less room in your bedroom! This is Matthews’s most important lesson: You _________ to be happy!

1.A.wise        B.strange       C.useful  D.simple

2.A.why          B.when          C.where    D.how

3.A.names       B.questions      C.ideas  D.subjects

4.A.wonder     B.forget         C.guess   D.remember

5.A.stories      B.information    C.skills   D.jokes

6.A.praise      B.help           C.advice  D.greeting

7.A.must         B.need          C.can      D.should

8.A.dangerous    B.good           C.proud    D.friendly

9.A.lose        B.hope           C.have    D.share

10.A.experience B.difficulties C.fears  D.problems

11.A.thinking about B.caring for  C.playing with D.looking after

12.A.like       B.need          C.know    D.notice

13.A.lower       B.higher        C.worse   D.better

14.A.take       B.make           C.cover   D.cost

15.A.want       B.like           C.wait     D.choose



---Hey, Bob. I can’t find my favorite novel.

---Do you mean the one     by Hemingway?

A. is written      B. was written

C. to write        D. Written



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