满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

-I hear you’ve got a new pen pal. I wond...

I hear you’ve got a new pen pal. I wonder ________.

Oh, he is of medium build with short curly hair from the USA.

A. what he likes          B. what does he like

C. what he is like       D. what is he like


C 【解析】 试题分析:考宾语从句。由回答可知,问的是他的外貌,体型,故用be like。根据宾语从句中当从句为特殊疑问句时从句用陈述句语序的规则,选择C  

It’s just a family party; you don’t need to ________ like this.

A. turn up            B. bring up

C. put up            D. dress up



Jane is busy sharing her cell phone ________ she can get more red envelopes.

A. even if            B. after all

C. so that            D. ever since



Is that you, Tom? When did you come back?

An hour ago. You ________ the computer game.

A. have played         B. were playing

C. played             D. had played



________ he was when he knew the results of the examination!

A. How happily       B. What fun

C. How pleased       D. What pleasure



My Chinese book is nowhere to be found. Where ________ it be?

Is it under the sofa?

A.could              B. must

C. should.           D. need



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