满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读理解。 Robots are supposed to run on batt...


Robots are supposed to run on batteries, right? Well not all of them.

Scientists in England have built a kind of small robots that get their energy from dead flies, bad apples, or sugar.

One robot, called Slugbot, was even designed to hunt(猎取) garden slugs for dinner!

What's up with all that food?

Well, scientists at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory want to invent robots that can operate for a long time in dark, dirty, or dangerous places.

Many of those spots, like the seafloor or Antarctica, don't have electrical sockets(插座).

So inventor Chris Melhuish came up with a better idea: Build robots that get their energy just like animals do by hunting and eating food from their environment.

One robot, called Ecobot , could run for 12 days on a diet of eight flies! Of course, it'd still get a lot more power from one AA battery, though.

Melhuish says his team is now working on a new and improved robot, called Ecobot III, which will have a better digestion system.

It seems that after an eight fly dinner, Ecobot II couldn't deal with the leftover(剩下的) "waste".

Maybe restrooms in the future will have signs for boys, girls, and robots.

1.An ordinary robot usually .

A.gets its energy from sugar

B.depends on batteries to work

C.can get food for itself

D.can work a few minutes without energy

2.From the passage, we can infer that a slug .

A.is a kind of insect             B.is a kind of fish

C.can't see Slugbot               D.can eat Slugbot

3.What kind of robots do inventor Chris Melhuish want?

A.Robots that can provide people with food.

B.Robots that can work in dangerous places.

C.Robots that can get energy for themselves.

D.Robots that can be very small.

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to this passage?

A.Robots need to work in places that have no sockets for power.

B.Melhuish is not very satisfied with Ecobot .

C.Maybe there will be three kinds of restrooms in the future.

D.Ecobot can turn its flies into energy completely.

5.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.Robots are hard things to invent.

B.Scientists are working to improve robots.

C.Robots in the future need to eat food like human.

D.Scientists at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory are good at robots.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B 【解析】 试题分析: 1. 2. 3. 4.Ⅱ 不会处理掉它消化后剩下的"垃圾"。 5.


to must ask unusual it when early who notice if

My name is Jim White. I live in America. I had a very 1. experience on Sunday. I saw a UFO in the daytime. 2. this spring, I went outside with my friend Bill 3. lived close to me. We were walking to a hill 4. I saw a large bright light dancing in the sky. I called Jim and asked him to look up. He kept 5. , "What is that?" "A UFO!" I shouted excitedly. I 6. it was round and red in the center.

After we looked at 7. for a moment, we found it seemed that it had wings, but it was still round. Bill would not believe me when I told him it 8. be a UFO. We shouted 9. it and we wished that it would land. We wanted to know 10. there was an alien in it. But soon it disappeared. I guessed we scared it off.

Do you believe me? It's a true story.




Online shopping is very popular among most Internet users. Almost 85% of the Internet users in the US like to ______ online. South Korea, where 99% of the Internet users like shopping online, is one of the ______ where shopping online is popular.

Internet shopping is easy, fast ______ convenient. People can do their shopping on a______  at home. When a person visits an online shop, chooses something he ______ and then pays with his credit card (信用卡) he has ______ the process of online shopping. Several days later, his ______ will be sent to his home or his office.

There are some ______ advantages of shopping online. Online shopping is very popular during the Christmas shopping season because people can ______ things online at any time of the day, and they don't need to ______ in a long line. That is to say, online shopping can save______.

Online shopping allows a person to shop with enough time, ______ being rushed. You have the chance to save the thing ______ you want and come back to it later to ______ whether or not to buy it. But for ladies, you must be careful when you buy something online. On the one hand, sometimes the color doesn't look the same ______ that on your screen. On the other hand, you can't decide whether the dress fits you or not without trying it on.

1.A.surf         B.chat        C.shop          D.play

2.A.villages     B.towns       C.provinces     D.countries

3.A.and          B.so          C.but           D.if

4.A.book         B.computer    C.telephone     D.TV

5.A.makes        B.sells       C.needs         D.uses

6.A.begun        B.made        C.completed     D.found

7.A.things       B.clothes     C.food          D.shoes

8.A.another      B.the other   C.others        D.other

9.A.buy          B.sell        C.watch         D.enjoy

10.A.walk        B.wait        C.come          D.go

11.A.money       B.space       C.time          D.room

12.A.with        B.without     C.in            D.at

13.A.what        B.which       C.who           D.where

14.A.think       B.want        C.decide        D.look

15.A.as          B.with        C.at            D.in




Do you want to be an animal keeper? This passage will tell you how to be a good animal keeper.

First, keep records. Write things about your pets down in a notebook such as the health, the weight, the behavior, the diet and the training. Pay attention to what you see, hear, smell and feel about the animals you are looking after. Your notebook will be helpful if something seems wrong with your pets.

Second, get to know what your pets need. Watch the things they do and how they act. Of course, you should do some research. Read books to find out more about your pets.

Third, make sure your pets eat the right food. You should feed the animals fresh and nutritious(有营养的) food every day. Find out the food your pets like to eat. Always keep the food and water bowls clean. Don't forget to clean their houses every day.

Fourth, make sure your pets are happy. Take your pets for a walk every day. It is necessary to get them to enjoy the beautiful nature.

In a word, remember that animals should also be taken good care of.

If you live in San Diego and are between 13 and 16 years old, you can apply(申请) to be a part-time animal keeper at the San Diego Zoo.


1.If something seems wrong with your pets, the fresh food is helpful.

2.You can find out more about your pets from your notebook.

3.Pets also need to enjoy the beautiful nature.

4.A seventeen-year-old boy called. James can apply to be a part-time animal keeper at the San Diego Zoo.

5.This passage gives us five suggestions to be a good animal keeper.




You can't play, walk, skate or ride a bike on the railroad(铁路). There are many places where the railroad tracks cross roads or streets. Many of these railroad crossings are marked(标注) with one of the signs in the table(表) below.


This sign means you are coming to a railroad crossing. Always look both sides and listen carefully to be sure a train is not coming from either direction before crossing the tracks.


Many railroad crossings have a gate with flashing lights that close when a train is coming.

NEVER go around a closed railroad gate.

NEVER try to get across the tracks before the train gets there.


Some crossings which don't have gates may have this sign. When the lights are flashing, a train is coming. You should wait until the train has passed before trying to cross the tracks.

Be careful when crossing railroad tracks:

Railroad tracks are uneven(凹凸不平的). You should not bicycle, skate or run when crossing tracks.

Trains are very large and heavy, and take a long time to stop.

Sometimes when a train has just passed from one direction, another train may be coming from the opposite direction. You might not notice the second train because of the noise from the first train.

1.The underlined word "tracks" means in Chinese.

A.轨道              B.足迹

C.标志              D.小路

2.When you see Sign One, you should .

A.not pass the railroad crossing

B.stop to wait for a car to pass

C.make sure no train is coming before you cross

D.pass the railroad crossing immediately

3.Where can you see Sign Three on the railroad?

A.On the railroad tracks.

B.At the train stations.

C.At crossings that have gates.

D.At crossings that have no gates.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.We can see many railroad signs in our cities.

B.There are many gates on the railway tracks.

C.It takes a short time for a train to stop.

D.It's dangerous to play, run or bicycle on the railroad.

5.What's the best title for the passage?

A.How to Cross the Railroad Tracks Safely

B.Pay Attention to Some Train Signs

C.Don't Play on the Railroad Tracks

D.How to Protect the Railroad Tracks





Taube is a children's librarian at an East Village branch of the New York Public Library. "The doll looked 1.," Taube told TFK (Time For Kids). "I thought, why not lend her out and 2. kids enjoy her? A book needs to be 3. and to go out to have value. It's the same with a doll."

Taube started 4. Kirsten in 2004. "I was 4 when I first saw her on Ms Thea's desk," says Flora Sobrino, 11. She is one of Kirsten's 5. .

Flora didn't take the doll home until she was older. "I was 6 when I became 6. in American Girl dolls," she says. "Since I didn't have a doll of my 7. yet, I took Kirsten home."

Toy-sharing lets children play with 8. they might not be able to own. A doll like Kirsten 9. $110. Many families either can't afford that or choose not to spend so 10. money on a toy. "Kids grow out of their toys so quickly. The toy-lending idea should be catching on," Taube says.



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