满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读与表达(问答式)。 When I was young, my mother ...


When I was young, my mother always spent lots of time sitting behind a sewing machine (缝纫机) with a happy look on her face. For all the three kids in our family, she made all the clothes.

My morn made it look so easy. But the first time I tried to make something, I just couldn't do it. I worked too quickly, and when I finished, it looked bad. Soon, I just gave up.

This summer, I really wanted to make a dress to wear at a party. I picked out some nice cloth, and I found a nice style in a book. I got so excited about Sewing that I couldn't even sleep.

I started early the next morning. My mom was having a meeting, so if I had questions, there could be no one to ask.

I started sewing slowly and carefully, and I tried to do everything right. When I was sewing the top, I made the neck too small. But the rest was fine.

"I'm finally finished!" I shouted two hours later. And it fit! For the first time, I could wear something I had made with my own hands!

If you want to learn something, my advice is don't give up when you can't do it well.


1.How many children were there in the writer's family?

2.How did the thing the writer made for the first time look?

3.What was the mother doing when the writer was sewing her dress?

4.How long did it take the writer to finish the dress?

5.What does the writer want to tell us?


1.Three 2.It looked bad. 3.She was having a meeting. 4.Two hours. 5.Don't give up when you can't do anything well. 【解析】 试题分析: 1. all the three kids in our family..."可知,作者家里有三个孩子。 2. 3. 4. 5.


My name is Kerula. I am 10 years old and I live in Cairo, Egypt. It's the capital of my country and is the largest city in all of Africa. Egypt is very dry and hot. Most of it is covered with desert, so most of our people live near the Nile River.

Kids go to primary school from ages 6-12. I learn cooking, sewing and embroidery(刺绣). Only half of the kids in primary school go to general school. (I hope to go there.) In the first two years we learn reading, writing and math. In the third year of school we learn science and Quran(古兰经).

Some popular games are marbles(弹子游戏) and hide and seek. The most popular sport in my country is soccer. To have fun, we also visit markets to purchase things and to see our friends.

I get around by taking the train. Sometimes when my family goes on vacation we take a boat, plane, or a camel. I like to visit the Great Pyramids. Near the pyramids there stands the Sphinx(狮身人面像). It used to be facing open desert but now lots of buildings are in Egypt, and it is just facing buildings.

Well, I had better rap things up, bye!

1.In the first paragraph the writer mainly tells us .

A.some information about the Nile River

B.why most people live near the Nile River

C.something about the largest city in Africa

D.the capital, the weather and where most people live

2.If a girl is in Grade 2 in a general school, what is she learning?

A.Cooking, sewing and embroidery.

B.Reading, writing and math.

C.Quran, drawing and history.

D.Science and Quran.

3.The underlined word "purchase" means in English.

A.buy                  B.sell

C.look for             D.take care of

4.What's the writer's purpose in writing the third paragraph?

A.To tell us that students should take part in more activities after school.

B.To tell us that primary students prefer games to their subjects.

C.To show most of the students enjoy visiting markets with their friends.

D.To tell us that they have a lot of after school activities in their country.

5.Why is the Sphinx facing buildings instead of the desert?

A.Because the desert has disappeared.

B.Because the Sphinx has change its direction.

C.Because there have appeared lots of buildings facing it.

D.Because another Sphinx has been built in front of the old one.




Damini Bansal (14 years old)

Freedom is something different in everybody's way of thinking—a student would probably like to raise a revolt(造反) against all the obnoxious(易受伤害的) rules of his or her school and as a grown up one might want to have less responsibilities(责任).

Freedom according to me is the power in me to make some of my life's decisions on my own. And this Independence Day (独立日) will be a lot more different than our first one in 1947 when people actually came to know what it was like to be free, for them it was the dawn of a new day, it was a day when they could do what they felt was right.

We have come far from all of this. We now no longer see the Independence Day as a day of very great importance for the students of my class (and most of the children of my age), and the most important value is that it is a holiday.

Arihant Jain (12 years old)

We can do anything we want like not going to school.

Everything should be free. We should not pay money to buy anything.

Can go anywhere I want…to the playground when exams are on.

Chatting on phone as long as I want.

To eat dinner outside everyday.

In school being able to play sports and not study.

Flying Kites.

1.For a school student, freedom means .

A.bad etiquettes               B.breaking the school rules

C.arguing with others          D.refusing to do homework

2.As a student, Damini Bansal thinks .

A.the power that makes his own decisions

B.freedom should be free time that students like

C.freedom means to fight against too much homework

D.students should be against the unfair rules of their schools freedom

3.Damini Bansal and his classmates treat Independence Day as .

A.a normal holiday              B.a day that they can enjoy freedom

C.a dawn of a new day           D.a day of great importance for them

4.From what Arihant Jain says, we can infer that .

A.Arihant Jain wants to learn to cook at home

B.Arihant Jain is a girl who doesn't want to go to school

C.Arihant Jain doesn't want to go shopping at all

D.Arihant Jain wants to have a new phone very much

5.What's the best title for this passage?

A.Freedom Is Not Important to Me         B.How Much Students Are Changing

C.What Freedom Means to Me               D.My Own Decisions




Honey bees are a kind of animal most of us learn about very early. In summer, many people step on honey bees and get stung(螫) while walking without wearing shoes.

Honey bees are normally about third fourths of an inch long. Most bees are workers, which are female, but some are male, called "drones(雄蜂)". Workers are a little smaller than drones.

Honey bees live in a nest, called a "hive". A hive can have up to 80,000 bees, mostly workers. It usually lies in a tree with a hole inside.

The hive is ruled(统治) over by a queen bee. She is the largest bee in the hive, and she is the only female to mate. Males usually just hang around; their only purpose is to mate with the queen. Then they die. The workers do all of the work inside and outside of the hive. Their jobs include: caring for baby bees, cleaning up the hive, making honey...

Honey bees are usually very friendly, and they mind their own business. They are too busy to worry about people or other animals. If a person is hardworking, we can say he is as busy as a bee. Are you a bee?

1.The writer wants to tell us in Paragraph 1.

A.many people like walking without wearing shoes

B.honey bees are dangerous animals

C.not to walk in the street without wearing shoes

D.honey bees may sting people in summer

2.What will happen if a male mates with the queen?

A.It will become a worker.

B.It will die soon.

C.It will hang around inside the hive.

D.It will have to leave the hive.

3.What kind of animal does the writer think of honey bees?

A.They are very busy and friendly to people.

B.They have short lives but work very hard.

C.They are sad to be ruled by a queen.

D.They are smart and helpful animals.

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.There is only a queen bee in a hive.

B.A queen bee is the largest bee in the hive.

C.Male bees work very hard for other bees.

D.Bees like to make nests in a tree with a hole inside.




Mr Smith is 84 years old now. He has seen many changes in his hometown.

He knows that things are ______ now. But he never ______ the old days. He likes to talk about them. He often talks about his favorite ______, the robins(知更鸟). "When I was a boy, there were not these houses here. There were wide fields and tall trees. Every ______ the robins would come. Thousands of them would ______ up to the north from the south. They ______ the winter in the ______. Some would build their nests(巢) in the trees near our houses. Then people started to cut down trees in order to ______ more houses and grow crops. The robins stopped coming. They couldn't build their nests near our houses ______ there were no trees."

"Now there are too many houses and too many roads. ______ there are no places for the robins. They won't come any more," Mr Smith says sadly.




A poor farmer had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apple trees he grew. One day, his friend gave him a young apple tree and asked him to _______ it home and plant it. The farmer was pleased with the gift, _______ when he got home he did not know where to plant it. He was afraid that if he planted the tree near the road, _______ would steal the fruit. If he planted the tree in one of his fields, his neighbors would come at night and steal some of the apples. If he planted the tree near his house, his children would take the fruit. _______ he planted the tree in his wood where no one could see it. But _______ enough sunlight and good soil, the tree soon died. Later the friend asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in such a _______ place. "If I had planted the tree near the road, strangers would have stolen the fruit. If I had _______ the tree in one of my fields, my neighbors would have come at night and stolen some of the apples. If I had planted it near my house, my own children would have taken the fruit," the farmer said _______. "Yes," said the friend. "But _______ someone could have enjoyed the fruit. Now you not only have robbed(剥夺) everyone of the fruit, but also you have _______ a good apple tree!"

1.A.sell          B.take          C.grow         D.get

2.A.or            B.and           C.but          D.so

3.A.strangers     B.friends       C.children     D.neighbors

4.A.Certainly     B.Luckily       C.Recently     D.Finally

5.A.without       B.in            C.with         D.for

6.A.rich          B.poor          C.good         D.beautiful

7.A.planted       B.taken         C.brought      D.protected

8.A.badly         B.angrily       C.quickly      D.happily

9.A.at last       B.at least      C.at once      D.at times

10.A.destroyed    B.saved         C.polluted     D.repaired



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