满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空。 Swimming is enjoyed by people of a...


Swimming is enjoyed by people of all ages, from the young to the old. All over the ______ people swim for fun. There are many ______ where people can enjoy swimming. People swim in lakes, oceans, and ______. Some swim in pools. Many schools, apartment buildings and clubs ______ indoor or outdoor pools. Some families have pools in their ______.

Swimming is one of ______ forms of exercise. It can improve heart action. It helps blood circulate (血液循环). Swimming can ______ develop strong muscles(肌肉). It will even strengthen the lungs(肺). People who are ______ and can't enjoy other sports can keep their bodies in better condition by ______.

It is a good idea for ______ to learn to swim at an early age. This will be an activity that the children can enjoy for the rest of ______ lives. There are some basic rules for water safety that you must ______. First of all, know how to swim. Many ______ give lessons to children. Adults can learn to swim at public pools or recreation(娱乐) centers. Another rule to remember is never swim ______. Always swim with a friend and know that person is in the water at all times. It is best to swim only in places ______ there is a lifeguard. If you swim in the ocean or a river, it is good to know about tides(潮水) and currents(水流).

1.A.village        B.earth          C.world          D.street

2.A.gardens        B.fields         C.floors         D.places

3.A.rivers         B.hotels         C.restaurants    D.hospitals

4.A.like           B.have           C.want           D.help

5.A.rooms          B.playgrounds    C.yards          D.kitchens

6.A.the worst      B.the tallest    C.the best       D.the easiest

7.A.too            B.also           C.either         D.never

8.A.clever         B.stupid         C.healthy        D.disabled

9.A.playing        B.swimming       C.running        D.exercising

10.A.boys          B.girls          C.children       D.adults

11.A.her           B.his            C.our            D.their

12.A.know          B.swim           C.play           D.leave

13.A.hospitals     B.libraries      C.schools        D.shops

14.A.together      B.alone          C.happily        D.sadly

15.A.which         B.that           C.where          D.how


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.C 【解析】 试题分析: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.


China Youth says that more and more girl students have entered colleges to study in the recent few years. As we know, once the number of boys was larger than that of girls and boys did much better than girls in our country for a long time. Now, things have changed a lot.

In recent years, the proportion(比例) of girl students is growing fast. In 1998, about 39.75% of the college students were girls. In 2000, it was 41.07% and in 2001, the proportion was 42.14%.

There are several reasons for this.

First, there is little difference between boys and girls in their intelligence(智力). That is to say, girls are almost as clever as boys. And boys have more interests than girls, so they may not always do well in their study. Second, girls are more careful than boys. They work harder at school and they do better in all exams.

The last one is that with the development of society, people pay more and more attention to girls' education.



Things in College


Many years ago

The number of boys was 1.. than that of girls and boys did 2.. than girls.

First, boys have 3.. than girls, so they may not always do well in their study. Second, girls are 4.. than boys. The last one is that people pay more and more attention to girls' education.

In recent years

The proportion of girl students is 5.. .





Avril Ramona Lavigne is a Canadian singer song writer. She was born in Belleville, Ontariok, in 1984, but spent most of her youth in the small town of Napanee. She released her first album Complicated(《超复杂》) when she was only 17 years old.

Lavigne was only 15 when she was discovered. At that time she had no idea how to make an album. "A career just came early for me, I was trying to figure out this life," she said. "My friends still don't know if they want to be a teacher or a doctor."

Lavigne prefers to wear loose(宽松的) trousers, old Tshirts and a frown(皱眉). That's not like the tight clothes and sweet smiles of many pop stars. Lavigne knew that she would never be like Britney Spears. In her high school days, "I was only around guys," she said. "I hung out with guys, playing hockey and sometimes getting in fights. My band members were all guys."

It was not until she got older that she started acting more girly. "From then to now, I look really different—but that's called growing up," she said.

So what does Lavigne think about life? "Life is like a roller coaster. Live it, be happy," she said.

1.When did Avril's first album come out?

A.Two years after she was discovered.

B.One year before she became a singer.

C.When she was only 15 years old.

D.When she was 13 years old.

2.What did Avril think of her future job when she was 15?

A.She wanted to be a teacher.

B.She wanted to be a singer.

C.She wanted to be a doctor.

D.She had no idea about it.

3.Paragraph 3 mainly tells us that .

A.some of Avril's likes and dislikes

B.the advantages of loose trousers

C.clothes and smiles of many pop stars

D.different ways of smiling between Avril and other singers

4.What kind of person did Avril belong to when she grew older?

A.She was a girl of few words.

B.She was kind of girly.

C.She was a girl that acted like a boy.

D.She was quiet rather than active.

5.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.Avril likes roller coasters very much.

B.Avril is a girl who likes sports.

C.Avril is a girl who loves life very much.

D.Avril doesn't like her life now.




It is always expected that housework will be done by robots completely in the future. For years, scientists have been working on this dream, but it still remains in science fiction films.

However, people still hope to have a helping hand around the house. A survey showed that 55% of people were going to use robots at home. Easy things like washing and cleaning are becoming the working domain of robots slowly.

Although this dream hasn't been achieved, the idea of finding a helping hand at home for people has been used to improve people's everyday life. In South Korea, the famous company LG is working hard to improve people's everyday life by high technology. Tasks such as answering the telephone, opening the door, and turning on washing machines and air conditioners can be done automatically. At the same time, these services can not only be done inside the home, but also can be done through the Internet, or even by a mobile phone far away.

Do you remember in 1987 when you first saw a man walking down the road with a big phone in his hand? Now mobile phones are small and almost everybody has got one. The future is arriving slowly, even if we didn't notice it.

1.What can we infer according to Paragraph 1?

A.Science fiction films are very popular now.

B.Robots only exist in science fiction films.

C.Scientists have done a lot to improve science fiction films.

D.Robots cannot do all the housework for people at home now.

2.The underlined word "domain" most probably means in English.

A.time                 B.field

C.prize                D.expression

3.How is the company LG working to improve people's everyday life?

A.By high technology.

B.By using solar energy.

C.By encouraging people to live a low carbon life.

D.By making a helping hand around the house.

4.The author uses the example of mobile phones to show that .

A.more and more people are using mobile phones now

B.mobile phones have changed greatly

C.the future can be controlled by humans

D.robots will be used widely one day




Now the game Angry Birds has become more and more popular with the young and the old. I'm sure you enjoy it a lot, don't you? But is it too small to play the game on your mobile phone or your computer? Do you want to visit a park where you can find some bigger birds and pigs? But, as this picture shows, Angry Birds has now become something so much bigger. I think that must be very exciting to touch such big birds.

Angry Birds Land recently opened inside Sarkanniemi Amusement Park in Tampere, Finland. It is the first Angry Birds theme park in the world. Finland is a country in northern Europe. And then other countries will copy Finland's example. The UK government says that they plan to build Angry Birds theme parks in the UK. What's more, you can see such theme parks not only in the UK, but also in other countries. The game, Angry Birds, was created by Finnish company Rovio. It agreed to help build the theme parks all over the world.

1.My neighbor Mr. Smith doesn't know what Angry Birds is. What do you explain to him?

A.Angry Birds is a kind of game, you can play it on your mobile phone or your computer.

B.Angry Birds are some birds in cages. When you come near, they will become angry.

C.Angry Birds is a kind of job. The work is to look after the older birds.

D.Angry Birds is the name of a company. It lies in Finland.

2.Why does the news say Angry Birds has become bigger?

A.Because the screens of mobile phones and computers have become bigger.

B.Because people spend much more money on Angry Birds.

C.Because Angry Birds has become more and more popular.

D.Because there has been theme parks named Angry Birds.

3.From the second paragraph, we can infer that .

A.some countries don't allow kids to play Angry Birds any more

B.Angry Birds theme parks will be built in more and more places

C.building Angry Birds theme parks is not a good idea

D.it's difficult to clean up an Angry Birds theme park

4.The underlined word "It" refers to .

A.the game Angry Birds

B.the Angry Birds theme park

C.a company that created the game Angry Birds

D.an engineer who creates the first Angry Birds theme park

5.What's the best title for this reading?

A.Angry Birds in Finland

B.More Angry Birds in the World

C.Angry Birds Flying to Theme Parks

D.Rovio Plans to Build More Angry Birds Theme Parks





This month, every child in Grade one in Canada will receive a free book.

The book giveaway is the product of a partnership 1.the bank and the Canadian Children's Book Center.

The bank pays more than one million to have 500 000 books 2. and sent out to grade one students across the country. This is the program's 3. year.

This year the books the kids 4. is Gifts, by author Jo Ellen Bogart and plasticine artist Barbara Reid.

The Canadian Children's Book Center and the bank get lots of thank-you 5. after they give out the books each year.

The headmaster of a school in the Northwest Territories sent a letter, 6. them for the books. She said that for most of the 7., this would be the first book they would own. And then she 8. that this would also be the only Christmas gift many of the children would receive that year, since the families in that particular community were having 9.making ends meet (让收支平衡).

The Canadian Children's Book Center 10. sent the community another supply of different children's books as well.



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