满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

昨天妈妈让我帮助奶奶打扫房间。 Mother _______ my grandm...


Mother _______ my grandma ______ her house.


asked me to help… (to) clean 【解析】 试题分析:4.ask sb to do sth:要求某人做某事;help sb (to) do sth:帮助某人做某事  


My English teacher __________ football ___________.




He ________ dancing well.




I think Mary ____________Alice.




Do you often post or look at your old photos on Facebook? A new study found that it can cheer you up to do so.

When you are looking back over these pictures and wall posts reminds us of happier times.

Almost 90 percent of users enter the site to look at their own wall posts, and three quarters do this when they are feeling low.

Dr Alice Good, from the University of Portsmouth's School of Computing, found this 'selfsoothing(自我慰藉)' use of Facebook is good to our mood.

The findings are opposite to the previous(以前的) research, which suggested looking at Facebook can be bad for your mental(心理的) health.

"Although this was only a small study, we will go on to study larger groups to see if the results remain consistent(一致的)," said Dr Good.

Dr Good did a survey of 144 Facebook users and found they often use the site to reminisce(追忆), using old photos and wall posts as a form of comfort.

The group had an average age of 34 and had slightly more men than women. Of these, 39 percent had a history of mental health problems.

1.What is the new study about?

2.When do most of the users go into the site to look at their old photos?

3.What does the previous research think of looking at old photos on Facebook?

4.What will the researchers go on to do to see if the results remain consistent?

5.What is the average age of the users studied by Dr Good?




Connie Talbot was born on November 20th, 2000. She is an English child singer from Streetly, West Midlands. She is best known for being on "Britain's Got Talent"(《英国达人》) when she was just six. She has been singing since she was 18 months old. The song she is most known for is Somewhere over the Rainbow. And now she is touring the country with the UK's biggest children's choir-Young Voices.

Do you know what the Young Voices Tour is? Well, it's a great event for children. It is great for them to sing on a big stage with thousands of other children. Everyone waits for the parents to arrive in the evening to watch the children put on a great show. There is so much fun. When the lights turn on, everyone sings together at the same time as one. It's so loud and powerful(有力的). Connie loves looking around at the choir and seeing everyone so happy when she was performing.

"We've heard you got a new Guinness world record!" I asked her. "Yes! I am very proud. It was amazing to get the Guinness world record for the biggest choir at the back of a singer. I am glad to share that world record with more than 6 000 other children present that day," she answered.

1.How long has Connie been famous?

A.Since she was only 6 months old.

B.Since she was 6 years old.

C.Ever since she was 12 years old.

D.Since she was 18 months old.

2.What do you think Connie is good at?

A.Singing.               B.Skating.

C.Speaking.              D.Dancing.

3.What does the author mainly tell us in the second paragraph?

A.How Connie became famous.

B.How to practice singing.

C.What the Young Voices Tour is.

D.How to perform better.

4.From the second paragraph, we can infer that .

A.when Connie was performing, she was very happy

B.in fact, Connie didn't want to perform any more

C.it is difficult to perform with so many children

D.she likes singing and dancing alone

5.What makes Connie so proud?

A.Owning so many prizes for a child.

B.Getting a new Guinness world record.

C.Getting a chance to talk to a famous reporter.

D.Getting many gifts from children all over the world.



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