满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达 介绍自己一天的作息:周一至周五6:00起床,6:10 刷牙,6:30吃...


介绍自己一天的作息:周一至周五6:00起床,6:10 刷牙,6:30吃早餐。7:00骑自行车去上学,大概会花费20分钟。中午在校吃午餐。每天必须穿校服,虽然不漂亮,但是这是学校的规定。我通常5:30到家,晚餐前要么看电视,要么写作业。十点前上床睡觉。每天都过得很开心。


My Day








My Day I am a student. I usually have a happy day from Monday to Friday. In the morning, I often get up at 6:00 and brush my teeth at 6:10. Then I have breakfast at 6:30. And I go to school by bike at 7:00. It takes me about 20 minutes. I have lunch at school. I have to wear uniform every day. Although it’s not nice. it is a rule in our school. In the afternoon, I usually get home at 5:30. I do my homework and have dinner. After dinner, I either watch TV or do my homework. I go to bed by 10:00. I have a good time every day. 【解析】 试题分析:本题是一篇提纲作文。根据提纲提示,本文要求介绍自己上学日的一天是怎么度过的。短文应以时间为序,把一天的主要活动描述出来。要注意英语句子的基本结构。短文用第一人称,一般现在时态进行表达。 写作亮点:本范文叙述清楚,结构合理,层次分明。第一段总写每天过得快乐。第二段详细介绍自己的一天,本段按时间先后顺序,由in the morning, in the afternoon 及after dinner引出各时段的主要活动。重点突出,中心突出。第三段用have a good time与第一段的happy遥相呼应,点明中心。 考点:考查提纲作文。  


1.It takes me two hours to do my homework every day. (对划线部分提问)

_____  _____ does it take you to do your homework?

2.I have to follow the rules at home.(变否定句)

I _____ _____ _____ follow the rules at home.

3.You mustn’t swim in the river.(变祈使句)

_____  _____  in the river.

4.Jim is a boy. He is 11 years old. (合并句子)

Jim is _____ ______ boy.

5.My sisters always helps my mother do the housework. (变同义句)






Mary is _____  _____ with her grandfather.


He _____  _____  _____ every day.


My parents goes to work _____  _____.


She has _____  _____ work to do.


Aunt Wang _____  _____  _____ children.




1.I am good at ________ (tell) stories.

2.Please tell them ________ (not talk) in the classroom.

3.I like dogs. They are ________ (friend) to us.

4.Amy likes singing. She wants to be a ________(music).

5.It is 6:30 p.m., Jim and his family ________(eat) dinner





1.The teacher asks us not to f________ with others.

2.The bus ride takes me about 30 ________(分钟).

3.I like koalas because they are really c________ .

4.Bob is from America, but now he l______ in Beijing.

5.I have a very ________ (健康的) body.



People go to work in different(不同的) ways. Some people go to work on foot because they live near their work place. Some people go to work by bike because they live very far. Or they like riding bikes. They think it’s good for their health. Today more people have private(私人的) cars, so they go to work in their cars. In the south of China, many people go to work by boat because water is around their house. People can go to work by plane,if necessary.

1.How many kinds of ways do people go to work?






4.Why do many people go to work on foot?


5.How do many people go to work in the south of China?




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