满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

情景作文 假如你是Martin,你的笔友Alice在给你的来信中说她经常生病,情...



参考词汇: healthy food, do more exercise, enough sleep, keep happy, talk about your problems.

要求:1. 根据参考词汇,并适当发挥;

2. 字数不少于60词,注意字迹工整。

Dear Alice,

I'm sorry to hear that you are not very well and feel unhappy. I can give you some advice.








Dear Alice, I'm sorry to hear that you are not very well and feel unhappy. I can give you some advice. I hope this will be helpful for you. I think healthy food and exercise is the key to good health. Therefore, you should have food including fresh vegetables, fruits instead of food high in fat and sugar. Doing more exercise is also necessary for us to build up our body. You can run, swim, play table tennis and so on. Besides, enough sleep is good for your health, which makes you full of energy and in a good mood. Last but not the least, you should keep happy. Follow my advice, I believe, you will feel better soon. Best wishes to you. Yours, Martin 【解析】 试题分析:本题是给笔友的一封回信,要注意书信的基本格式、语言选择;这封回信的内容是给朋友提建议,要对朋友的处境表示理解、同情,同时给她提一些好的建议。提建议要注意句子的语气,多用一些情态动词,尽量不要用祈使句。 写作亮点:本范文以I’m sorry to hear…开头,对朋友的处境表示同情,抓住对方的心,为下文作好铺垫,使得建议容易被对方接受。接下来,用I hope, I think, you should, you can等等引出提建议的句子,语言中肯、语气委婉。其中用到的宾语从句,动名词作主语等等,使短文更加具体生动。最后一段,希望朋友接受建议,祝愿朋友好起来。水到渠成,自然收尾。 考点:考查话题作文。  

根据所给汉语完成句子, 每空一个单词。


Im making some signs to               around the school.


--Could you please take the dog for a walk?

--              .


Thank you for               .


Sometimes he can make the stick        small        he can keep it in his ear.


My grandpa has               for a couple of years.




句型转换, 每空填写一个单词。

1.Frank has a stomachache. (对划线部分提问)

________ _________with Frank?

2.I visited the zoo yesterday. (用at this time yesterday改写句子)

I   _              the zoo at this time yesterday.

3.The Nile is longer than any other river in the world. (同义句改写)

The Nile is                  river in the world.

4.Have your parents been to the Birds Nest before? (作出否定回答)

No,       _           .

5.Cindy has had the bike since she was a little child. (对划线部分提问)

_________ __________has Cindy had the bike?



补全对话 通读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。

A. Youre welcome.

B. Have you already read it?

C. What are you doing?

D. Its fantastic.

E. Whats it about?


A: Hey, Alice. 1.             ?

B: I’m reading a book called Tom Sawyer.

A: What do you think of it?

B: 2.                .

A: Really? 3.               ?

B: Its about a boy living in the USA.

I think it is worth(值得) reading. 4.                ?

A: No, I havent read it yet. Can you lend it to me after you finish reading it?

B: Of course.

A: Thanks so much.

B: 5.                 .




Homework can be a headache for kids and teenagers as well as for their parents. The following are some tips to make homework time more effective(有效的).

No TV. Kids should not watch TV while doing homework.

◆ The radio is OK. Some studies have shown that having the radio on teenagers favorite music station can help kids learn better.

◆ Make fixed(固定的) hours. There should be a fixed timetable(时间表) for homework. In this way, the kids can plan their time and make sure they get their homework done every day.

◆ Make telephone rules. Dont let the kids use the telephone when they are doing their homework. However, sometimes it becomes necessary to use the telephone. For example, they call the classmates up to make sure about homework and answer other questions about homework.

◆ Find out a good study area. First, find out a right place for your children to do their homework, usually in their rooms. And then make it convenient(方便的) for studying. Prepare enough studying tools(用具),such as pencils, pens, paper and books.

How to better use the homework time

No TV.

Kids should not 1.          when they do their homework.


The radio is OK.

Kids can2.            by having the radio on teenagers favorite music station


Make fixed hours.

Kids can 3.            and make sure they finish their homework on time.

Make 4.          .

Kids shouldnt use the telephone unless its necessary.


Find out a good study area.

Make the place convenient for studying and prepare enough 5.            .




World wonders

The Nile


Length: 6671 kilometers

Height: 8844.43 meters

Location: in Africa

Location: in Asia

Record: the longest river in the world

Record: the highest mountain in the world


1.How high is Qomolangma?

A. 6671 kilometers  B. 8844.34 meters   C. 8844.43 meters

2.Which of the following world wonder is located in Africa?

A. The Nile  B. Qomolangma   C. The Sahara



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