满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



A: Hello, is that Wu Bin speaking?

B: Yes, who’s that?

A: This is Tan Hong. Are you free this Saturday evening?

B: ____1.____ A: I’ve got two tickets to Jay Chou’s concert. ___2.______

B: Certainly. I’d love to. He’s my favorite singer. Thanks for your invitation . ____3._____

A: Let’s meet at the gate of the park at four o’clock.

B: ___4.____ I want to buy him a gift.

A: OK. I’ll get there at three. Shall we go to the

shopping  center to buy the gift?

B: ____5.____See you then.

A: See you.

A.When will the concert begin?

B.Sounds good!

C.When and where shall we meet?

D.I’ll see a movie.

E.Could you please get there earlier?

F.Yes. Whats up?

G.Would you like to go with me?



1.F 2.G 3.C 4.E 5.B 【解析】 试题分析: 1.F句意:是的,有什么事吗?:根据上文Are you free this Saturday evening?你今晚有空吗?可知选F,是的,有什么事吗? 2.G句意:你想和我一起去吗?联系上下文描述可知选G,你想和我去吗? 3.C句意:我们什么时候在哪儿会面?联系下文,让我们四点钟在公园门口会面吧。可知选C,我们什么时候在哪儿会面? 4.E句意:你能早点到那儿吗?联系下文描述可知选E,你能早点到那儿吗? 5.B句意:听起来不错。联系上文,我们去购物中心买这件礼物吗?可知选B,听起来不错。 考点:补全对话。

One day an old man _______ into a cafeteria (自助餐厅) to eat in America for the first time. He sat down at an empty table and waited for ______to take his order. Of course nobody did. Finally, a woman with a plate full of food sat down opposite him and told him how a cafeteria _____.

“Start out at that end,” she said. “Just go along the line and _______what you want. At the other end they will tell you how much you have to pay.”

“I soon learned that’s ________ everything works in the US,” the old man later told his friend. “________ is like a cafeteria here. You can get anything you want ______ you are willing to pay the money. You can even get success, but you will never get it if you wait for someone to _________ it for you. You have to get up and get it yourself.”

_____, life everywhere is like a cafeteria. Don’t wait for things to happen to you. Success lies in your own _______.

1.A. goes         B. enters         C. went         D. entered

2.A. his friend   B. his wife       C. a stranger   D. someone

3.A. worked       B. painted       C. repaired    D. planned

4.A. send out    B. give out       C. pick out    D. look out

5.A. what         B. how           C. why         D. when

6.A. School       B. Life          C. Office      D. Company

7.A. if          B. because       C. though      D. until

8.A. carry       B. lend           C. move         D. bring

9.A. In peace    B. In the end     C. In fact      D. In a hurry

10.A. work        B. hands          C. opinion     D. books



My name is Lily. My father is a teacher. His students love him a lot because he is funny. I love him, too. But I think he can be ‘silly’_____.

Once we moved into a new house and had to go shopping to buy new chairs and lights. In the supermarket, I am interested in some of the beautiful lights with good qualities and made my father _______ them..

When we got home, my father began to work out how much money we had _______ that day. Suddenly, he stopped. “Something is wrong.” he said. “I have got 30 yuan ______than I should.” “That’s great.” I said. “You can buy me that ________ book I want.”

Father said nothing. Instead, he counted how much money he had again and again.

“The salesgirl must have made a mistake. We _______go back to the shop,” he said.

“Do you have to go back?” I asked. “Nobody will know we ________ too much change. It would be foolish to go back.”

“It would not be ‘silly’,” my father said angrily. “It’s called being ______.” At that moment, I looked into his eyes and knew he was right.

The salesgirl was surprised to see us in the shop again. But _______we gave her the money, she thanked us a lot.

On my way home, my father stopped me _______smiled. “Do you still want that cartoon book?” he asked. I looked at my ‘silly’ father and answered loudly, “Father, you are the greatest!”

1.A. sometimes    B. often       C. always     D. never

2.A. to buy         B. to bought   C. buy          D. bought

3.A. took         B. lost        C. cost         D. spent

4.A. much           B. more       C. less         D. fewer

5.A. story        B. cartoon   C. music        D. magic

6.A. may            B. can        C. should       D. need

7.A. gave          B. have given  C. is given    D. were given

8.A. clever       B. honest      C. selfish     D. cool

9.A. how            B. why        C. when       D. where

10.A. and          B. but         C. or         D. so



Whose coat is this?

-- It_______ be John’s. It’s ______small for him.

A. can’t;   much too       B. can’t;   too much

C. mustn’t;   much too     D. mustn’t;   too much



She loves singers ______ write their own music.

A. which      B. whom    C. who       D. whose



Michael Jackson, a superstar, ________ at the age of 50 in Los Angeles.

A. passed away           B. gave away

C. put away              D. sent away



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