满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Listen! Someone is knocking at the door...

Listen! Someone is knocking at the door. Who can it be?

It _______ be Tom. He said he would visit me this evening.

A. can’t    B. need     C. must       D. mustn’t


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:——听!有人正在敲门。可能会是谁了?----也许可能是Tom.他打过电话说今晚要拜访我。 A. can’t 不可能;B. need需要;C. must一定;D. mustn’t禁止,千万别。根据句意可知,此处表示否定的推测,答案为C。 考点:考查情态动词用法。  

Look at that girl _______ name is Lucy.

A. who   B. whose   C. which    D. whom



________ used to ________ a post office near my house.

A. There; be     B. There; have

C. It; be        D. There; having



The boy likes music he can dance ________.

A. with      B. from     C. to       D. on



—Excuse me, could you please tell me if the sports meeting ________ on time?

—Hard to say. If it ________ tomorrow, we’ll have to put it off.

A. will hold; rains                          B. will be held; rains

C. will be held; will rain                   D. holds; will rain



Have you ever ________ an amusement park?

—Yes, I have. I ________ Fun Times Amusement Park last year.

A. been to, have gone to             B. gone to, have been to

C. go to, went to                    D. been to, went to



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