满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Eric: I can’t find my schoolbag.Do you s...

Eric: I can’t find my schoolbag.Do you see it, Alice?

Alice: Is it blue one?

Eric: No, it isn’t.It’s black.

Alice: What’s in it?

Eric: Some books, a dictionary, a notebook and a pencil box.

Alice: What color are they?

Eric: The dictionary is yellow, the notebook is green, and the pencil box is blue.

Alice: And what’s in the pencil box?

Eric: Two pens, a pencil and an eraser.

Alice: Aha, Tom and I found it this morning.It is in the lost and found box now.

You can ask Ms.Black for it.

Eric: Thank you.

1.Eric has a _________ schoolbag.

2.__________and_________ found Eric’s schoolbag.

3.Two _________ ,a pencil and an eraser are in the pencil box.

4.Eric can ask___________ for his schoolbag.


1.black 2.Tom, Alice 3.pens 4.Ms.Black 【解析】 试题分析:这个对话是Eric在找他的书包,他问了Alice,Alice和Tom捡到了,她问了Eric很多问题确认是不是他的书包。 1. 2. 3. 4.句意:Eric可以向Black夫人去要他的书包。根据对话中Alice说:You can ask Ms.Black for it可知,Eric可以找Black夫人去要书包,故填Ms.Black。 考点:Unit 8 When is your birthday?

  Do you always agree with your teacher? Sometimes you might have a different a 1.to a Maths problem.Or maybe they scold(责备) you when you don’t think you did anything w2.

What do you do then? A story on sina.com said that more and more students choose to s3.out and sometimes even shout(喊叫) at their teachers.

It’s i4. for students to say what they think.In the past, few Chinese students dared(敢于) to speak d 5. to their teacher.It was an unwritten rule(不成文的规定) that what the teachers said is always right.But now students are b 6.to think more of themselves and dare to say what they think right.

But students should choose the right way to speak out.We should respect(尊重) teachers.They are older than you and know more things.So, never use i7.words when speaking to them.And don’t make them u8.when you don’t agree with them.

Try to find the right time to talk to your teacher.For e9., talk about the problem after class.R10.to talk about it in a friendly way.




Welcome to my home! I am very h1.to see you here! Let me s2.you around

I live in a tall b3. My home is on the g4. floor.It is not very big, but it is clean and b5.

This is the living room.My parents and I always have f6.watching TV here.Beside the living room is the dinning room.We have breakfast and dinner there.

My favourite room is the study.There is a bookshelf in it.On the shelf are different k 7. of books.I like reading there after school.

I also have a nice bedroom.In my bedroom, I like putting many beautiful pictures on the w 8.What do you t9.of my home? You can come and visit in your f10.time.



  Every year at our school, we have a special day called International Day (国际日).It is for students to learn about different cultures (文化) from different countries.On this day, each class must tell other classes about a different country.Of course you will see many dances and different foods.

If you visit the classroom of Japan, you can play the games Japanese children play.You also have some special Japanese foods.In the classroom of Mexico (墨西哥), there are tomalleys (龙虾肝) and chips to eat.

In the afternoon, all the students, teachers and parents watch the dances.There are lots of dances.These dances are beautiful.People enjoy the shows.

I enjoy International Day very much.

1.International Day’ is a special festival in ___________.

A.Japan                     B.Mexico

C.America                    D.our school

2.When can we watch dances?

A.In the morning.          B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.          D.All day.

3.Which is the special food in Mexico?

A.Tomalleys and chips.      B.Turkey.

C.Pizza.                   D.Pumpkin pie.

4.What’s the best title (题目) for the passage?

A.Dancing Day               B.International Day

C.Food Day               D.Game Day



I’m Leo.I’m 13 years old and I’m in Class Six.I have three good friends.They are Lily, Gina, and Ben.Lily and Gina are in Class Seven.Ben is in Class Six, too.We’re all in Grade Seven.

We like sports.My favorite sport is ping-pong.It is interesting.I have three ping-pong balls and four ping-pong bats.Lily and Gina are sisters.They don’t like ping-pong.They think it is boring.Their favorite sport is tennis.They have five tennis balls and they play tennis with their parents and two brothers.Ben’s favorite sport is soccer.He has two soccer balls and he plays soccer very well.

1.Leo has __________ good friends.

A.two            B.Three

C.four          D.five

2.Leo thinks ping-pong is __________.

A.boring       B.easy

C.fun           D.difficult

3.Lily and Gina have __________.

A.two soccer ball

B.three ping-pong balls

C.four ping-pong bats

D.five tennis balls

4.Lily and Gina play tennis with their __________.

A.family         B.friends

C.teachers        D.classmates

5.Which of the following is right?  (下列哪项陈述是正确的?)

A.Ben can’t play soccer.

B.Leo and Ben are classmates.

C.Seven people are in Lily’s family.

D.Lily and Gina think ping-pong is difficult.



Gina _________ TV every day.Sometimes her sister and she _________ a movie at the weekend.

A.watches; sees             B.watch; sees

C.watches; see             D.watch; see



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