满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

-What film do you like best? -The Martia...

-What film do you like best?

-The Martian. It _____ shows a lot of imagination, _____ has a sense of humor.

A. too …to               B. neither …nor

C. either …or            D. not only …hut also


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--你最喜欢什么电影?--火星人,它不仅展示了许多想象的空间而且还有幽默感。A. too …to太……不能; B. neither …nor既不……也不; C. either …or或者……或者; D. not only …hut also不仅……而且。因为前面提到的是最喜欢的电影,所以应该这两方面都是肯定的,故选D。 考点:考查连词的用法。  

-Are you a fan of the science TV show Super Brain?

-Yes, I'm always _____ by these people's great brainpower.

A. tired            B. amazed 

C. bored            D. satisfied



-Did Billy and Anna find a way out at last?

-Yes, they _____ a plan and did it.

A. were working out         B. worked out

C. are working out           D. have worked out



-It's useful for the deaf people to learn sign language.

-Yes, it's a major way of _____ for them.

A. suggestion  B. vacation

C. production  D. communication



The Rio 2016 Olympic torch (火炬) began _____ 95-day journey in Brazil on May 3rd.

A. it   B. its   C. it's   D. itself



-The fire _____ at around 3 a. m. local time when people were celebrating with fireworks.

-I'm sorry to hear it.

A. broke out            B. ran out

C. went out             D. put out



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