满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

-----________ is it from the New Town to...

-----________ is it from the New Town to the old city centre?

----- About 30 minutes by underground.

A. How soon      B. How often

C. How long       D. How far


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-从新镇到旧城中心有多远?-坐地铁大约三十分钟。A. How soon多快,询问动作多快就将要发生;B. How often多久一次。询问动作发生的频率;C. How long多久,向时间的长度提问;D. How far多远。向距离提问。坐地铁三十分钟,是距离。用how far提问。故选D。 考点:考查特殊疑问词。  

----Whats your new home like?       -----_______________________.

A. Its near my school.

B. Its large and comfortable

C. I love my new home

D. I live with my parents



----Would you like to visit Taiwan with me this summer holiday?

----- _____________. Because my family plan to go to another place.

A. Yes, Id love        B. No, Id like to

C. Yes, Id love to     D. Im afraid I cant



Look over there! The children __________ the field.

A. run through    B. are running across

C. ran across     D. are running through



---- Who is that speaking?  ----- ________ Mike speaking.

A. Im   B. My name is      C. That is       D. This is



The man can write with ______ hand and draw with ________ at the same time.

A. one; another    B. one; the other

C. first; second   D. one; it



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