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Summer Camp Contact (联系) : Kitty 6219-7...


Summer Camp

Contact (联系) : Kitty 6219-7830 huamandarin@hotmail.com,;www.huamandarin.cn

Are you looking for a place where you can enjoy Chinese study and experience Chinese culture during the summer holiday? Hua Mandarin could be your wise choice.

The new summer camp will start on July 28th and end on August 18th. We provide(提供) very small groups with 2-4 people for you to learn Chinese in an effective(有效的)way. Activities including(包括)calligraphy (书法), painting, culture show, Chinese movies, kung fu, swimming, and so on will help you walk into Chinese culture with fun. Welcome to call Kitty on 62197830 for more details.

Comments (评价):

The earlier camp finished last week. Students are happy here, although they have to learn a lot upon parents' request (要求). Teachers here are trying to help children to learn in a funny way.               - Kitty in Shanghai

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1.Hua Mandarin is the name of a _____.

A. Chinese course   B. person

C. summer camp     D. school

2.The new summer camp will last for _________.

A. two months     B. one month

C. half a month    D. twenty-two days

3.If you want to take part in the new summer camp, you can call at _____.

A. 56791830      B. 62197830

C. 62187038       D. 57917380

4.The new summer camp mainly gives children a chance to enjoy _____.

A. some paintings  B. Chinese movies

C. some sports     D. Chinese culture

5.You can get information about the new summer camp by _____.

A. making a call        B. sending an email

C. visiting the website   D. all the above


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一则夏令营的广告,公告了夏令营的时间、活动内容及顾客的评价等等。 1.C 细节理解题。题意:Hua Mandarin 是一个什么的名字?A. Chinese course汉语课;B. person 一个人;C. summer camp夏令营;D. school学校。根据第三格第一段最后一句:Hua Mandarin could be your wise choice.可知它是一个夏令营的名字。故选C。 2.2】D 推理判断题。题意:新夏令营将会持续多久?A. two months两个月;B. one month一个月;C. half a month关个月;D. twenty-two days二十二天。根据第三格第二段第一句:The new summer camp will start on July 28th and end on August 18th.可知新夏令营从七月二十八日到八月十八日,共二十二天。故选D。 3.3】B 细节理解题。题意:如果你想要参加夏令营,你可以拨打哪个电话?A. 56791830;B. 62197830;C. 62187038;D. 57917380。根据第二格可知,联系电话是:6219-7830。故选B。 4.4】D推理判断题。题意:新的夏令营主要给孩子们享受什么的机会?A. some paintings一些绘画;B. Chinese movies中文电影;C. some sports一些运动;D. Chinese culture 中国文化。第三格第二段可知,本夏令营会带着孩子们有趣地走进中国文化。故选D。 5.5】D 细节理解题。题意:你可以通过什么方式获得新夏令营的信息?A. making a call打电话;B. sending an email发邮件;C. visiting the website访问网站;D. all the above以上都对。根据第二格可知,可以打电话、发邮件或是访问网站获取更多的信息。故选D。 考点:考查广告类短文阅读。



I’m a cook in a restaurant. One day, I went for a walk when suddenly I saw smoke. I went closer to _______what was happening. It came from a house. At that time I saw the firemen rushing into the __________ and I ran to __________ to one of them. I asked him if there was someone inside.He replied that there was a whole family. My heart missed a beat(跳动) because I realized(意识到) that the family was_______ . And it was_______ for them to run away from the inside.

I asked if there was an extra (多余的) uniform for firemen. He said _______ ,and I quickly wore it and went in with three more ________. As I went inside, it was so hot that I felt as if I was melting (熔化).I passed by the living room and saw the curtains (窗帘)  _______ . When the firemen tried to _________ the fire, I found the people. They _______ themselves behind the curtains. One of them was unlucky _________ he was seriously burnt. I helped them out of the burning house _______ . Finally we were safe from the danger and the firemen put out the fire __________. The officer of the firemen ________e for my courage(勇气) to help those people.

That night I ________ not sleep because of all the excitement. Even now I am still proud that I saved the people who were in danger. I'll never regret(后悔) what I did.

1.A. draw           B. see            C. look       D. notice

2.A. station        B. restaurant     C. supermarket  D. house

3.A. say            B. tell           C. talk          D. speak

4.A. out of danger  B.safe          C. in danger    D. in dangerous

5.A. simple          B. important      C. normal        D. difficult

6.A. OK              B. Yes          C. No problem    D. No way

7.A. firemen     B. cooks        C. customers    D. doctors

8.A. lost            B. watered     C. burning      D. flying

9.A. put up           B. put out        C.put off       D. put away

10.A. enjoyed       B. hid          C. hit         D. saw

11.A. because       B. before         C. if            D. though

12.A. suddenly      B. quietly        C. politely      D. quickly

13.A. brave         B.bravely       C. excited    D. excitedly

14.A. called         B. thanked        C.asked          D. found

15.A. would           B. should       C. might       D. could



You look so tired. Why not __________?

A. stop to work      B. to stop to work

C. stop working     D. to stop working



Many kinds of plants and animals are extinct (灭绝). The same thing ________ around the world.

A. happen      B. happened      C. is happening      D. happens



Be careful ________ the street when you are alone.

A. to cross    B. with cross

C. crossing      D. of crossing



______ June 9th, he helped a man ________ a fire.

A. In; into      B. On; out of     C. In; out of       D. On; into



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