满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



Blueberries(蓝莓)were Billy’s favorite fruit. Today he planned to make blueberry juice. Billy didn’t know how to make juice, so he asked his uncle for help. 1._______ He made carrot juice, apple juice and vegetable juice. But he never made blueberry juice before!

First, Billy and his uncle went to a blueberry farm. They picked blueberries for an hour. It was hard work picking the little blueberries from the trees. 2.______ But he thought these blueberries tasted better than those in the store.

3.______ After that, they put the blueberries in a pot to mash(捣烂 ) them up. They used a potato masher and really mashed them into a mess. Then they pushed them through a strainer (滤网). 4.______

When they tasted it, they could really taste the blueberries. It wasn’t very sweet, though. They added grape juice to the blueberry juice. 5._____ He thought it was better to use a natural sweet juice, like apple juice, pear juice or grape juice. They used grape juice, because grapes had a similar color as the blueberries.

Finally, they drank it. It was a lot of work to make juice, but it was delicious!

A. Now, Billy understood why they were expensive in the store.

B. His uncle liked to make juice out of everything.

C. The second morning Billy took some blueberry juice to school.

D. Next, they washed the blueberries.

E. As a result, Billy’s mother asked Billy to learn from his uncle.

F. Billy’s uncle didn’t want to use white sugar

G. Soon they got a small pot of dark purple juice.


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.G 5.F 【解析】 试题分析:短文介绍的是比利在舅舅的帮助下制作草莓饮料的故事。去农场摘、洗、制作,经过辛苦的劳动,最后喝上了可口的果汁。 1.B前句:因此他向舅舅求助。后句讲:他作过胡萝卜汁、苹果汁、蔬菜汁。可知本句与果汁和舅舅两者相关。故选B:His uncle liked to make juice out of everything.他的舅舅喜欢用各种原料制作果汁。 2.A前句讲:从树上摘小草莓是一件辛苦活。自然谈到草莓的价格,故选A:Now, Billy understood why they were expensive in the store.现在比利知道为什么商店里的草莓那么贵了。 3.D上一段是第一步,本段讲第二步。故选D:Next, they washed the blueberries.接下来,他们洗草莓。 4.G下文讲到他们品尝草莓汁了。说明他们做成功了。故选G:Soon they got a small pot of dark purple juice.很快,他们做成了一小锅草莓汁。 5. 考点:考查七选五。

Have you ever been to Qingdao, a beautiful seaside city in the southeast of Shandong Province? There is the blue sea and clear air there. And it is also one of the most beautiful cities in China.

Qingdao has the largest bathing beach in Asia. It holds Qingdao International Beer Festival(青岛国际啤酒节) every year. There are many interesting places to visit in Qingdao. But Qingdao beaches are the most fantastic places.

There are nine beaches in Qingdao. No 1 Beach is the largest one, but it is not the best beach because there are too many rocks there and the sand is not the most beautiful. The best beach in Qingdao is No. 6 Beach. And it is also the longest of all the beaches and has beautiful yellow sand.

There are also a few interesting things you can do near the beaches, such as visiting Lu Xun Park, eating sea food in a restaurant or visiting Qingdao Polar Ocean World.

Many People prefer to visit Qingdao Polar Ocean World. There you can see lots of animals from the sea, such as whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions and polar bears. It’s so great and interesting that every year lots of people, especially children must come here when they visit Qingdao.

1.Why isn’t No. 1 Beach the best one?

A. Because there are too many rocks there.

B. Because it is the longest of all the beaches.

C. Because few people like to go there.

D. Because the beach is dirty there.

2.What can you do near the beaches?

A. Visit Lu Xun Park.

B. Eat sea food.

C. Go to Qingdao Polar Ocean World.

D. All of the above.

3.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Qingdao is in the southeast of Shandong Province

B. No. 6 Beach is the longest of all the beaches.

C. There are six beaches in Qingdao.

D. You can see polar bears in Qingdao Polar Ocean World.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A. Welcome to Qingdao International Beer Festival.

B. Qingdao—a beautiful seaside city.

C. Welcome to Qingdao beaches.

D. Traveling to Qingdao.



It’s normal for parents to disagree and argue from time to time. Sometimes parents stay calm when they disagree, and they give each other some time to listen and talk. But many times when parents disagree, they argue.

It’s OK for parents to argue sometimes.

It’s common for people to have different opinions, feelings, or ways to do things. Talking about these differences is the first step to solve the problem. It’s important for people in a family to be able to tell each other how they feel and what they think, although sometimes they may disagree with each other. Sometimes parents can feel so terrible about their differences that it may cause arguments.

Try to create a happy and healthy family.

If your family argue from time to time, try not to worry about it. No family is perfect. Even in the happiest home, problems will happen and people will argue. Usually the family members should know what the problems are and talk about them. Then everyone feels better and life can get back to normal.

Being part of a family means everyone should try to make life better for each other. Arguments may happen but with love, understanding, and some work, families can solve almost any problem.

1.Parents will________ when they disagree with each other most of the time.

A. talk    B. listen   C. argue   D. Leave

2.What’s the first step to solve the problem?

A.To argue with each other

B. To talk about the differences.

C. To ask the children for help.

D. To be away from each other.

3.What should you do when your parents argue?

A. Do not mind it at all.

B. Worry about it too much.

C. Run away as quickly as possible.

D. Learn about the reason of the argument.

4.What can we know from the last paragraph?

A. It’s terrible and boring for parents to argue.

B. Parents should get on well with each other.

C. Everyone should try to solve the family problems.

D. Some family problems can’t be solved forever.



Are fables(寓言故事)and fairy tales(童话故事) different or the same? They are both stories for children, but fables are stories for adults, too.

Fables are stories which are passed down from grandparents to parents and then to children. People can learn much from them. The characters are mostly animals. They can talk and act like humans. The most famous fables were written by a man called Aesop. There are many famous fables in Aesop’s Fables. The Lion and the Mouse and The Farmer and the Snake are two examples.

Fairy tales are usually stories for children. They are often about magic characters, for example, fairies and gods. Sometimes the characters are animals. We are able to enjoy these fairy tales because of the famous Brothers Grimm. They tried their best to collect these stories before people forgot. There are many fairy tales in Gimmes Fairy Tales, such as Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, The Frog Prince and Snow White.

1. _________ are the main characters in fables.

A. Humans   B. plants     C. Gods   D. Animals

2.What do the underlined works “passed down” mean in Chinese?

A.采访    B. 编辑    C. 流传   D. 回收

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. People can learn nothing from fables.

B. Children may love reading fairy tales.

C. Aesop collected fairy tales before people forgot.

D.The characters in fairy tales are all real people.

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Famous fables and fairy tales in the world.

B. The ways to collect fairy tales for kids.

C. The reasons why people can read fables.

D. Differences between fables and fairy tales.




Oxfam, started in 1942, is run by volunteers. It sells used clothes, shoes, toys and so on. It helps by sending money to communities and organizations. It organizes(组织) training to help people learn new skills or sets up workshops to let people talk about their problems and find solutions(解决办法) together. It helps people to help themselves.

The story of the world’s largest private charity begins with a news article about the poor people in the developing countries. A couple read it and the husband sent it to his father, with words “Dad, maybe we can do something about this.” Then the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation started in this way in 2000.

UNICEF started after the Second World War in 1946. At that time, there were many homeless children. UNICEF gave them food, milk and clothes. Today UNICEF works in 191 countries and regions(地区). It gives children clean water, food and schools. It works to improve children’s health and lives all around the world.


1.How does Oxfam get money to help others?

A. By organizing some competitions

B. By selling used things.

C. By asking from rich people.

D. By providing training.

2.What can we know about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation from the passage?

A. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is run by volunteers

B. It started with a news article about women in the developing countries.

C. A girl read the news story and told it to his father.

D. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation started in 2000.

3.Who does UNICEF help?

A. Women.      B. The disabled.

C. Children.   D. The old.




scare, look, shouted, neighbor, inside, quick, interesting, like, love, that

Long long ago, there was a man called Ye Gong. He told everyone that he loved everything 1.___about dragons, such as the pictures, the stories and even the colors. He loved dragons so much 2._______ there were dragons on his clothes, his bed and his cups. Even his 3._____all knew Ye Gong loved dragons very much. One day, a real dragon in the sky came to know that there was a man 4._______ him a lot. The dragon was very excited and flew from the clouds to have a5._____at Ye Gong. He wanted to see what the man looked 6.______. When the dragon kept his head out of Ye Gong’s window and looked7._______his room, Ye Gong suddenly cried out. He felt very 8.______and stood up from his chair, and9.______ loudly, Dragon! Dragon! Then he 10.______ran away. From that day, everyone knew that Ye Gong didn’t love the real dragons at all.They all laughed.

If you love something, you should love it from inside of your heart instead of just bragging(吹嘘)around.



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