满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

________ woman over there is ________ po...

________ woman over there is ________ popular teacher in our school.

A. A , a     B.The , a     C.The ,the          D.A, the


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:那边那个女人是在我们学校受欢迎的一位老师。根据句意及题干分析第一空“那边那个女人”是特指,所以用定冠词the;第二空“受欢迎的一位老师”是泛指,所以用不定冠词a,故选B。 考点:考查冠词的用法  











课外阅读extra-curricular reading

Dear Helen’

Thank you for your email. Now I would like to tell you something


Best wishes!


Li Hua





Failure is what often happens. It is everywhere in our life. Students may fail in exams, scientists may fail in their research work, and players may fail in competitions. (A) Although failure happens to everyone, but different people’s attitudes(态度) towards failure are different.

(B)Some people don’t think that their failure is an important thing at all. So they pay no attention to it. As a result, they will have the same failure later. Some people think they themselves are fools and lose their hearts in everything after they get a failure. Then they(C) _     their time and energy on useless things. At last, they may really be fools as they have thought.

Other people are quite different from these two kinds of people mentioned above. Instead of being hopeless and lost, they draw a lesson from every failure and become more experienced. (D) they, after, will, hard, in, work, be, the, successful, end. So we should draw a lesson from every failure and become more experienced.



3.在( C )处的横线上填上一个单词


5.请给短文用英语拟一个适当的标题 ________________________________





Traveling is a relaxing and pleasant activity. Do you want to travel? If you do, you’d better pay attention to these things:

1.    Before going on a trip, you need to decide where to go. You won’t have fun if you go to a place where you don’t like to go. This is very important if you take a trip.

2.    During the traveling, you need to communicate with the local people at times. If you learn about their customs, you will get on well with them easily.

3.    No matter (无论) where to go, you’d better know about the weather there. When the weather is too hot or too cold, you’d better not go there. And you should know if it is often rainy, cloudy or sunny.

4.   During the traveling, you can enjoy different diets. You should pay attention to the sanitation (n.卫生). Keeping healthy is very important. Don’t go to some places alone. This is also important.

In a word, traveling is very exciting.    5.

A. Choose the right time to go.

B. Choose the place you like to go.

C. Prepare for it carefully, and you will feel the pleasure of traveling.

D. Learn about the customs of the local people.

E. Pay attention to health and safety.

F. Let’s go to the place.






Making friends is a skill. Like most skills, you can improve it if you are patient. If you want to meet people and make friends, you must be willing to take action. You must first go where there are people. You wont make friends staying home1. a _______. Joining a club or a group, talking to those who like the same things as you do is much 2.e_______. Or join someone in some activity.

Many people are n 3.________when talking to new people. After all, meeting strangers means seeing the unknown. And its human nature to feel a bit unpleasant about the unknown. 4. M__________of fears about dealing with new people come from doubts (怀疑) about ourselves. We imagine other people are judging us—finding us too tall or too short, too this or too that. But don’t forget that they must be feeling the 5.s_________way. Try to accept 6.y__________as you are, and try to make others feel at home. You’ll all feel more comfortable.

Try to be brave even if you don’t feel that way when you7. e________ a room full of strangers. Walk tall and straight, look 8.d ____________at other people and smile.

If you see someone you’d like to speak to, say something. Don’t wait for the 9.o______ person to start a conversation.

Just meeting someone new does not mean that you’ll make friends with that person. Friendship is based on mutual (相互的) likings and “give and take”. It10. t________time and effort (精力)for us to develop friendship. And there are things that stop a new friendship from growing.



Childhood is a time of fun and games. Many people still remember when they were young, they often played games like hide-and-seek and chess. Playing teaches children how to get with others, and it also helps to exercise the mind and body. However, children today spend most of their time in front of the computer, playing video games.

A recent survey found that in the US. Children between 8 and 12 spend at least 13 hours a week playing video games or "gaming". Boys of this age spend even more time, almost 16 hours a week. Although some people will say that gaming is helpful, it brings many problems as well.

One big problem is that kids who spend most of their time on games might have difficulty communicating with real people. They might have trouble sharing and resolving (解决) problems because they do not practice these skills when sitting alone at a computer.

Another problem is about health. Game players usually sit for hours without doing any exercise. And they might not eat healthily. As a result, they might be out of shape.

Next, game players might have trouble with their lessons. Many of them spend more time playing games than working on their homework. In the end, they fail in the exams.

Finally, it is always possible that the gamers become addicted. Some people play four or five hours a day or even all day. This happened to a 28 - year - old Korean man. He spent about 50 hours playing an online game without sleeping or eating well. He died while gaming!

This is one example of the dangers of video gaming. It tells us that video gaming, like everything else, should not be done too much. A few hours a week should not hurt, but several hours a day just might be dangerous to your health.

1.Children of 8 to 12 in the US spend at least _________ hours a week playing video games.

A.13   B.16   C.28     D.50

2.How many problems about playing video games are mentioned in the passage?

A.Two.   B.Three.   C.Four.   D.Five.

3.If game players spend lots of time playing games without doing their homework, they might __________.

A.become ill

B.lose their friends

C.die at once

D.get lower grades at school

4.What does the underlined word “addicted” mean in Chinese?

A.悲伤    B.无聊   C.成瘾    D.沮丧

5.What does the writer want to tell us by writing this passage?

A.Video gaming has quite a lot of advantages.

B.Video gaming might be a dangerous thing.

C.Childhood is a time of fun and games.

D.Children should learn how to get along with others.



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