满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Jill and Anna were tired, but _______ of...

Jill and Anna were tired, but _______ of them stopped to have a rest.

A. either               B. neither

C. both                 D. none


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:Jill和Anna都累了,但是他们两个都没有停下来休息。此题考查代词,A两者中的任何一个;B两者都不;C两个都;D三个,三个以上都不。根据句意,应选B。 考点:考查代词。  

–_______ is it from here to the airport?

–About forty kilometers.

A. How much                B. How high

C. How wide                D. How far



–Will the air in our city get cleaner?

–_______. Everybody likes clean air.

A. I hope so                B. Never mind

C. Here you are            D. Me, too



______ of the land in that area ______ covered with golden yellow flowers at this time of year.

A. Three fifths, is         B. Three fifth, is

C. Three fifth, are         D. Three fifths, are



—What do you think of the 3D-printed ______?

—I’m afraid they are not safe enough to live in.

A. tools             B. buildings

C. cars              D. toys




There are lots of good things for children about having and caring for pets. Playing with or cuddling pets is part of the fun of having them. But there are some things to remember if you want to keep yourself safe.

1.Always wash your hands (1) playing with a pet, and be careful especially  (1)  eating, in case any germs(细菌) have got onto your fingers.

2.Don’t let pets lick your face -they may have been licking somewhere unmentionable just before they lick you! If they do lick your face, don’t be afraid-soap and water will get rid of any nasty germs.

3.Pets get worms and fleas. They need to be treated regularly to keep them healthy. Animal fleas can bite you.

4.Some skin diseases such as ringworm can be spread to humans from dogs and cats.[Ringworm is not really a worm; it is a skin infection caused by tinea.]

5. Some people can be allergic to animal hair or dander. They might get fever or asthma if they get too close to some pets.

It sounds like a lot of problems. doesn’t it? (2)But if you take care, pets can be great fun and not cause any problems. The important thing for us is to clean up. Regularly clean up after your pet in the garden, the cat little tray or the area where your pet lives. To avoid getting germs, wear rubber gloves and make sure that you wash your bands well after cleaning up.




3.回答问题:  What can get rid of the germs if a pet licks our face?



If you want to keep your pets fit, you need to treat them regularly.






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