满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



It was unusually quiet in the emergency room (急救室)  on December

I was the nurse on duty. A woman and four small children 1.up at my desk.

The mother said they were all sick. But when I asked for more information about their illnesses. none of them could tell me2. .

I was sure something was wrong, but I didn't say anything.

I explained that it might be a few minutes 3. the doctor could see me. She replied, "Take your time. It's warm here. "

I looked down and checked the form that she had finished. N0 4. they were homeless. The waiting room was warm. Something was clear in5. mind.  The family were gathering by the Christmas tree. The 6. one was pointing at the TV and talking about something to his mother. The oldest one was 7. at an ornament (装饰物 ) on the Christmas tree.

I entered my office and took out the 8.that I prepared for my children. Some food drinks I collected 9. other offices were also put on the table next to the Christmas tree. I asked the family to get together, eating, singing, dancing and sharing the gifts. We all had a warm and happy Christmas.

10. , as the family left, the little 4-year-old boy gave me a hug and whispered(低声的  说)," Thanks for being our angel(天使)today ! "


1.showed 2.clearly 3.before 4.address 5.my 6.youngest 7.looking 8.gifts 9.from 10.Later 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:该短文描述了圣诞节夜间发生在候诊室的一个故事。当值班的护士正百无聊赖时,一位母亲和她的四个孩子出现在候诊室。她们谎称自己是来看病,后来细心的护士发现了她们是无家可归时,联合同事们和这一家五口人过了一个特殊的圣诞节。 1.。show up出现,露面。 2.他们中没有一个人能和我说清楚病情。结合所给词汇可知该填写clearly,清晰地。 3.过几分钟医生会过来看你们。结合所给词汇可知该填写before,在……之前。 4.根据they were homeless得知他们是没有地址。结合所给词汇可知该填写address。 5.这些事情在我的头脑中是很清楚的。in one’s mind,在头脑中。结合所给词汇可知该填写my,我的。 6.下文提到了The oldest,结合所给词汇可知该填写youngest,最年轻的,年龄最小的。 7.look at,看。 8.根据I asked the family to get together, eating, singing, dancing and sharing the gifts可以看出我把为我的孩子准备的礼物给了他们。结合所给词汇可知该填写gifts,礼物。 9. 。collect from从……收集。 10. 4岁的小男孩给了我一个拥抱,并低声说 “谢谢,你是我们的天使!”结合所给词汇可知该填写Later之后,后来。 考点:短文填空。

You can find many ______ about famous film star on the Internet.

A. news                B. pictures

C. tickets            D. information



I think you should communicate more with Bill . Then he won’t feel ________.

A. leave out         B. happy

C. left out          D. excited



Could you please tell me ______ at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi?

A. how many gold medals did Chinese athletes win

B. Chinese athletes won how many gold medals.

C. did how many Chinese athletes win gold medals

D. how many gold medals Chinese athletes won



The girl in the classroom ______ be Maria.  She called me from the library just now.

A. mustn't              B. may not

C. can't                 D. needn't



The students in this school are made_______ school uniforms on Monday.

A.to wear           B.wearing

C.wear             D.worn



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