满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读理解。 Do you believe that you aren’t sma...


Do you believe that you aren’t smarter than 3-year-old Alexis Martin, one of the youngest members of the high IQ club Mensa? Preschooler (学龄前的) Alexis’s IQ is 159, which is only one point lower than Stephen Hawking’s. Doctors say the average IQ of a person is about 100.

She learned to read at the age of 2. She reads at a fifth grade level and has taught herself Spanish on her parents iPad! Now, she is a member of the Mensa Club, which only accepts people with an IQ within the top two per cent of people in the world!

Alexis father, Ian Martin, said he first realized Alexis was special when she was 12 months old. She could recite (背诵) bedtime stories. “We’d be driving around in the car and she would recite her bedtime stories from the night before. She didn’t just recite them, and she recited them exactly.”Alexis father would try to trick her and say that her story went a different way, but she always corrected him. Most 12-month-old children take their first steps on their own and most 18-month-olds can only name a small number of objects and body parts, and follow simple two-step questions.

Even though Alexis is a genius (天才), her parents are faced with lots of challenges like how to teach her to make friends of her own age.

“Will she go into kindergarten early? We are kind of hesitant (迟疑的) because we do want her to get to that social world,” Ian said.

1. Alexis Martin is a girl who _____________.

A. has many hobbies                B. has a high IQ

C. is good at telling stories     D. likes reading

2. According to the report, Stephen Hawking’s IQ is as high as ___________.

A. 158          B. 159

C. 160          D. 101

3.Alexis Martin could recite bedtime stories at ____________.

A. the age of 2                B. the age of 1

C. one and a half years old     D. the age of 3

4.What would Alexis do when her father said her bedtime stories went a different way?

A. She would refuse to listen.

B. She would try to recite it.

C. She would correct him.

D. She would laugh at it.

5.Which of the following statements about Alexis is NOT true?

A. She is accepted by the Mensa Club.

B. She has made a lot of friends.

C. She learned to read at the age of 2.

D. She learned a foreign language by herself.


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文作者给我们介绍了Alexis Martin的事情,她是门萨高智商俱乐部最年轻的成员之一。在学龄前Alexis’s智商是159,两岁时她就学着读书了Alexis’ father,说在她十二个月的时候,就意识到Alexis很特殊。尽管Alexis是天才但是他的父母亲面对许多挑战。 1. 细节理解题。根据短文第一段可知,one of the youngest members of the high IQ club Mensa她是门萨高智商俱乐部最年轻的成员之一。故应选B。 2. (学龄前的) Alexis’s IQ is 159, which is only one point lower than Stephen Hawking’s.,学龄前Alexis’s的IQ是159,比Stephen Hawking’s IQ低1点,故应选C。 3. 细节理解题。根据短文第三段可知,Alexis’ father, Ian Martin, said he first realized Alexis was special when she was 12 months old. She could recite (背诵) bedtime stories.十二个月她就能背诵睡前故事,十二个月正好是一年,故应选B。 4. 推理判断题。根据短文第三段可知,Alexis’ father would try to trick her and say that her story went a different way, but she always corrected him.,Alexis的父亲骗她说,她的故事朝着不同方向去了,但是Alexis总是纠正他。故应选C。 5. 主旨理解题。根据one of the youngest members of the high IQ club Mensa,她是门萨高智商俱乐部最年轻的成员之一,故A正确。She learned to read at the age of 2.,故C正确She reads at a fifth grade level and has taught herself Spanish on her parents’ iPad!,故D正确。故选B。 考点:故事类短文阅读。


通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

When I was in the third grade, I was chosen to be the princess in the school play. For weeks my mother had helped me practise my words. But once on the stage, every word _______ from my head. Then my teacher asked me to change my role to be a narrator (解说者) for the play. ______ I didn’t tell my mother what had happened that day, she noticed my ______ and asked if I wanted to take a walk in the garden.

It was a lovely spring day. We could see dandelions (蒲公英) coming out ______ the grass in bunches (束). I watched my mother bend down by one of the bunches. “I think I’ll remove all these weeds (野草),” she said. “From now on, we’ll ______ have roses in this garden.”

“But I like dandelions,” I said. “All flowers are ______ even dandelions!”

My mother looked at me seriously. “Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesn’t it?” she asked thoughtfully. I nodded(点头). “And the same as ______ ,” she said.

When I ______ that she had guessed my pain, I started to cry and told her the truth. “But you will be a wonderful narrator,” she said,______ me of how much I loved to read stories aloud.

Thanks to my mother’s encouragement, I got to know everybody had his or her own ______ in the world. I felt proud of the role in the play.

1.A. developed      B. left          C. failed          D. disappeared

2.A. If           B. Because       C. Though          D. Since

3.A. difficulty     B. mistake      C. danger          D. unhappiness

4.A. through        B. past      C. beyond         D. behind

5.A. hardly          B. only       C. still          D. also

6.A. harmless       B. healthy     C. beautiful     D. fresh

7.A. students        B. people       C. flowers        D. teachers

8.A. remembered     B. realized      C. explained      D. promised

9.A. representing   B. complaining C. recommending    D. reminding

10.A. prize         B. progress    C. value           D. interest



We _________wait until the traffic light turns green when we cross the road.

A. must             B. can

C. need            D. may



I wonder if this smart phone is Mary’s.

It _______ belong to her. _______ is totally different from this one.

A. mustn’t; Her           B. can’t; Her

C. can’t; Hers           D. may; Hers



_______ have you lived in Lanzhou?

Since my parents found jobs here.

A. How long            B. How far

C. How soon            D. How old



Helen is friendly and she always has a smile _____ her face.

A. on            B. with

C. at               D. for



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