满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--I saw you came to school by taxi this ...

--I saw you came to school by taxi this morning.

--Oh, I_______ come to school by taxi, but it is raining today.

A.sometimes          B.always

C.hardly             D.usually


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:---我今天早上看到你乘出租车来的学校。---我几乎不乘出租车来学校,但是今天下雨了。A有时候;B总是;C几乎不;D通常;根据句意,故选C。 考点:考查频率副词。  

Excuse me. Could you please tell me ______ my car?

—Sure. Park it right here. I’ll help you.

A. how to stop          B. where to stop

C. where to park       D. when to park



People can visit Tiansheng Bridge without paying money ______June 13, 2015.

A. for              B. on

C. in              D. at



The houses in big cities are so expensive that I can’t __________ to buy one .

A. afford             B. choose

C. decide            D. Give



I am so sorry that I forgot to bring any food with me. And it’s kind of you to share _____with me.

A. us              B. ours

C. you              D. yours




Too many people want others to be their friends, but they don’t give friendship back. That is why some friendships don’t last very long. To have a friend, you must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you. Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules: be honest; be generous; be understanding.

Honesty is where a good friendship starts. Friends must be able to trust one another. If you don’t tell the truth, people usually find out. If a friend finds out that you haven’t been honest, you may lose your friend’s trust. Good friends always count on one another to speak and act honestly.

Generosity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow. You don’t have to give your lunch money or your clothes, or enjoyments, like your hobbies and your interests. Naturally you will want to share your ideas and feelings. These can be very valuable to a friend. They tell your friend what is important to you. By sharing them, you help your friend know you better.

Sooner or later everyone needs understanding and help with a problem. Something may go wrong at school. Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve. Turning to a friend can be a first step in solving the problem. So to be a friend you must listen and understand. You must try to put yourself in your friend’s place so you can understand the problem better.

No two friendships are ever exactly alike. But all true friendships have three things in common. If you plan to keep your friendships, you must practice honesty, generosity and understanding.

1. Some friendships don’t last very long because_______.

A. they don’t know friendship is something serious

B. there are too many people who want to make friends

C. those who give others friendships receive friendships from others

D. those who never give others friendships receive no friendship from others

2.According to the passage, honesty is________.

A. something countable

B. the base of a friendship

C. as important as money

D. more important than anything else

3.Which of the following is NOT true in the passage?

A. Always tell your friend the truth.

B. Sharing your mind with your friend is of great value.

C. A friend who gives you his lunch money is a true friend.

D. Discussing your problems with your friend often helps to solve the problem.

4. What does the word “them” refer to in the third paragraph?

A. your ideas and feelings.

B. your hobbies and interests.

C. your lunch money and clothes.

D. your clothes and enjoyments.

5.The best title of this passage is________.

A. How to Be a Friend

B. Honesty Is the Best Habit

C. Three Important Points in Life

D. A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed



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