满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读理解。 “How many common English words wer...


“How many common English words were invented by Shakespeare?”

How long did it take people to find the answer to this question 15 years ago? And now! you can google it and find the answer immediately!

Google is the most popular Internet search engine in the world. It was invented by two students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They met in 1993, when they were studying computer science at Stanford University, USA. They dreamed of producing something that could also answer any question in seconds.

Internet search engines at that time were slow and gave many websites that weren't useful. In January 1996, Page and Brin decided to make a better and faster search engine. They thought the results should be based on the most popular websites.

Nobody would give them money for their project, so they used their own money. They also borrowed money from family and friends. Then, in 1998, they were given a cheque for $100,000, and they started their own company. Their first office was in a friend's garage. The company's name is Google, a word which comes from mathematics. A “google” is a very high number----1 followed by a hundred zeros.

The google search engine was soon used by thousands of people worldwide because it was fast, easy and correct. By 2002 it was the biggest search engine on the Internet. Now, more questions have been answered by Google than any other Internet service, from sport to science, and from music to medicine. Google hopes that in the future all the world's information will be put on the Internet, so that everybody can find everything.

1.Why did the writer begin this passage by asking you a question?

A. Because he or she liked to begin this passage by asking readers a question.

B. Because he or she was afraid that the readers didn't know this question.

C. Because he or she wanted to make the readers interested in this passage.

D. Because Shakespeare is one of the most famous people in the world.

2.The underline word“cheque”in the fifth paragraph means ________.

A.楼房        B.帐单

C.订单           D.支票

3.From the passage we know that at the beginning of their project,______.

A. there was not any search engine on the Internet.

B. nobody supported them except their family and friends.

C. Larry Page and Sergey Brin dreamed to answer any question.

D. one of the most popular websites gave them a cheque for $100,000.

4.Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Now the Google search engine is widely used in the world.

B. The google search engine was not the biggest one before 2002.

C. Larry Page and Sergey Brin named google after a hundred zeros.

D. The service of the Google search engine is very popular.

5.The passage mainly tells us ________.

A. the development of the Google search engine.

B. about Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

C. how to find information on the Internet.

D. how to use the Google search engine.


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要以时间为主线,详细介绍了谷歌搜索引擎的发展历史。 1.根据短文的描述可知,这是一种写作手法,主要为了引起读者的兴趣。结合选项可知应C。 2.根据上文 “They also borrowed money from family and friends.”和下文“and they started their own company.”的描述可知,此单词与钱有关,答案为D。 3.根据文中“Nobody would give them money for their project, so they used their own money. They also borrowed money from family and friends.”的描述可知,这里指的是只能从家人和朋友那里借钱,故选B。 4.根据短文“The company's name is Google, a word which comes from mathematics. A “google” is a very high number---- 1 followed by a hundred zeros.”的描述可知,选项C的叙述不符合原文内容,故应选C。 5.阅读全文得知,这篇短文主要讲述了谷歌搜索引擎的发展历史。结合选项可知应选A。 考点:文化类短文阅读。


通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

One day, a boy had a fight with one of his classmates. Then he went to his _____and told him his story angrily. “He is really bad,” the boy said, “and I _____ him.”

The grandfather said, ______ me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I too, sometimes hated others for what they did. …..”

As the boy ______ carefully, the grandfather went on, “There are always two tigers inside my heart. One is ______ and kind. He gets on well ______ everything around him. But ______ is bad and unfriendly. Even the smallest thing will make him angry. He fights with everyone all the time, and for no reason. He can’t think carefully ______ he always hates others. It is difficult to live with these two tigers inside my heart. They both try to control(控制) me.

The boy looked into his grandfather’s ______ and asked, “______ tiger always controls you, Grandfather?”

The old man said slowly and seriously, “The one that I feed. I always feed the good and kind tiger, so I never hate others and seldom get angry now.

1.A. mother      B. father      C. teacher     D. grandfather

2.A. love         B. hate        C. know         D. enjoy

3.A. Make       B. Help      C. Let       D. Ask

4.A. saw          B. felt        C. talked       D. listened

5.A. good         B. bad       C. lazy        D. quiet

6.A. at           B. on        C. with        D. about

7.A. other        B. others      C. another       D. the other

8.A. because      B. though    C. before        D. but

9.A. eyes         B. ears        C. nose        D. mouth

10.A. Who       B. Which     C. Where         D. When



---Why are you so worried?

---I’ve lost the watch   my dad bought me on my birthday.

A. whom                 B. who

C. whose               D. which



The photo _____ taken by my brother last week is very nice.

A. which were          B. that is

C. that were               D. which was



---Can you tell me __________?

---Sure. He lives on Center Street.

A. where does he live           B. where he lives

C. why he lives there            D. what does he do



I think the first lesson       we are learning is very easy.

A. that              B. where

C. who               D. when



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