满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Driving in rush hour traffic ______ be v...

Driving in rush hour traffic ______ be very dangerous, so you _____ be too careless.

A. should; ought to         B. could; should

C. might; mustn’t          D. can; can’t


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:在交通高峰时段开车会很危险,因此你不能太粗心。A. should; ought to应该;应该;B. could; should 可能,应该;C. might; mustn’t可能,不准;D. can; can’t能,不能。交通高峰时开车危险,不能太粗心,故选D。 考点:考查情态动词。  

I think sixteen-year –olds should not be allowed to drive.

___________. They aren’t serious enough at the age.

A. I agree .                B. What a pity.

C. I don’t think so .       D. I’m not sure.



—David has made great progress this term .

—So he has and            .

A. so you have          B. so have you

C. So are you           D. So you are



Where can I find some pictures _______ I can use in my English class ?

Well , you can find them on the Internet . .

A. which            B. who

C. what.              D. whom



I feel very happy that I _________ to be the host .

Congratulations .

A. choose               B. am chosen

C. was chosen          D. have chosen



The old man ________ to live with his wife ,but now he is used to __________ by himself after she died .

A. was used; living          B. used; living

C. used; live                D. was used; live



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