满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Why are you so happy, Jim? —Because the...

—Why are you so happy Jim?

—Because there       a basketball match between my favourite teams today.

A. is going to have B. are going to be

C. is going to be   D. are going to have


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-吉姆,你为什么那么高兴呢?-因为今天有一场我最喜欢的球队之间的篮球赛。这是一个there be结构,there be结构的将来时,动词一定得是“be”,A,D错。句子主语match是三人称单数,谓语用单数。故选C。 考点:考查there be结构。  

Children love pandas but sometimes they are ____________. Dont stand near them.

A. friendly       B. lovely

C. dangerous      D. quiet



--- Hello          ?

--- This is Peter. May I speak to Amy?

A. who’re you               B. who’s that calling

C. are you Tom Green         D. who is this speaking



—Excuse me how can I get to the post office?

—Go       the bridge and turn left. Walk       the museum and you’ll see it.

A. along to     B. across past

C. past to       D. cross past



---How do you say 120,608 in English?


A. one hundred and twenty, six hundred and eight

B. one hundred and twenty thousands six hundred and eight

C. one hundred and twenty thousand six hundred and eight

D. one hundred, twenty thousand six hundred and eight



---_________ is it to your home town from here?

---Well, it takes three hours to get there by car.

A. How soon       B. How much        C. How long        D. How far



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