满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

短文填词。 Have you ever tried the “Magic Cub...


Have you ever tried the “Magic Cube”(魔方) ? Pick up one of these cubes and you probably won’t be able to p1. it down. How hard can it be to rearrange(重新安排) the nine little squares on each s2. of the cube? In fact, there are millions of possibilities! It has been over 30 years s_3. the cube first hit the market(上市). However, not many people know that it was used just a_4. a simple classroom model at the beginning.

In 1974, Mr. Erno Rubik i5. the “Magic Cube” as he called it. He did this to help his students to u_6.difficult 3D concepts(概念). This classroom example was quickly turned into a p 7.toy. In 1979, Ideal Toys started to sell it as “Rubik’s Cube”. The invention quickly became a 1980s cultural  icon.(文化偶像)

As time went by, the cube once lost i8. attractive qualities. However, it made a comeback with the internet. Now anyone can go online and find many videos that show w9.to solve the cube. Erik Akkersdijk of the Netherlands holds the world r10. now. He finished in just 7.08 seconds!


1.put 2.side 3.since 4.as 5.invented 6.understand 7.popular 8.its 9.ways 10.record 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了魔方很神奇,至今仍是一种流行的有难度的游戏,然而你知道它的历史吗?本文介绍了它的起源与发展的情况。。 1. down表示放下;根据句意:拿起一个立方体,你可能无法放它下来。故应填:put 。 2.根据句意:在每个魔方的小格上,重新安排能有多难重新排列?结合所给首字母提示可知应填:side 。 3.根据句意可知魔方体上市已经超过30年了。根据题意是引导现在完成时故用since;结合首字母提示可知应填:since 4.根据语境可知句意为:然而,很多人不知道它仅仅是用一个简单的课堂模式。结合首字母提示可知应填:as。 5.根据语境可知句意为:1974,Erno Rubik先生发明的它把它称为魔方,结合所给首字母提示可知应填:invented。 6.根据语境可知句意为:他这样做是为了帮助他的学生理解难的3D概念。结合所给首字母提示可知,这里应填:understand 7.根据语境可知这里指的是这间教室的例子很快变成了一个受欢迎的玩具。结合所给首字母提示可知应填:popular。 8.根据语境可知这里是指随着时间的推移,立方体一旦失去它的吸引力。结合首字母提示可知应填:its。 9.根据语境可知这里是指现在任何人都可以在网上找到很多视频显示破解魔方的方法。。结合首字母提示可知应填:ways。 10.根据语境可知这里指的是荷兰的埃里克现在拥有世界的记录。结合所给首字母提示可知应填:record。 考点:短文填空。

It’s necessary for us _________ to our parents when we have problems.

A. to talk                 B. talking

C. talk                    D. talks



–Do you have any plans for this Sunday?

--I’m not sure. I ______ go to the countryside to see my grandmother.

A. can            B. must

C. may            D. need



–Why didn’t you buy any bread?

--Sorry, I _____.

A. forget                B. forgot

C. remember              D. remembered



The final exam is very important. We must treat it _______.

A.serious                B.seriously

C.careless               D.carelessly



---- Sir, Jenny wants to know when she can leave the office.

----- Only when she ______ copying this report.

A.finishes             B.finish

C.finished               D.will finish



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