满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

There _____a football game between China...

There _____a football game between China and Japan tomorrow evening.

A. has                   B. is going to be

C. will have            D. is going to have


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:明天晚上有一场中国队和日本队的足球赛。根据tomorrow evening可知该用一般将来时。此句是一个There be结构的句型。所以选B。 考点:考查There be句型。  

This box is________heavy for the little boy________move.

A.to,too             B.too,to

C.to,to             D.too,too



We will be late for class________we take a taxi there.

A.when                 B.and

C.unless              D.because



Our math teacher is really________.We all like him very much.

A.lazy                B.understanding

C.unfriendly           D.scary



—You made to many________in your homework.

—Sorry,sir,I'll be more careful.

A.mistakes             B.preparations

C.ideas                 D.events








Easter(复活节) is a popular festival in western countries. On this day, people1. the resurrection(复活) of Jesus Christ(耶稣基督). Easter is on a Sunday 2.. March 22 and April 25. People also give 3.. eggs to each other. It is said that Earth comes from an egg. In England people write messages and dates on their eggs and give 4.. to friends or loved ones.

On this day, we can usually find a rabbit. It is called the Easter Bunny. The rabbit visits 5.. on Easter Sunday. It often leaves some candies and eggs. On Easter Sunday morning, children always get up6.. to find these candies and eggs all around the house. In fact, their 7.. buy them the candies and hide their eggs.

Have you heard of the story of the Easter Bunny’s visit? It 8. from Germany. In the story, a poor woman hid eggs. She asked her children 9..for them. When the children found the eggs, they 10. a big rabbit running away.



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