满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据下列句子意思或汉语和英语单词提示,写出各单词的正确形式;每空只写一词。 1....


1. Laura is going to            (组织)a welcome party for her friends.

2. Luckily, I have a very            (善解人意的)boss.

3.It was            (粗心的)of him to leave the door unlocked.

4. You’ve got a lot of            经验)of teaching.

5.We are going to have a            (会议)next week.

6. He fell ill last week. This week he feels even _________ (bad).

7.There were many famous ___________ (predict) that never came true.

8.I am sure she did ___________ (good) in the last exam.

9.The station was ________ (crowd) and Linda couldn’t see Tom anywhere.

10. She said that she __________ (forget) to ask him for his address.


1.organize 2.understanding 3.careless 4.experience 5.meeting 6.worse 7.predictions 8.well 9.crowed 10.forgot 【解析】 试题分析: 1. going to 后面,故用动词原形organize。句意:Laura将要为她的朋友们组织一个欢迎会。 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. well in做得好,故此处为副词well。句意:我却醒她在上次考试中做得好。 9. 10. 考点:单词拼写。

I don’t know if she          next month. If she          , let me know.

A. comes; comes           B. will come; comes

C. comes; will come      D. will come; will come




“Who won the match          ?” he asks.

A. in the end              B. in the end of

C. at the end of           D. at the end



We          go to climb mountains if it          rain tomorrow.

A. don’t; isn’t          B. don’t; is

C. will; doesn’t          D. aren’t; doesn’t



We’re having a picnic. Why not come and          us?

A. join                B. join in

C. take part          D. take part in



—How do you go to the meeting?

—I’ll          a taxi.

A. by                B. on

C. in                D. take



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