满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

﹣Don't be angry with your kid when he ma...

﹣Don't be angry with your kid when he makes a mistake again,will you?

﹣No,I won't.I know  that ______of us  are perfect after all.

A.none   B.neither    C.each      D.all


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:﹣当你的孩子再犯错时,不要生他的气,好吗?﹣好的,我不会生气的,毕竟我知道我们没有人是完美的。根据of us和选项,可知描述范围是us(三者以上).根据No,I won't.和perfect after all.可知我不会对他犯的错误生气,因为毕竟我们没有人是完美的.none没有人(三者或三者以上),常与of连用;neither两者都不,each每一个,all所有的.故选A。 考点:考查代词辨析的用法。  

﹣Do you know about the scientist Tu Youyou?

﹣Yes,she won the 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine because of her great______.

A.surprise   B.achievement

C.education    D.satisfaction



In Chinese,      date 5﹣20 has a similar pronunciation to“I love you”,making it ______lucky and romantic day.

A.a; the   B./; a C.the; a  D.a;/




play   actor   hard   but   member  famous  one  watch  movie  happens

Lu Han was born in 1990 in Beijing. He is 1.as a singer. He was once a2.of South

Korean group EXO. Now he is not only a singer 3. also an actor.

Do you know what his 4. movie is? It's Miss Granny. The movie is a comedy and it is about a story of a 70-year-old granny. The granny becomes twenty again after she takes a photo. After that, something interesting 5. to her.

In the movie, Lu Han 6. the role of the granny's grandson. It was his first movie. He didn't want to let his fans down. So he learned from the other 7. and practiced very 8. . The director praised(赞扬) Lu Han as a good actor." He is very hard-working and polite," said the director.

Many of his fans went to the cinema 9. the movie. They said that Miss Granny was a great 10. . "It is both interesting and touching," said one of the fans. "I think Lu Han has done a good job."




1. Laura is going to            (组织)a welcome party for her friends.

2. Luckily, I have a very            (善解人意的)boss.

3.It was            (粗心的)of him to leave the door unlocked.

4. You’ve got a lot of            经验)of teaching.

5.We are going to have a            (会议)next week.

6. He fell ill last week. This week he feels even _________ (bad).

7.There were many famous ___________ (predict) that never came true.

8.I am sure she did ___________ (good) in the last exam.

9.The station was ________ (crowd) and Linda couldn’t see Tom anywhere.

10. She said that she __________ (forget) to ask him for his address.



I don’t know if she          next month. If she          , let me know.

A. comes; comes           B. will come; comes

C. comes; will come      D. will come; will come




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